The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels. SHIP BONUSES
Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Griffin is the Caldari Electronic Warfare Frigate, specializing in Electronic Countermeasures (ECM). It is very frequently seen in E-UNI fleets. ECM is often described as the most useful form of Electronic Warfare, in that it breaks enemy target locks and prevents the enemy from re-acquiring targets for 20 seconds. This can reduce the damage directed at your fleet, prevent enemy logistics from providing remote support, and break warp disruption from tacklers, allowing an escape. For new EVE players, flying the Griffin only requires training Caldari Frigate I, and no training at all for new Caldari pilots. As a result, new Unistas can have an immediate, significant impact on fleet engagements by flying the Griffin. The Griffin also provides excellent training for more advanced ECM ships, like the Blackbird, Falcon and Scorpion.
The Griffin receives a bonus to ECM module strength per level of Caldari Frigate, which has a significant impact on ECM effectiveness. Even with this bonus, however, ECM modules still miss more often than they hit. As a result, the Griffin is typically fit to maximize ECM success. One way to do this is to use racially specific, rather than multispectral, ECM modules. Unless the ECM target is known in advance of fitting, Griffins are normally fit with a “rainbow” of racially specific ECM modules, to maximize the chance of jamming a variety of racial ship targets. One or two signal distortion amplifiers also increase the Griffin’s chance to jam. By contrast, the Griffin is not commonly fit for tank or weapons, because it can’t survive short-range combat. (You may choose to fit weapons in the high slots, but you will probably never use them.)
Rigs can be used to extend the Griffin’s base lock range, or its ECM range, or both. In any case, it is important to make the ship’s lock range much longer than its ECM modules’ optimal range, to maximize the practical operating range of the ship.
These skills will improve your EWAR effectiveness when flying a Griffin.
- Caldari Frigate - Skills for the specific types of ship you are flying will give you the greatest improvement in ECM effectiveness: 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level and +12.5% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff per level. Requires Spaceship Command I.
- Long Range Targeting - 5% Bonus to targeting range per skill level. Requires CPU Management Level 2.
- Frequency Modulation - Increases the falloff distance of your ECM modules by 10% per level. Requires CPU Management Level 3 and Electronics Warfare Level 2.
- Long Distance Jamming - Increases the optimal range of your ECM modules by 10% per level. Requires CPU Management Level 4 and Electronics Warfare Level 3.
- Electronic Superiority Rigging - This will reduce the shield penalty incurred by your ECM rigs. Requires Jury Rigging Level 3 and Mechanics Level 3.
- Signal Dispersion - Increases your jam strength by 5% per level. This skill requires CPU Management 5 and Electronic Warfare Level 4. If you have decided that you really enjoy being an EWAR pilot this is a great skill to work towards, but it certainly isn't required to have fun flying ECM in fleets.
See the EWAR Guide and ECM Guide articles for more information.
OE-5200 Rocket Launcher
OE-5200 Rocket Launcher
Umbra Scoped Radar ECM
Hypnos Scoped Magnetometric ECM
BZ-5 Scoped Gravimetric ECM
Enfeebling Scoped Ladar ECM
5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
'Hypnos' Signal Distortion Amplifier I
'Hypnos' Signal Distortion Amplifier I
Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor I
Hobgoblin I x1

- Rockets to clean tackle in case of emergency
Rocket Launcher II
Auto Targeting System I
5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Gravimetric ECM II
Ladar ECM II
Magnetometric ECM II
Radar ECM II
Signal Distortion Amplifier II
Signal Distortion Amplifier II
Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor I
Acolyte II x1

PvE - Not recommended as the Griffin has very little offensive capability.
PvP - Solo
PvP - Fleet
- You have the advantage of speed and being a small target so align to a celestial when an engagement starts, lock targets within your optimal range and colour match your jammers to the targets as best you can. Warp as soon as you are yellow-boxed (someone starts locking you) and drop a bookmark on the way out so that you have a location to warp back to or warp back to your designated squad anchor.
More information on tactics and matching jammers to targets is at ECM Guide
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