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The Omen is a stereotypical example of the Amarrian School of thinking when it comes to ship design: thick armor and hard hitting lasers. Advancements in heat dissipation allow the Omen to fire its lasers faster than other ships without this technology. SHIP BONUSES
Ship Attributes
The Omen is the Amarr Attack Cruiser and is bonused towards Medium Energy Turret rate of fire and capacitor use. With 6 lows and 3 mids, the Omen is a natural armor tanker. Since the Retribution update, the Omen received a much needed increase to its powergrid, allowing for the it to fit either a 1600mm plate and medium pulse lasers or alternatively an 800mm plate and a full rack of heavy pulse lasers for higher DPS. With a decent tank, an above average drone bandwidth and the ability to swap crystals on the fly, the Omen has the versatility to adapt to combat at any range.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Omen for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I
Eutectic Capacitor Charge Array
Medium Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell
Experimental 10MN Afterburner I
Extruded Heat Sink I
Extruded Heat Sink I
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I
Fourier Transform Tracking Program
Medium Automated Carapace Restoration
Prototype Armor EM Hardener I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Hobgoblin I x2
Hammerhead I x3
Multifrequency M x5

Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Extruded Heat Sink I
Extruded Heat Sink I
Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Damage Control I
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Hobgoblin II x2
Hammerhead II x3
Imperial Navy Standard M x5
Imperial Navy Radio M x5
Imperial Navy Multifrequency M x5

- Meta 3 and 4 focused pulse lasers are usually too expensive to take on a PvP boat.
- Training up T2 Pulse lasers opens up the use of Scorch M, which can make the Omen a fantastic long range damage dealer.
- Start with a longer range crystal equipped, so you can start applying DPS immediately as you burn towards the target. Once you get within scram/web range, switch to Multifrequency for extra DPS.
- On almost all roams, you won't need additional reloads of the faction crystals. If the crystals are near empty, bring a set of T1 crystals to use just in case.
If you are looking for a Armour Fleet Omen use a Maller instead.
A well tanked Omen should be flown by a pilot with good drone skills, since it has a 40m3 drone bay, and navigation skills. The Omen's damage per second (DPS) isn't the highest amoungst the Cruiser class of ships but it will not be unaccounted for. If this ship is well tanked and with a proper propulsion module fitted. It can be a dangerous kiting ship against frigates and great in fleets as well.
There is another fit that is associated with the Omen as well. "All gank and no Tank." To obtain a high DPS the lows should be fitted with full heat sinks and tracking enhancers. However, if you do this you have lost the ability for an effective buffer tank. This particular type of Omen is rare but in the right applications it can wield up to 500 DPS on field. If you are part of a fleet of cruisers feel comfortable in knowing that you are less likely to be primaried since it is known for its large tank.
This vessel qualifies for the University Ship Replacement Program, PYOS, and BYOM.