Action follows form. Form follows thought. We have thought deeply on the shape of the future. The forms have been established and now is the time to act.
Role Bonus:
Ship Attributes
The Praxis is a Jovian / Society of Conscious Thought battleship. Like the other SoCT ships, it does not require any skill training to fly, and is not constructed or bought; Praxes are freely distributed to the players in celebration of significant events like EVE Online's birthday.
The Praxis is the ultimate 'jack of all trades' battleship, with a perfectly balanced (and enormous) slot layout, perfectly balanced resist profile, non-skill-based bonuses to all forms of battleship weapons, the largest hull model of any subcapital ship, and a cargohold to match. However, this flexibility comes with two sacrifices: first, in exchange for being able to do nearly anything well, a Praxis cannot do any one thing exceptionally well (i.e. it will be out-performed by other more specialized ships); and second, the Praxis is by far the slowest subcapital ship in the game.
Like all other battleships, the Praxis benefits massively from a full T2 tank, T2 drones and T2 guns, despite its seemingly low skill requirements mentioned above.
Since the Praxis lacks any kind of skill bonuses, the method of flying this battleship can vary greatly from pilot to pilot. This also means that your enemy cannot guess and attempt to counter the fitting without actually getting into combat first.
The Praxis is the only Battleship without the Battleship role bonus: 100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints, 50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoint, 5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints.
Following the release of Praxis, other three SoCT ships - The Gnosis, the Sunesis, and the Apotheosis - received a minor design change where the hulls now display the blue energy aura and beam effect the Praxis possesses.
Patch History
A long, long time ago... |
Version 20.09 Version 2022-10-11.1 Patch notes
18.04 Release - Build: 1706308 - 2020-04-15 - "Surgical Strike" Update (Patch Notes)
March 2020 Release - 2020-03-24 (Patch Notes)
October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1 Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.
March 2018 1.22 - Released 2018-05-03 (unlisted, speculative) (Presumably released). |