Development SHIP BONUSES
Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Omen is the Amarr Attack Cruiser, offering bonuses for Medium Energy Turret capacitor use and rate of fire. With 6 low slots and 3 mids, the Omen is a natural armor tanker. In PvP, the Omen is usually armor tank fit with either a 1600 mm plate and focused medium pulse lasers or 400 mm plate and a full rack of heavy pulse lasers. With its decent tank, an above average drone bandwidth and the ability to swap crystals on the fly, the Omen can adapt to combat at many ranges, but really excels at skirmishing range (20 - 30 km). The Omen also makes an excellent L2 / L3 security mission boat.
In general, the Maller is used for brawling range combat instead of the Omen because of its greatly superior tank. The Omen Navy Issue is superior to the Omen for skirmishing, but its price is significantly greater, often making it a primary target in fights.
The Omen will benefit greatly from drone and navigation skills, on top of gunnery and tanking skills. Although it doesn't have stellar DPS, it has good damage application, making the Omen a good balance of tank, speed and firepower.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Omen for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
For more info on fittings, please go here
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