Caldari Navy Hookbill
Long struggling with a reputation for being the ugly duckling of the Caldari ship repertoire, the Hookbill recently got a new lease on life, being upgraded from a routine patrol vessel into a fleet-standard frigate. With the advancements brought on by the upgrade, the time is nigh for this little slugger to prove itself on battlefields throughout Caldari space and beyond. SHIP BONUSES
Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus:
Ship Attributes
The Hookbill is the Caldari Navy faction frigate. It has 3 launcher slots and bonuses to missile velocity and (mainly) kinetic damage. While it is possible for the Hookbill to fit light missile launchers, most are fitted with rockets and take advantage of the velocity bonus to push their range out to near 14km. The Hookbill's main distinguishing feature is its 5 mid slots, allowing it to fit a range of shield tank and tackle modules, which can make it an effective, if somewhat expensive, tackler or give it unprecedented range control while soloing.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Caldari Navy Hookbill for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
No tagged fittings for Caldari Navy Hookbill.
Because the Hookbill has five mid slots, it is one of the only frigates that can viably fit double webs. This can give the Hookbill outstanding range dictation, and allow it to deploy nearly its full DPS consistantly, as rocket damage varies inversely with target velocity. Double webbing allows the Hookbill to stop almost anything in its tracks, and it can even keep a Dramiel within killing range, something few ships are capable of.
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