A powerful strike craft that is the Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak has proven adaptable to capsuleer technology along with the other Triglavian ship designs recovered from Abyssal Deadspace. The Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons such as energy neutralizers and pulse weapons. The ship also makes use of drones and has a long-range remote repair capability. Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak SHIP BONUSES
Precursor Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Vedmak is a fast, mid-ranged, extremely high-damage attack cruiser. It is most commonly used in high-speed evasive combat, and in those contexts, it is flown most similarly to an improved Omen Navy Issue: 20-50km range, good tracking, very good damage, relatively thin armor, but very able to control its engagement range and dart in and out of enemy retaliation. Furthermore, the Vedmak features 3 utility High slots, which are commonly used for either Energy Neutralizers or Smartbombs to push away hostile interceptors or drones.
The Vedmak has lower damage and much thinner armor than its big brother the Drekavac, but also notably better speed and range, and is thus more suited to high-speed evasive fighting than close brawling. This said, the ramping damage of the Entropic Disintegrator makes Vedmaks able to seriously threaten even hostile Carriers, while still being quick and accurate enough to escape from or shoot down hostile Fighters.
Like all Triglavian combat ships, the Vedmak uses the unique Entropic Disintegrator weapon, a single turret with high damage and tracking, whose damage increases the longer it remains focused on a single target. Maximum damage is reached after 30 shots, or about two minutes. However, if the Disintegrator stops firing for any reason (manual deactivation, target lock broken, capacitor depletion, target out of range), the damage bonus is reset.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Vedmak for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
As a part of Triglavian Collective lineup, the Vedmak possesses several unique attributes that incentivize certain tactics. Spider-tanking fleets with other Traglavian ships or Logi is very effective, and its Smartbomb bonus can prove effective in PvE situations. Due to the nature of Entropic Disintegrators, staying and focusing on a single target without stopping is strongly recommended as the damage for entropic disintegrators slowly build up over time. It is strongly recommended to fit Energy Neutralizers in the surplus utility high-slots due to the strong bonus the ship receives for them.
Like all Tech 1 Triglavian subcapital ships, the Clade that designed the Vedmak, Svarog, has their name engraved atop the ship in Triglavian font (SVAROG).
Patch History
A long, long time ago... |
Version 18.08 - Build: 1792574 - Released 2020-08-25 - "Dreaded Collective" Update
October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1 Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.
Onslaught 1.1 - Released 11.14.18 (Indirect)
Onslaught 1.0 - Released 11.14.18 (Unlisted, Indirect)
Into The Abyss 1.3 - Released 05.06.18
Into The Abyss 1.0 - Released 29.05.18