The Rifter is a very powerful combat frigate and can easily tackle the best frigates out there. It has gone through many radical design phases since its inauguration during the Minmatar Rebellion. The Rifter has a wide variety of offensive capabilities, making it an unpredictable and deadly adversary. SHIP BONUSES
Minmatar Frigate Skill Bonus:
Ship Attributes
The rifter is considered by many to be the best all round t1 frigate in the game. It is fast and agile, with a balanced slot layout allowing it to be armour or shield tanked and fit for tackle or damage dealing. Its bonused weapon system uses no capacitor, allowing it to deal damage and defend itself from drones without compromising its ability to hold tackle.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Rifter for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Recommended Certificates
- Core Competency Basic
- Armour Tanking Basic
- Frigate Projectile Turrets Basic
Generic Eve Uni Fittings
These fittings were designed by Unistas to help a new eve player, as a consequence they are designed to be a fit that is quick to get into and cheap to fly, not necessairly the best.
For Tackling in a Rifter, spiraling is key. The ship is agile and fast enough that a pilot can use a standard spiral with a MWD. The only concern will be on final approach (30 km or so) to pulse the MWD so that the increased signature radius doesn't come in to play as much. If the ship is AB fit, the pilot may consider tightening the Spiral slightly, risking a little more (but still tankable) damage in order to decrease closing time.
Both of these techniques are elaborated in the EVE uni guide to tackling
Solo PVP
The Rifter is an excellent ship for rookie pilots to learn their trade in due to the ship's endurance and it's low cost.
The Rookie Rifter guide nothing more needs to be said aside from reference to this excellent piece of work.
In Uni blobs
Mainly used in a tackling role. Focus is therefore on EITHER a MWD or an AB - MWD for sheer speed but at increased sig radius, AB provides a speed boost without the penalty to the increase sig radius, It is much a matter of personal preference but bear in mind that a MWD makes you a whole world easier to target!
For more on tackling please see: EVE uni guide to tackling
This vessel qualifies for the University Ship Replacement Program, PYOS, and BYOM.