Exequror Navy Issue
The Exequror Navy Issue was commissioned by Federation Navy High Command in response to the proliferation of close-range blaster vessels on the modern stellar battlefield. While it doesn't boast the speed of some of its class counterparts, this up-close-and-personal gunboat nonetheless possesses some of the more advanced hybrid plasma-coil compression subsystems available, making it a lethal adversary in any upfront engagement. SHIP BONUSES
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage and 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret rate of fire per level.
Ship Attributes
The Exequror Navy Issue is the black sheep (and not the good kind) of the Gallente ship family. It's an attempt to make a dedicated combat ship out of a ship most definitly not made for combat, and it works about as well as you would imagine. Between it's pricetag and lacking the punch of even a Vexor, this ship isn't one worth paying particular attention to.
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