The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Covetor's being mining yield. This additional yield comes at a price, as the Covetor has weaker defenses and a smaller ore bay than the other mining barges. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules. SHIP BONUSES
Ship Attributes
Of the mining barges, the Covetor has the greatest yield whilst having the smallest ore hold and the least tank, making it unsuitable/impractical for solo mining but shine in boosted/protected fleet mining.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Covetor for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Survey Scanner I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Mining Drone I x5
Warrior I x5

- Mining Barge V
- Astrogeology V
- Electronics IV
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Drone Durability III
- Drone Interfacing III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Mining Upgrades IV
- Shield Upgrades I
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Drones III
- Due to the extreme ease of suicide ganking Covetors, this ship should only be used while in range of an Orca in order to use the Ship Maintenance Bay for protection.
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Survey Scanner II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Drone II x5
Warrior II x5
Veldspar Mining Crystal II x1
Scordite Mining Crystal II x1
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal II x1

- Mining Barge V
- Astrogeology V
- CPU Management IV
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Mining Upgrades IV
- Shield Upgrades I
- Energy Management III
- Energy Systems Operation III
- Drone Durability III
- Drone Interfacing III
- Mining V
- Refining IV
- Plagioclase Processing IV
- Due to the extreme ease of suicide ganking Covetors, this ship should only be used while in range of an Orca in order to use the Ship Maintenance Bay for protection.
- This is a good point to train for T2 Strip Miners, which add a significant boost to your mining output but require more management and capacitor skills.
- With no capacitor skills, you'll only just have enough capacitor to start all three strip miners at once, and only with hisec ore crystals. This can cause problems especially if you want to start mining just after coming out of warp, and training a couple of capacitor skills at this point is recommended.
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
F85 Peripheral Damage System I
Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Hornet EC-300 x5
Hobgoblin I x4
Salvage Drone I x1

- Contingent upon skill points, has sufficient tank to survive a skilled solo ganker in 0.7 sec status or higher
- ECM drones are used as a deterrent as well as a chance to break target lock
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Hornet EC-300 x5
Hobgoblin I x4
Salvage Drone I x1
Veldspar Mining Crystal II x3

- Contingent upon skill points, has sufficient tank to survive a skilled solo ganker in 0.6 sec status or higher
- ECM drones are used as a deterrent as well as a chance to break target lock
- Suicide ganking is a popular play-style and miners are prime targets; cf. Why Was I Ganked? and Suicide Ganking 101 slides
- Covetors are a ganker's target of choice due to its inadequate tank and advertises, "I have no tank, only yield"
- Fit enough tank (and train tanking skills) to survive the ganker's DPS long enough for CONCORD to destroy the ganker; as of Rubicon 1.2, this means surviving a Catalyst's 728.2 DPS for 20 seconds--14,564 Void damage--in a 0.6 system
- No Covetor fit can tank long enough in 0.5, even with all level V skills
- A solo tanked Covetor has less than 1% more yield than a tanked Retriever, which is further reduced by more frequent (four times) trips to unload
- Use and keep launched ECM drones
- This lets gankers know that you are expecting them and implies you are tanked for them; this is deterrence
- This provides a chance to break the ganker's target lock for 20 seconds
- Setting drones to aggressive lets them engage your aggressor without having to target-lock first CCP Drone Guide
- Fitting expensive meta modules may compel a duo gank due to their high-value loot chance
- Trade hubs (especially Hek) and ice belt systems are popular hunting grounds for gankers
- Mine aligned to a celestial/station for faster warp-out
- Warping out when a non-mining ship enters your belt/anomaly is prudent
- Other mining ships may be scouts for gankers; it is good to know who your neighbours are and put known gankers on your contact list with terrible standing
- If attacked, overload your tank modules
- Mining in a fleet--even just two miners--provides boosts with Leadership skill and Mining Foreman
- It is impolite (and diminishes yield) to mine a rock someone else is already mining: when the rock runs out of ore, the first laser to cycle will get the last ore but the other lasers will continue to cycle (up to 3 minutes) and get nothing
This vessel qualifies for the University BYOM and Mining Loaner Fleet program.