High Amount of High Slots
High Amount of Low Slots
Black Ops battleships are designed for infiltration and espionage behind enemy lines. With the use of a short-range jump drive and a portal generator, they are capable of making a special type of jump portal usable only by covert ops vessels. This enables them to stealthily plant reconnaissance and espionage forces in enemy territory. For the final word in clandestine maneuvers, look no further.
Developer: Viziam
Viziam ships are quite possibly the most durable ships money can buy. Their armor is second to none and that, combined with superior shields, makes them hard nuts to crack. Of course this does mean they are rather slow and possess somewhat more limited weapons and electronics options.
Amarr Battleship Skill Bonus: 10% reduction in large energy turret capacitor use and 5% bonus to large energy turret rate of fire per level Black Ops Skill Bonus: 7.5% bonus to large energy turret tracking and multiplies the cloaked velocity by 125% per level Note: can fit covert cynosural field generators and covert jump portal generators. No targeting delay after decloaking
Required Skills
- Amarr Battleship V47d 9h 46m
- Spaceship Command IV1d 1h 8m
- Amarr Cruiser IV5d 5h 42m
- Black Ops I1h 23m
- Spaceship Command V5d 22h 13m
- Cloaking IV6d 6h 51m
- Jump Drive Calibration IV9d 10h 16m
Training Time what's this?75d 9h 21m
▪ Variations Armageddon
 High Amount of High Slots  High Amount of Low Slots
 13,500 MW  550 tf
 100 m/sec
 750 m³
, Armageddon Navy Issue
 High Amount of High Slots  High Amount of Low Slots
 16,000 MW  560 tf
 105 m/sec
 875 m³
, Armageddon Imperial Issue
 High Amount of High Slots  High Amount of Low Slots
 21,000 MW  550 tf
 94 m/sec
 600 m³
Ship Attributes
Fittings |
High 8
Launchers 0
Turrets 6
Calibration 400
Navigation |
Base Time to Warp 15 s what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drones |
Drone Bandwidth 125 Mbit/sec
Targeting |
Structure |
Structure Hitpoints 4,968 HP
Frigate Escape Bay 1 Frigate
Armor |
Armor Hitpoints 5,312 HP
Armor Resistances
Shields |
Shield Capacity 4,375 HP
Shield Resistances
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