"Her Imperial Majesty's life will stand eternal as an example for all who live truly and rightly within the embrace of Holy Amarr. The martyrdom of Empress Jamyl I was inflicted with base treachery but its lasting effect will be the inspiration of a thousand generations down the ages." - excerpt from the Funeral Oration on the Passing of Empress Jamyl I by High Chaplain Kalefa Sufrin an-Kador, YC117.09.20 Following the assassination by a Drifter strikeforce of Empress Jamyl I while she was aboard an Avatar-class Titan in late August YC117, there was a period of soul-searching and close scrutiny of capital ship doctrines by the Imperial Navy's staff officers. It was soon realized that lack of experience in capital ship warfare had left fleet doctrines lagging behind the tactics of capsuleers fighting in the Outer Regions. From this realization was born the concept of the Force Auxiliary capital ship, a vessel dedicated to ensuring the survival of more combat- and command-oriented capital ships such as Carriers and Titans. The Apostle-class Force Auxiliary was commissioned in memory of Empress Jamyl I and is richly decorated in token of this dedication. SHIP BONUSES
Amarr Carrier bonuses (per skill level): Ship Attributes
The Apostle is the Amarr Force Auxiliary, designed specifically to provide capital-sized remote armor repair to friendly ships. The Apostle is popular among most null-sec and low-sec alliances who use armor capitals, as its armor repair abilities are unmatched. Capable of both a powerful active tank and an extremely durable buffer tank, Apostles can shrug off multiple hits from large numbers of hostiles while still providing support to friendly ships. This durability combined with the effectiveness of armor capitals in general has made the Apostle the most popular Force Auxiliary among the major null-sec blocs.
As it has a capacitor capacity bonus imparted to the hull, it does find some niche case uses as a Regen fit. Its bonuses to armor hit points transferred, not cycle time, make it slightly better for large capital brawls where repairs are mostly sent to capital class ships.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Apostle for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter I
Cynosural Field Generator I
Triage Module II
Capital Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Capital Emergency Hull Energizer I
25000mm Steel Plates I
25000mm Steel Plates I
Dark Blood Energized Explosive Membrane
Dark Blood Energized Kinetic Membrane
Dark Blood Energized Thermal Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Capital Remote Repair Augmentor I
Capital Trimark Armor Pump I
Capital Ancillary Current Router I
Cap Booster 3200 x1

- Variations - cheapify the energized membranes/platings, drop the capital cap booster for another battleship sized one and stick another trimark armor pump on.
- Really only designed as a suicide triage thing. Your Energizer is your life and tank against heavy fighters and doomsdays. Usually always passive fit.
- Bring light combat drones, and various kinds of logi drones. Your doctrine should indicate which ones to use.
Apostle - Armor No Prop 3Ca 1Cc Dual Rep Active Basic
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter I
Triage Module II
Cynosural Field Generator I
Capital Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 3200
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Capital Armor Repairer I
Capital Armor Repairer I
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Shadow Serpentis Armor EM Hardener
Shadow Serpentis Armor Thermal Hardener
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Capital Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Capital Ancillary Current Router I
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot II x5
Medium Armor Maintenance Bot II x5
Light Armor Maintenance Bot II x5
Heavy Shield Maintenance Bot II x5
Medium Shield Maintenance Bot II x5
Light Shield Maintenance Bot II x5
Acolyte II x5
Valkyrie II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Cap Booster 3200 x1

- Not so good as a suicide triage fit or fits meant for huge numbers of capitals on grid. Bling to taste.
No sub-article about Apostle roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.
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