The Retriever is the medium-sized version of a ship class designed by the ORE Syndicate to facilitate the advancement of the mining profession to a new level. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining modules. Coupled with a sizable cargo hold and a godly drone bay, this makes them extremely efficient ore extraction vessels. SHIP BONUSES
Mining Barge Skill Bonus:
Ship Attributes
The Retriever is a very popular mining barge, and usually the first mining barge a player will own. It fits 2 strip miners, which mine considerably faster than regular mining lasers. It has the drone bay to support 5 light drones, which are normally used for defence rather than for mining drones, as the barge has no possibility of fitting other weaponry.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Retriever for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
No tagged fittings for Retriever.
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This vessel qualifies for the University PYOS, BYOM, and Miner Loaner Fleet programs.