Designed specifically as an armor augmenter, the Oneiros provides added defensive muscle to fighters on the front lines. Additionally, its own formidable defenses make it a tough nut to crack. Breaking through a formation supported by an Oneiros is no mean feat. SHIP BONUSES
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 150% bonus to Remote Armor Repair System and Tracking Link range 20% bonus to Armor Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level
Ship Attributes
The oneiros is considered to be the weaker of the two armor repair logistic boats in regards to large fleet warfare. The lack of high slots, cap transfer ability, and lower power grid prevent it from effectively mounting and running more than two large armor repair modules at a time.
That said, in the hands of a highly skilled pilot the Oneiros can operate solo in situations that would be otherwise impossible to a lone Guardian. The hull’s high number of mid slots allows it to fit additional capacitor modules allowing it to be stable without the need of a second logistics ship. Those same mid slots also allow the ship to be more resilient against ECM attacks and possibly load one or two other utilitarian modules (such as a hacking module or Tracking Link). If fitted correctly the ship can also perma run a self repair module and give reps to others inside the fleet. The utility of having 5 medium drones allow it to field additional armor repair drones that help cover the loss of raw repping ability or fill other roles such as EWAR or Damage.
These attributes make it an excellent choice for micro fleet operations or as the sole logistics pilot for mid to high-level PVE scenarios.
As with any T2 cruiser hull, the oneiros is skill intensive and is not recomended for low skill pilots.
The ship description itself gives an excellent starting point:
- Core Competency - Standard [Certificate]
- Armor Tanking - Standard [Certificate]
- Logistics Chief - Standard [Certificate]
It is highly recommended that you acquire a few more skill sets before committing a 150 million-isk ship into a combat situation:
- Logistics IV – The heavy capacitor use of remote repair modules are difficult to overcome without this.
- Core Capacitor Elite [Certificate] – Capacitor skills are critical to logi pilots
- High Velocity Helmsman Standard [Certificate] – Allows for the use of Afterburners and ensures good align times
Additional Tanking / Fitting skills:
- Hull Upgrades V – To Fit T2 armor tank modules
- Armor Compensation skills to IV: EM, Thermal, Kenetic and Explosive
- Jury Rigging III – To fit Cap Control Rigs and Ancillary Current Routers
- Armor Rigging III – To fit Armor Rigs and diminish their speed drawbacks
Utility Skills:
- Electronic Warfare IV – To Fit T2 ECCM modules
- Sensor Linking IV – To fit Tracking Links (uncommon fits)
- Drones V – To enable a full flight of five drones
- Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing II – To use ECCM Drones
- Repair Drone Operation IV or V – To field T1 or T2 repair Drones
- Fitting Theory:
The following is aimed at helping logistic level IV pilots get up and running and avoid common mistakes. Fitting a ship using logistics V is a very different animal since you no longer have to bend over backwards to solve cap issues. By the time you reach Logistics Level V you should have a good idea about what works or understand which fits from battle clinic are solid fits, and which ones are eft theory crafting.
The oneros simply doesn't have a set universal fitting like its cousin the dual gardian setup. When putting kit on your ship need to figure out what exactly your going to be doing with the ship. Also ask yourself: Should I bring this, or another Damage Ship? Would ECM be a stronger choice to mitigate damage? A good rule of thumb is that if your hull is the most expensive ship in the fleet composition, go home and get another boat.
- Large Fleet Support:
Your not a guardian. Don't try to be a guardian. However, you have to match a guardian on the range it sports with their large armor reppers. That means you have to fit large armor reppers as well. No way to get around that. FC's like to park battleships or heavy interdictors out at range from the core of the fleet. The 'anchor' may be positioning fleet logi in range at 60 km and you have to be able to apply reps to those ships the same as a guardian.
There is a debate here whether you want to fit an 800mm plate to squeeze a 4th Large Remote Rep into that last high slot. This is not recomended. It increases the likely hood that you will be alpha'd (Instantly killed by a coodinated attack) and oneiros logistics IV pilots have no hope of running that 4th repper for more than 20 seconds before going cap dead, requiring them to break a guardian cap chain to get back in the action. - Remote Repair Augmentors VS Cap Control Circuts:
A lot of newer players say the cap reduction modules are the way to go on a remote repair ship. This is a valid statement for battleships not logistics pilots. It is much more mathmatically efficient to get a logistic cruisers cap recharge rate over the cap usage of remote repair modules utilizing cap control circuts, cap rechargers and cap batteries. Remote Repair Augmentors also slow your ship down, hurting your speed / signature tank, while doing nothing to improve your defensive capabilities. If you really want to be cap stable, skip the Augmentor rigs and load two CC rigs. If the fitting is there to capitalize on the effectiveness of Cap Boosters (meaning more reps per cap booster charge), then you will also have to fit a cap batty to prevent wasting cap that cant be held by your cruiser sized resivior. This causes other fitting issues. - Cap Batteries VS Cap Boosters:
Cap Batteries and Cap Boosters on the other hand is a difference of playstyle. Cap Battaries are great for increasing overall cap, which can easily push a logi cruiser into cap stability with all reppers going. This is for when you are expexting prolonged and continual fleet operations and you may or may not be able to refil on those space hogging cap booster 800's. Cap Boosters on the other hand are great to load up if you are expecting to be neuted, or you are trying to run a large remote armor rep fit. As a logi IV pilot it is one of the very few ways to keep all four of those LAR's running and still keep some defensive modules in your lows to stay alive. The big drawback to a fit utilizing Cap Boosters is that once you are out, you are done repping.
The tactics you use will depend on the fit and the fleet composition that you are flying in.
- Large Fleets (30-255 pilots):
If you in a large fleet using an oneiros, you are there as a supplemental pilot to the guardians. Ensure that you are NOT part of the cap transfer chains those pilots will be setting up, you don’t need it as much as they do. Remember to add two other logi pilots and the fleet commander to your watch list and have your broadcast window open so you know who to start repping when the fight starts. FC’s will have their logis stay with the fleet at all times, so pay attention to warp and jump orders. Most fleet commanders in this situation will tell you to ‘anchor’ down on someone at a set distance. This means whenever you are on grid with that person you orbit them at the specified distance. The anchor will ensure that all the logistics pilots are in the right place to rep the fleet, you just concentrate on keeping everyone alive. - Micro Fleets (5-30 pilots):
You have a lot to juggle with this. If your fleet is small enough, add everyone to your watch list and lock up everyone when you are on grid, whether or not you are in combat. If anyone automatically locks you back, have them shut off their auto targeting option to prevent a blue on blue misshap. Your Squad leader will either have you stay on grid with the group, or in an ambush situation, you will be the last person to warp in. Warp to your fleet at 30-40km. You need range from your targets to keep you safe. Put your ECM drones on the highest DPS target out there and do your best to stay out of web range.
It takes a lot of courage to fly in a small gang as a solo oneiros pilot as you will be primaried in every engagement by the enemy fleet and ewar. If done correctly you can allow your squad to take on fleets larger / more powerful than what you squad composition would suggest. - PVE:
This is a lot easier than the PVP situations. Your biggest threat in PVE are NPC’s that web and scramble you. Use your broadcast target command to flag any ship that has a web or scram and have your fleet take those out asap. Keep your ship moving. Your small signature radius and high resistances allow you to tank most level IV’s solo if you fly correctly. Make sure your squad mates are all on your watch list and keep them in range. Know your agro spawns and if you do start taking damage, tell your fleet over com’s and warp away. Take a minut to rep up then re-join the fight.
There are indications that the Oneiros will change significantly in the next expansion.