Griffin Navy Issue
Development SHIP BONUSES
Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Griffin is an Electronic Counter Measure frigate, often seen in E-UNI fleets offering Electronic Warfare support. ECM is touted as the most useful form of Electronic Warfare as it operates by breaking enemy target locks and preventing them from re-acquiring targets for 20 seconds. This has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of damage being directed at your fleet, prevent enemies from using Remote Repair modules on each other or to break Warp Disruption, allowing an escape. For new players interested in trying out ECM the Griffin is the ideal starting place on your way up to the
Blackbird![]() |
Standard Cruisers Blackbird Class
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and eventually the
Scorpion![]() |
Standard Battleships Scorpion Class
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. Expect to lose them a lot though, as ECM ships are often called primary by enemy commanders. Griffins are available fully fitted for free from the Alpha hangar at the Uni home station in Aldrat.
It has 5 mid slots allowing a rainbow fit of one of each racial jammer and a propulsion module. It has 2 low slots that usually have a Signal Distortion Amplifier and a Damage Control module.
These skills will improve your EWAR effectiveness when flying a Griffin.
- Caldari Frigate - Skills for the specific types of ship you are flying will give you the greatest improvement in ECM effectiveness: 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level and +12.5% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff per level. Requires Spaceship Command I.
- Long Range Targeting - 5% Bonus to targeting range per skill level. Requires CPU Management Level 2.
- Frequency Modulation - Increases the falloff distance of your ECM modules by 10% per level. Requires CPU Management Level 3 and Electronics Warfare Level 2.
- Long Distance Jamming - Increases the optimal range of your ECM modules by 10% per level. Requires CPU Management Level 4 and Electronics Warfare Level 3.
- Electronic Superiority Rigging - This will reduce the shield penalty incurred by your ECM rigs. Requires Jury Rigging Level 3 and Mechanics Level 3.
- Signal Dispersion - Increases your jam strength by 5% per level. This skill requires CPU Management 5 and Electronic Warfare Level 4. If you have decided that you really enjoy being an EWAR pilot this is a great skill to work towards, but it certainly isn't required to have fun flying ECM in fleets.
See the EWAR Guide and ECM Guide articles for more information.
Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
BZ-5 Neutralizing Spatial Destabilizer ECM
Enfeebling Phase Inversion ECM I
'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I
'Umbra' White Noise ECM
'Hypnos' Signal Distortion Amplifier I
'Hypnos' Signal Distortion Amplifier I
Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor I
Hobgoblin I x1

- This version use Meta 4 ECM modules. If ISK is a problem, downgrade them.
- Carry spares of all racial jammers in your cargo.
- With skills all at level V, the ECM strength for each module is about 10.
- The rigs increase the ECM range, strength and targeting range. They significantly increase the Griffin performance.
- Optimal range is 60 km while fall-off is 50 km.
- Targeting range is 100 km, which is almost optimal + 1 falloff, so you have a bit nore than 50% chances of trying for a jam at 100 km
- No weapons or tank. You should not even be in range. You get in trouble? Warp away.
- If you want a little buffer, swap a sig amp for a damage control
PvE - Not recommended as the Griffin has very little offensive capability.
PvP - Solo
- Practise at the Libold frigate arena Frig FFA, which is only 2 jumps from Aldrat. See how long you can last against other frigates! Use your long range to your advantage,target your opponent, colour match your jammer and activate as soon as they are in range. The non-matching jammers have a lower chance of achieving a jam but fire them off one a time until you get a jam or are vaporised. See how much more effective the right racial jammer module is against your opponent. Once engaged, practise aligning to a celestial so that you can warp out if your jam fails.
- Griffins are available fully fitted for free from the Alpha hangar at the Uni home station, PTS, Aldrat.
PvP - Fleet
- You have the advantage of speed and being a small target so align to a celestial when an engagement starts, lock targets within your optimal range and colour match your jammers to the targets as best you can. Warp as soon as you are yellow-boxed (someone starts locking you) and drop a bookmark on the way out so that you have a location to warp back to or warp back to your designated squad anchor.
More information on tactics and matching jammers to targets is at ECM Guide
This vessel qualifies for the University Ship Replacement Program, PYOS, and BYOM.