Iteron Mark V
This lumbering giant is the latest and last iteration in a chain of haulers. It is the only one to retain the original "Iteron"-class callsign, but while all the others eventually evolved into specialized versions, the Iteron Mk. V still does what haulers do best: Transporting enormous amounts of goods and commodities between the stars. SHIP BONUSES
Gallente Industrial bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
With the Odyssey 1.0 expansion, the Iteron V was the largest T1 industrial available. However, the Ody-1.1 industrial rebalance gave the Bestower the highest potential cargo, the Mammoth, the fastest travel time, the Tayra a launcher and highest base cargohold and made the Iteron Mark V average all-around due to the conversion of the Iteron Mark 2/3/4 into specialized ships for minerals, planetary commodities and ore.[1]
Additionally, Odyssey 1.1 removed a mid slot that had been used for shield tanking and removed quite a bit of armor and hull from the ship - shields 540(+71) / armor 650(-718) / hull 970(-515).[2] This change made it much more vulnerable than it had been in the past. Hauling high value cargo to trade hubs like Jita or 0.5 choke-point systems like Niarja is not recommended. Remember what a 60ish mil ISK Tornado or Talos can do to one of these ships. Prior to undocking, consider how many cheap Catalysts it would take to destroy your ship based on your EHP.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Iteron Mark V for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Cargohold Optimization I

- Required/Mandatory to fly fit:
- Mechanics III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Jury Rigging III
- Astronautics Rigging I
- Spaceship Command III
- Gallente Industrial I (cargohold and max velocity increased with each additional skill
- This is the most basic setup for a Highsec cheap Hauler and the fitting that gets maximum cargo hold. I strongly advise not going through LowSec with this setup. I also advise against hauling precious cargo/expensive cargo with it no matter what sector type you are in. This fitting is only 2,360 EHP, with max skills, and would be an easy target for just about anyone.
- 37,152m3 cargohold for an all level V character.
Salvager I
Small Tractor Beam I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Cargohold Optimization I

- 10,581 EHP / 37,152m3 cargohold for an all level V character. Stick with low traffic systems or low cost cargo.
No sub-article about Iteron Mark V roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.
This vessel qualifies for the University Mining Loaner Fleet program.