The Tormentor has been in service for many decades. For most of that time it saw service as a mining ship, its size barring it from making any kind of impact on the battlefield. As with most Amarr ships, however, its strong defenses always made it a tough opponent to crack, and with recent advances in turret capacitor use and damage output, its lasers have now stopped digging into dead ore and are instead focused on boring through the hulls of hapless vessels in combat. SHIP BONUSES
Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Tormentor is an Amarr Combat Frigate. It is an exceptional frigate for solo PvP, and is very commonly used in low-security faction warfare combat sites. The Tormentor’s bonuses to small laser damage and capacitor cost, coupled with the versatility of laser crystal ammo, allow it to apply damage at a variety of PvP ranges. In fleets, the Tormentor can also be used as a “second tackle” frigate, following up the initial tackler by applying a warp scrambler (“scram”) and stasis webifier (“web”) to targets. Overall, the Tormentor is a versatile combat ship, especially for new Amarr pilots.
The Tormentor is an excellent platform for learning about PvP, and especially solo and small-gang PvP in low-sec space. The ship is frequently fit as a scram-kiter, with the scram and web modules used to keep frigate opponents 8 km away while the pilot hits them with bonused beam lasers. The Tormentor can also be fit as a short-range brawler with pulse lasers, though it is not as tanky as other frigates that are commonly used in this role. The ship has the largest capacitor of any Tech I combat frigate, and this makes it especially good at holding tackle against opponents with neutralizers. It can also field two light combat drones (and carry four).
The Tormentor is a good PvE ship for low-level missions, but the sturdier Punisher may be a better PvE frigate for novice Amarr pilots. The Punisher’s two mid slots, however, make it substantially more difficult to fit for tackle than the Tormentor.
- Amarr Frigate for bonuses to both damage and capacitor. Capacitor is also used for armor repairer tank, so this helps your tank indirectly.
- Small Energy Turret V very helpful when flying PvP Tormentors with Pulse Lasers. The T2 Scorch ammo used with T2 Pulse Lasers projects damage extremely well to scram kiting ranges, making the Tormentor much more flexible to fight at farther ranges.
The Tormentor has fairly mediocre speed especially when fitted with armor plates as it often is. For solo or small-scale PvP this makes your initial positioning very important. If you are fit with pulse lasers you may want to start close, and if you are beam fit you may want to start farther away (though this varies somewhat depending on your opponent). Good initial position (for example, waiting at a good distance inside a Faction Warfare Complex for your opponents to come to you) gives you time applying damage before an opponent can position themselves well.
In a beam Tormentor fit for scram kiting (scram, web, afterburner) the most common risk is that your opponent will get in a close orbit around your ship where your beams cannot track them. Ideally you want to stay around your optimal range with Multifrequency ammo loaded.
In a pulse Tormentor, you need to decide whether to brawly in closer with Multifrequency or kite farther with Scorch. Which to choose depends on your opponent's ship and fit, you should try to maximize your damage while minimizing theirs. Keep in mind even pulse lasers have worse tracking than blasters and autocannons, so there is still a risk opponents may orbit close to mitigate your damage.
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