Apocalypse Navy Issue
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The Empire's inner circle of armaments manufacturers has long been proud of the expert methods utilized to harden the Navy Issue Apocalypse's armor plating and structural framework to such an amazing degree. Its shield systems are also state-of-the-art, rivalling even Caldari Prime's best. Fearsome by reputation, this is the flagship vessel of the Imperial Navy's elite wing. Not many are unfortunate enough to have ever actually met one on the field of battle, and those who do usually do not live to tell the tale. SHIP BONUSES
Amarr Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Apocalypse Navy Issue (often referred to as the NApoc) is a significantly buffed version of the Apocalypse. On top of the increased base armor of the ship, the additional low slot allow the ship to either increase dps or increase tank even further.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Apocalypse Navy Issue for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
For more info on fittings, please go here
Unfortunately, due to its hull bonuses, the Apocalypse Navy Issue will have a difficult time shooting frigates, as they orbit well under the NApoc's minimum range. Because of this, your best strategy is to focus on the frigs at the initial spawn, and then shift to the battleships/cruisers after the frigates get too close. In addition, the NApoc has some capacitor issues when using the Multifrequency ammo, so keep an eye on your cap level. If you run out of cap in a site, your tank is as good as toast!
In PvP, the Navpoc forms the basis of the popular Foxcats/Golden Fleet doctrines. Pioneered by groups such as Rooks and Kings and Pandemic Legion, and popularised by the Honey Badger Coalition during the Fountain War, this doctrine centres around heavily tanked pulse laser fit Navpocs with Guardian and triage carrier support. This doctrine is fairly difficult to defeat without using tactics such as alpha fleets or large amounts of capitals. The range of Scorch ammunition is a key part of using the pulse Navpoc in PvP, allowing it to project close-range damage out to extreme range. However, like all battleships, the Navpoc is both slow, and extremely vulnerable to bombs, making them popular in lowsec, where there are no drag bubbles, shorter warps, and no bombs.
You can write additional notes for Apocalypse Navy Issue here.
Patch History
A long, long time ago... |
18.04 Release - Build: 1706308 - 2020-04-15 - "Surgical Strike" Update (Patch Notes)
October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1 Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.