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{{Update|Review for December 2021, [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-19-11 Version 19.11] changes.<br>Attributes updated. Summary and Tactics needs to be looked at.}}
<onlyinclude>{{{{#if:{{{mode|}}}|{{#switch:{{{mode}}}|box=ShipBoxLarge|#default=ShipBoxTooltip}}|ShipArticle}} <!--  Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
<onlyinclude>{{{{#if:{{{mode|}}}|{{#switch:{{{mode}}}|box=ShipBoxLarge|#default=ShipBoxTooltip}}|ShipArticle}} <!--  Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
* SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 6/3/2014)
* SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 2024-11-26)
* on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
* on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
* leave/misstype any tags required. please follow the same
* leave/mistype any tags required. please follow the same
* format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
* format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
| shipid=17478
| shipid=17478
| shipimg=Retriever.jpg
| shipimg=Retriever.jpg
| shipname=Retriever
| shipname=Retriever
| caption=Retriever
| class=Mining Barge
| class=Mining Barge
| grouping=Mining Barges
| grouping=ORE
| hulltype=Retriever Class
| hulltype=Retriever Class
| faction=Outer Ring Excavations  
| faction=Outer Ring Excavations
| variations={{Ship|Mackinaw}}
| race=ORE
| tech=  
| roles=unspecified
| variations={{Ship|Mackinaw}}
| tech=
| ecmprio=0 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
| powergrid=35 MW
| cpu=235 tf
| capacitor=250 GJ
| highs=2
| turrets=0
| launchers=0
| mediums=1
| lows=3
| mass=20,000,000 kg
| volume=150,000 m&#179;
| cargohold=450 m&#179;
| extrahold=22,000 m&#179;
| extraholdtype=Ore
| dronebay=25 m&#179;
| bandwidth=25 Mbit/sec
| info=<b>Development</b><br>The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Retriever's being storage. Although it only has space to fit two mining or ice harvesting modules, a fast loading system allows those two modules to do the work of three modules.<br>Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
| bonuses=<b>Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>5% bonus to ship ore hold capacity<br>2% reduction in Strip Miner and Ice Harvester duration<br><b>Role Bonus:</b><br>25% bonus to Strip Miner yield<br>20% reduction in Ice Harvester duration and activation cost<br>
| structurehp=2,000 HP
| shieldhp=2,300 HP
| shieldem=0
| shieldexp=50
| shieldkin=40
| shieldtherm=20
| armorhp=1,700 HP
| armorem=60
| armorexp=10
| armorkin=25
| armortherm=35
| maxvelocity=80 m/sec
| inertia=0.659
| warpspeed=3 AU/s
| warptime=18.27 s
| targetrange=30.00 km
| sigradius=250 m
| maxlockedtargets=5
| sensortype=Magnetometric
| sensorvalue=9 points
| scanres=550 mm
| reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Mining Barge|I}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Mining Frigate|III}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
| totaltraintime=8d 23h 25m 20s
| powergrid= 83 MW
| forumlinks=
| cpu= 260 tf
| wikireferences=
| capacitor= 350 GJ
| externallinks=[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Retriever Retriever on Eve Online Wiki]
| highlights1=
| highs=2
| highlights2=
| turrets=
| highlights3=
| launchers=
| highlights4=
| mediums= 2
| lows=3
| mass= 17,500,000 kg
| volume=150,000 m³
| cargohold=450 m³
| extraholdtype= Mining
| extrahold= 27,500 m³
| dronebay= 50 m³
| bandwidth= 50 Mbit/sec
| quote= Every day I climb two mountains; a mountain of ore and a mountain of ISK.
| quote_attribution= Anonymous miner at a bar in Jita 4-4
| info= The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Retriever's being storage. A massive ore hold allows the Retriever to operate for extended periods without requiring as much support as other barges.
Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
| bonuses=<b>Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
3% bonus to Strip Miner yield<br>
2% reduction in Ice and Gas Harvester duration<br>
5% bonus to ship ore hold capacity<br>
'''Role Bonus:'''<br>
10% bonus in Strip Miner yield<br>
12.5% reduction in Ice and Gas Harvester duration
| structurehp= 4,000 HP
| armorhp= 3,000 HP
| armorem=60
| armortherm=35
| armorkin=25
| armorexp=10
| shieldhp= 4,000 HP
| shieldem=
| shieldtherm=20
| shieldkin=40
| shieldexp=50
| maxvelocity= 125 m/sec
| inertia= 0.7
| warpspeed=3 AU/s
| warptime= 16.98 s
| targetrange= 40.00 km
| maxlockedtargets= 6
| sigradius= 200 m
| scanres=550 mm
| sensortype=Magnetometric
| sensorvalue=9 points
| reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Mining Barge|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Astrogeology|III}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Science|IV}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Mining|IV}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Industry|V}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Mining Frigate|III}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
| totaltraintime=8d 23h 25m 20s
| wikireferences=
| externallinks=
| highlights1=
| highlights2=
| highlights3=
| highlights4=
}}</onlyinclude> <!-- Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
}}</onlyinclude> <!-- Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
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== Summary ==
Of the mining barges, the Retriever has the largest ore bay—jet-can size at 27,500 m<sup>3</sup>—whilst being in the middle for hit points and yield, thus making the Retriever most useful for solo mining by reducing the frequency of trips to unload. Additionally, the Retriever can fit an adequate tank to survive a [http://gdurl.com/jDkc suicide gank]. cf. http://greedygoblin.blogspot.com/p/why-was-i-ganked.html
Of the mining barges, the '''Retriever''' has the largest mining hold — Half a jet-can size at 27,500 {{m3}} base — whilst being in the middle for hit points and yield, thus making the Retriever most useful for solo mining by reducing the frequency of trips to unload. Because the Retriever has an ore/mining hold size bonus per level of Mining barge skill the actual size will vary between 28,875{{m3}} and 34,375{{m3}}. Additionally, the Retriever can fit an adequate tank to survive a [http://gdurl.com/jDkc suicide gank]. cf. http://greedygoblin.blogspot.com/p/why-was-i-ganked.html
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Procurer for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.''
== Skills ==
For more info on fittings, please go [[Retriever/Fittings|here]]
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Retriever for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.''
== Tactics ==
* Suicide ganking is a popular play-style and miners are prime targets; cf. [http://greedygoblin.blogspot.com/p/why-was-i-ganked.html Why Was I Ganked?] and [http://gdurl.com/jDkc Suicide Ganking 101 slides]
* [[Suicide ganking]] is a popular play-style and miners are prime targets; cf. [https://greedygoblin.blogspot.com/p/why-was-i-ganked.html Why Was I Ganked?].
** Fit enough tank to survive the ganker's DPS long enough for CONCORD to destroy the ganker; as of Rubicon 1.2, this means surviving a Catalyst's 728.2 DPS for 25 seconds—18,205 Void damage—in a 0.5 system
** Fit enough [[tank]] to survive the ganker's DPS long enough for CONCORD to destroy the ganker; as of Rubicon 1.2, this means surviving a Catalyst's 728.2 DPS for 25 seconds—18,205 Void damage—in a 0.5 system
** Use and keep launched ECM drones
** Use and keep launched [[ECM]] drones
*** This lets gankers know that you are expecting them and implies you are tanked for them; this is deterrence
*** This lets gankers know that you are expecting them and implies you are tanked for them; this is deterrence
*** This provides a chance to break the ganker's target lock for 20 seconds
*** This provides a chance to break the ganker's target lock for 20 seconds
*** One Hobgoblin I is sufficient to destroy NPC pirates, leaving room for four ECM drones or three ECM drones and a salvage drone
*** One Hobgoblin I is sufficient to destroy NPC pirates, leaving room for four ECM drones or three ECM drones and a salvage drone
*** Setting drones to aggressive lets them engage your aggressor without having to target-lock first [https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Controlling_drones_(Guide)#Aggressive CCP Drone Guide]
*** Setting drones to aggressive lets them engage your aggressor without having to target-lock first (see [[Using Drones#Drone behavior settings|Using Drones]])
** Fitting expensive meta modules may compel a duo gank due to their high-value loot chance
** Fitting expensive meta modules may compel a duo gank due to their high-value loot chance
** Trade hubs (especially Hek) and ice belt systems are popular hunting grounds for gankers
** Trade hubs (especially Hek) and ice belt systems are popular hunting grounds for gankers
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** Other mining ships may be scouts for gankers; it is good to know who your neighbours are and put known gankers on your contact list with terrible standing
** Other mining ships may be scouts for gankers; it is good to know who your neighbours are and put known gankers on your contact list with terrible standing
* If attacked, overload your tank modules
* If attacked, overload your tank modules
* Mining in a fleet--even just two miners--provides boosts with [https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Leadership Leadership skill] and [https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Mining_Foreman Mining Foreman]
* Mining in a fleet--even with just two miners--provides boosts with the skills {{Sk|Leadership}} and {{Sk|Mining Foreman}}
* It is impolite (and diminishes yield) to mine a rock someone else is already mining: when the rock runs out of ore, the first laser to cycle will get the last ore but the other lasers will continue to cycle (up to 3 minutes) and get nothing
* It is impolite (and diminishes yield) to mine a rock someone else is already mining: when the rock runs out of ore, the first laser to cycle will get the last ore but the other lasers will continue to cycle (up to 3 minutes) and get nothing
== Notes ==
''You can add notes here.''
Personally I love this ship. I took a few modules from my venture to decrease the time required to go to warp.
- Joran Tegan
== Patch History ==
{{Expansion past
|'''2024-11-26''' Version 22.02 Release 2024-11-26.1 [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-22-02 Patch Notes]
* Max Locked Targets improved from 5 to 6
{{ShipsMatrix|expgroup= ore}}
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Database]][[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:ORE]]
[[Category:Mining Barges]]

Latest revision as of 18:00, 26 November 2024

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Review for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes.
Attributes updated. Summary and Tactics needs to be looked at.

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Outer Ring Excavations
Outer Ring Excavations
Mining Barges
Retriever Class
Every day I climb two mountains; a mountain of ore and a mountain of ISK.
– Anonymous miner at a bar in Jita 4-4

The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Retriever's being storage. A massive ore hold allows the Retriever to operate for extended periods without requiring as much support as other barges.

Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.


Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level):
3% bonus to Strip Miner yield
2% reduction in Ice and Gas Harvester duration
5% bonus to ship ore hold capacity
Role Bonus:
10% bonus in Strip Miner yield
12.5% reduction in Ice and Gas Harvester duration

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
8d 23h 25m 20s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations
Exhumers Retriever Class
Icon hi slot.png2 (0/0) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png3
Icon powergrid.png110 MW Icon cpu.png310 tf
Icon velocity.png130 m/sec
Icon capacity.png450 m³

Ship Attributes

83 MW
cpu output
260 tf
350 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
125 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
3 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
16.98 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
50 m³
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
50 Mbit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
40.00 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
Magnetometric Sensor
Magnetometric sensor strength
9 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
200 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
550 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
4,000 HP
ship mass
17,500,000 kg
ship volume
150,000 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
450 m³
Mining Capacity
27,500 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
3,000 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
4,000 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


Of the mining barges, the Retriever has the largest mining hold — Half a jet-can size at 27,500  m3 base — whilst being in the middle for hit points and yield, thus making the Retriever most useful for solo mining by reducing the frequency of trips to unload. Because the Retriever has an ore/mining hold size bonus per level of Mining barge skill the actual size will vary between 28,875 m3 and 34,375 m3. Additionally, the Retriever can fit an adequate tank to survive a suicide gank. cf. http://greedygoblin.blogspot.com/p/why-was-i-ganked.html


Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Retriever for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.


  • Suicide ganking is a popular play-style and miners are prime targets; cf. Why Was I Ganked?.
    • Fit enough tank to survive the ganker's DPS long enough for CONCORD to destroy the ganker; as of Rubicon 1.2, this means surviving a Catalyst's 728.2 DPS for 25 seconds—18,205 Void damage—in a 0.5 system
    • Use and keep launched ECM drones
      • This lets gankers know that you are expecting them and implies you are tanked for them; this is deterrence
      • This provides a chance to break the ganker's target lock for 20 seconds
      • One Hobgoblin I is sufficient to destroy NPC pirates, leaving room for four ECM drones or three ECM drones and a salvage drone
      • Setting drones to aggressive lets them engage your aggressor without having to target-lock first (see Using Drones)
    • Fitting expensive meta modules may compel a duo gank due to their high-value loot chance
    • Trade hubs (especially Hek) and ice belt systems are popular hunting grounds for gankers
  • Mine aligned to a celestial/station for faster warp-out
    • Warping out when a non-mining ship enters your belt/anomaly is prudent
    • Other mining ships may be scouts for gankers; it is good to know who your neighbours are and put known gankers on your contact list with terrible standing
  • If attacked, overload your tank modules
  • Mining in a fleet--even with just two miners--provides boosts with the skills Leadership and Mining Foreman
  • It is impolite (and diminishes yield) to mine a rock someone else is already mining: when the rock runs out of ore, the first laser to cycle will get the last ore but the other lasers will continue to cycle (up to 3 minutes) and get nothing


Personally I love this ship. I took a few modules from my venture to decrease the time required to go to warp. - Joran Tegan

Patch History