
From EVE University Wiki
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Tolbin 1024.jpg

My history in the Uni

2016.07.29 Joined the EVE University
2016.07.31 Participated in first fleet battle ever

Classes attended

2016.07.29 07:00 Intro to Mining & the AMC
2016.07.30 20:00 - UniWiki 102
2016.07.31 17:00: Introduction to the LSC
2016.07.31 20:30 - Maps. maps, maps (Dotlan) - Caught only the latter half of this. Going to attend next one.
2016.08.01 18:30 - Logistics 101


2016.07.31 19:00 Magic Merlins

What I'm working on currently

Learning the fine art of bookmarking and dipping my toes into low sec.
