The Impairor-class frigate has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common spacevessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport. SHIP BONUSES
Ship Attributes
The Impairor is the Amarr Rookie Ship. This ship is given free of charge to Amarr players who, while flying the pod, dock at a station at which they have no ship. It has no blueprint and cannot be manufactured or reprocessed.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Impairor for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Dual Modal Pulse Laser I
Dual Modal Pulse Laser I
Cap Recharger I
Limited 1MN Afterburner I
Small Armor Repairer I
Pseudoelectron Containment Field I
Hobgoblin I x1
Multifrequency S x2

- A basic set-up, useful for running level 1 missions and tutorial.
- This fit requires lvl V skills.
- Before fleet boosts, this ship has 1.3 K EHP, flies at 893 m/s (1153 m/s with AB overheated) and align in 5 s (3.5 s with AB off). The capacitor will last for 1 min 1 s.
- Damage is 58 dps at 3.1 + 1.9 km with Multifrequency crystals
Non-Amarr ship collectors can obtain a copy of this ship by visiting an Amarr starting station and completing Aura's tutorial missions. Alternatively, it can be purchased from the market or obtained via contract from another player.
Ironically, noob ships can be used for very important engagements. While not much of a threat in the field and without any tank, the Impairor can be Alpha'd (destroyed in one shot). The rookie ship can, however, be a very shiny enemy fleet's worst nightmare. Reason being its ability to hold a cyno and hot drop an entire allied fleet upon it. Beware if you are traveling with a fleet and you see a noob ship on grid with you. Try your best to blap it out of the sky (if it's a valid target) immediately or scatter. You don't want your entire fleet to be destroyed because this ship put you in a comfortable state.