"I sometimes think it would have been a good thing if all the Brutor on the General Staff had been at Colelie back in '15. That might have made up for the whole farce." - remarks attributed to a Sebiestor naval architect on the occasion of Valklear General Khassan Triat's call for new siege capitals to be developed in testimony before the Tribal Council's Inquiry into Capital Ship Doctrines, YC118.02.07 The Republic Fleet were slow to follow the other naval powers along the new path of capital warfare inspired by capsuleer combat experience in the many wars of the Outer Regions of New Eden. In large part this was due to a flaring up of the old debate between the firepower- and maneuver-oriented generals of the Brutor dominated military circles and the logistics- and fighter-oriented Sebiestor fleet tactician and technologist circles. After much chest-beating, and due in no small part to the intervention of Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor, the arguments of the Sebiestor won out and the Lif-class Force Auxiliary was commissioned over the objections of the Brutor military elite. SHIP BONUSES
Minmatar Carrier bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Lif is the Minmatar Force Auxiliary. Like the other Force Auxiliaries, the Lif specializes in supporting friendly fleets through capital-level remote repair modules. While the Lif relies on shield boosters to keep itself alive, it can provide both shield and armor repairs to friendly ships, with equal efficiency. The bonus to cap boosters allows for a frighteningly-powerful active burst tank, though only if the Lif has available cap boosters to feed its local shield boosters.
With Minmatar Carrier to V and decent fleet armor command bursts, the Lif has the ability to cycle armor repairers once every 2 seconds, for unparalled subcapital logistics power. Lifs find themselves in both a shield and an armor repair role.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Lif for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Triage Module II
Shield Command Burst II, Shield Extension Charge
Shield Command Burst II, Shield Harmonizing Charge
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Capital Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 3200
Capital Shield Booster II
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Damage Control II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Capital Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard I
Capital Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard I
Heavy Hull Maintenance Bot I x5
Bouncer II x5
Acolyte II x25
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I x5
Cap Booster 3200 x1
Shield Extension Charge x1
Shield Harmonizing Charge x1

- The shield links are for the Lif pilot himself. Other ships will provide armor links for the other vessels.
- Variations: A CONCORD shield booster, Pithum version AIFs, dropping one Shield Boost Amplifier for another Capacitor Capacitor Booster.
Capital Remote Shield Booster I
Capital Remote Shield Booster I
Capital Remote Shield Booster I
Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter I
Cynosural Field Generator I
Triage Module II
Capital Clarity Ward Enduring Shield Booster
Capital Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Capital Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Damage Control II
Co-Processor II
Co-Processor II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Capital Semiconductor Memory Cell I
Capital Semiconductor Memory Cell I
Cap Booster 3200 x1

- Variations: A Hull Energizer, dropping one of the high slots; one capacitor booster being swapped out with another Shield Boost Amplifier; squeezing in one Capital Ancillary Remote Shield Booster.
Capital Remote Shield Booster I
Capital Remote Shield Booster I
Capital Remote Shield Booster I
Cynosural Field Generator I
Triage Module II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Capital Shield Extender II
Capital Shield Extender II
Capital Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Capital Emergency Hull Energizer I
Co-Processor II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Capital Core Defense Field Extender I
Capital Core Defense Field Extender I
Warrior II x10
Hornet EC-300 x10
Light Shield Maintenance Bot II x10
Cap Booster 3200 x1

- The Minokawa is better for this job of suicide buffer fit triage to save ships from dreadbombs. Lack of dual cap boosters is a concern. Triple CDFE rigs is usual.
No sub-article about Lif roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.