Reason: Review for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Attributes updated. Summary and Tactics needs to be looked at.
Flying in a fleet lets you focus on what you do best, don't you like being the best?
Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
Of the mining barges, the Covetor has the greatest yield whilst having the smallest mining hold and the least tank, making it unsuitable/impractical for solo mining but by far the best in boosted/protected fleet mining.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Covetor for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
- Suicide ganking is a popular play-style and miners are prime targets; cf. Why Was I Ganked?.
- Covetors are a ganker's target of choice due to its inadequate tank and advertises, "I have no tank, only yield"
- Fit enough tank (and train tanking skills) to survive the ganker's DPS long enough for CONCORD to destroy the ganker; as of Rubicon 1.2, this means surviving a Catalyst's 728.2 DPS for 20 seconds--14,564 Void damage--in a 0.6 system
- No Covetor fit can tank long enough in 0.5, even with all level V skills
- A solo tanked Covetor has less than 1% more yield than a tanked Retriever, which is further reduced by more frequent (four times) trips to unload
- Use and keep launched ECM drones
- This lets gankers know that you are expecting them and implies you are tanked for them; this is deterrence
- This provides a chance to break the ganker's target lock for 20 seconds
- Setting drones to aggressive lets them engage your aggressor without having to target-lock first (see Using Drones)
- Fitting expensive meta modules may compel a duo gank due to their high-value loot chance
- Trade hubs (especially Hek) and ice belt systems are popular hunting grounds for gankers
- Mine aligned to a celestial/station for faster warp-out
- Warping out when a non-mining ship enters your belt/anomaly is prudent
- Other mining ships may be scouts for gankers; it is good to know who your neighbors are and put known gankers on your contact list with terrible standing
- If attacked, overload your tank modules
- Mining in a fleet--even with just two miners--provides boosts with the skills Leadership and Mining Foreman
- It is impolite (and diminishes yield) to mine a rock someone else is already mining: when the rock runs out of ore, the first laser to cycle will get the last ore but the other lasers will continue to cycle (up to 3 minutes) and get nothing
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