The Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. It is mainly used by the Amarrians for escort and scouting duties where frigates are deemed too weak. Like most Amarrian vessels, the Augoror depends first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters. SHIP BONUSES
Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus:
Ship Attributes
The Augoror is the Amarr t1 logistics cruiser and it has bonuses to energy transfer arrays. Unfortunately in practice this is the least useful form of logistical support that can be brought to the field. The augoror doesn't have the capacitor to unilaterally supply large energy transfers to another ship, and most ships won't be able to reciprocate, and if they can it will be at short range, wasting the augoror's role bonus. While there are situations where the augoror might shine (topping off the cap of non-cap-stable laser boats for example), they are few and far between and a pilot that can fly an augoror would almost always be more effective in another choice of ship.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Augoror for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
No tagged fittings for Augoror.
No sub-article about Augoror roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.
This vessel qualifies for the University PYOS, and BYOM.