The Exequror is a heavy cargo cruiser capable of defending itself against raiding frigates, but lacks prowess in heavier combat situations. It is mainly used in relatively peaceful areas where bulk and strength is needed without too much investment involved. SHIP BONUSES
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Cargo Capacity and 10% bonus to capacitor need of remote armor repair system per level.
Ship Attributes
The Exequror is one of the strongest T1 utility cruisers available. It is able to plug itself into a myrid of roles. It can serve as a miner, hauler, explorer or basic remote repair ship.
Starting players will be able to take quick advantage of its massive cargo hold, which is the largest of any non industrial ship. It has enough cpu and power grid to fit four miner I's and have up to five mining drones active, allowing a budding industrialist to earn the money for their first true mining barge. Though it won't pull in as much m3 per cycle as the Osprey, its abundant cargo hold helps cut down on the number of return trips to station to unload that sessions haul, saving you time on the back end.
As an exploration ship it also does very well. The ship can cary all the modules necissary to handle and pull out all the materials that can be found in most high sec scanable sites. In worm holes it makes an excellent support ship. It allows low skilled pilots to come in after combat duties are over to help salvage, hack containers, and even make quick work of the gas sites to be found there.
In PVP the only viable role this ship can play is that of a T1 rep hero. It can put small remote armor reps on a target up to 26km away, which might be just enough to save a fellow pilot. Unfortnately the Exequror has little in the way of defensive slots or damage output so it is not a front line combatant or combat missioner by any means. Better choices for that are the Vexor or Thorax.
The recommended certificates under the ships description is an excellent starting point:
- Core Competency Basic [Certificate]
- Armor Tanking Basic [Certificate]
- Logistics Chief Basic [Certificate] - To enable it's remote repair features
- Cruiser Hybrid Turrets Basic [Certificate]
In addition you may want to try picking up a few other skills to really get the most out of this hull before moving onto something more advanced:
As an explorer:
- Cartography Basic [Certificate] - Use of scan probes to find sites.
- Field Technician Standard [Certificate] - Use of modules needed for salvaging hacking and archeology sites.
As a miner:
- Drones IV or V - to fit a few combat drones for extra defense.
- Mining Drones III or IV - to increase ore yield of your 4 to 5 drones.
- Mining IV - to fit Miner II mining lasers.
- Gas Harvesting IV* - to fit gas cloud harvesters
- Gas cloud harvesting is a very expensive skill book to purchase and is outside of the normal price range of most new players (20+ million). Only do so if you know for certain you will be supporting a worm hole or null sec op where they will be deliberately mining the gas there. In such a cases ask those running the op if it is needed and see if they will be willing to purchase the book for you. The ability to have a low skilled pilot handle those sites while a higher skilled combat pilot takes care of another more lucrative site is almost always worth such an investment.
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- Mining minerals or gas and hauling should not require an explination.
- PVP:
As a remote rep ship your job is to keep your fellow pilots alive. Add your Fleet commander, any other remote repair ships and a few of your friends to your watch list. Open your fleet window and select the broadcast history tab. Your job is to lock up and put reps on anyone that broadcasts "Need Armor" or if you see a big red block where the green shield block should be with someone on your watch list. Ask your FC who your going to "anchor" on and make sure to orbit that person unless told "Get out there and save him!" Use your ECM drones to jam out tackling frigates or anyone else the FC may designate as "bad".
Be prepaired to get primaried and exploded when the other guys realize your a field medic. That fact is universal for any type of logistics pilot.
- Exploration:
The fit posted above is very low skilled and fairly fragile. Your going to need to learn how to use scan probes and there are some really great in game toutorials on how to do that. You should be able to complete any of the basic sites found in 1.0---> 0.8 systems without too much of a problem.
The fit above uses rails for the added range, so as the ships angular (left right motion in comparison to your own) drops, your going to be able to kill them relatively easily. Web any ships or frigates that get too close and fly directly away from them. Don't forget to use your drones, they will be your primary source of DPS.
This fit has relitively little tank. Bookmark your location as soon as you land on grid, and if you find youself approaching half armor and your repper isn't keeping up, warp out and save your ship. You will figure out which sites will need the hacking modules or analyzer modules, just remember to open those cans before you leave the site. Those cans will dissapear when the site expires!
- A final note on the Exequror:
This ship is a great stepping stone, and when utilized correctly it can give a lot of valued play to a new player. It's even used by highly skilled players as a cheap logistics boat to rep posses or in high risk situations like null sec gas mining! Just don't expect too much from it and keep in mind which ship you want to move onto next.
You can write additional notes for Exequror here.