This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: needs updating after Frostline Patch
Can fit one warfare Link
Can fit a Micro Jump Field Generator
Command Destroyers represent a versatile addition to fleets of all sizes. Being the smallest and most agile platforms for gang link technology positions them as the premier support option for fast-moving wolf packs. Unique access to Micro Jump Field Generators also allows them to perform maneuvers that rapidly reposition other ships, be they friend or foe.
Command Destroyers bonuses (per skill level): 5% reduction in Micro Jump Field Generator spool up time 2% bonus to Siege Warfare and Skirmish Warfare Links effectiveness Minmatar Destroyer bonuses (per skill level): 10% Bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Damage 4% bonus to all shield resistances Role Bonus: 95% Reduction in Powergrid Requirements for Warfare Links
50% Reduction in MWD Penalty Signature Bloom
• Can fit Micro Jump Field Generators
• Can fit one Warfare Link
Required Skills
Training Time what's this?30d 9h 34m
▪ Variations Talwar
 High Amount of High Slots
 51 MW  200 tf
 255 m/sec
 400 m³
Ship Attributes
Fittings |
High 6
Launchers 5
Turrets 0
Calibration 400
Navigation |
Base Time to Warp 5.65 s what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drones |
Targeting |
Structure |
Structure Hitpoints 655 HP
Armor |
Armor Hitpoints 680 HP
Armor Resistances
Shields |
Shield Capacity 830 HP
Shield Resistances
This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: needs updating after frostline Patch
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Heretic for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
For more info on fittings, please go here
This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: needs updating after Frostline Patch
This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: needs updating after Frostline Patch
show advanced ships |
Amarr |
Caldari |
Gallente |
Minmatar |