The Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs. SHIP BONUSES
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus:
Ship Attributes
The Exequror was previously an unloved cruiser, with a large cargo bay but lackluster combat bonuses. With Retribution it was retooled as a dedicated T1 armor logistics cruiser, with bonuses to remote armor repair range and power. It is designed to fit 3 Medium Remote Armor Repairers in its highs and an armor tank in the lows. Getting the Exequror to be cap stable with 3 reppers and a good tank can be tricky with low skills.
The recommended certificates under the ships description is an excellent starting point:
- Core Competency Basic [Certificate]
- Armor Tanking Basic [Certificate]
- Logistics Chief Basic [Certificate] - To enable it's remote repair features
Medium Remote Armor Repair System I
Medium Remote Armor Repair System I
Medium Remote Armor Repair System I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I
10MN Microwarpdrive I
ECCM - Magnetometric I
Damage Control I
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Signal Amplifier I
Armor Explosive Hardener I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Medium Remote Repair Augmentor I
Medium Remote Repair Augmentor I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Hobgoblin I x5
Warrior I x5

- Gallente Cruiser III
- Remote Armor Repair Systems III
- Electronics V
- Engineering V
- Can ~15k EHP and ~2min capacitor time with active defenses.
- ECCM in Mid slot can be swapped for any desired EWAR or support module.
- Higher metas on items are STRONGLY recommended, this is simply an example showing the simplest fit.
Medium 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Medium 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Medium 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
10MN Afterburner II
800mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Medium Armor Repairer II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Remote Repair Augmentor I
Medium Remote Repair Augmentor I
Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x5
Hobgoblin II x5

- Gallente Cruiser V
- Engineering V
- Energy Grid Upgrades IV
- Energy Management IV
- Energy System Operations V
- Remote Armor Repair Systems IV
- Armor Rigging II
- Armor Rigging will reduce the power grid drawback of the Nano Pump rig, making the fit easier.
- A +3% power grid rig may be required. The afterburner can be downsized to a meta version to free up a small amount of power grid. You'll lose about 30 m/s with all V skills.
- This is a very useful fit to train an alt to run. Level 4 missions and difficult sites can easily be soloed. The Exequror can speed and sig tank for a long time if you make sure to clear cruisers and webbing frigates first. Set the Exequror to orbit your DD ship at 15-20km with afterburner on.
- Check EFT for cap stability. This fit can run everything cap stable with moderately high capacitor skills. However, you don't usually need to run both self and remote repairs at the same time, because the NPCs will normally focus fire on only one of your ships.
- Change the hardeners depending on what rats you are fighting.
- Mining minerals or gas and hauling should not require an explination.
- PVP:
As a remote rep ship your job is to keep your fellow pilots alive. Add your Fleet commander, any other remote repair ships and a few of your friends to your watch list. Open your fleet window and select the broadcast history tab. Your job is to lock up and put reps on anyone that broadcasts "Need Armor" or if you see a big red block where the green shield block should be with someone on your watch list. Ask your FC who your going to "anchor" on and make sure to orbit that person unless told "Get out there and save him!" Use your ECM drones to jam out tackling frigates or anyone else the FC may designate as "bad".
Be prepaired to get primaried and exploded when the other guys realize your a field medic. That fact is universal for any type of logistics pilot.
- A final note on the Exequror:
This ship is a great stepping stone, and when utilized correctly it can give a lot of valued play to a new player. It's even used by highly skilled players as a cheap logistics boat to rep posses or in high risk situations like null sec gas mining! Just don't expect too much from it and keep in mind which ship you want to move onto next.
This vessel qualifies for the University PYOS, and BYOM.