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m (Change ore hold in highlights to mining hold)
(Added quote introduced in the Revenant expansion (2024-11-12).)
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<onlyinclude>{{{{#if:{{{mode|}}}|{{#switch:{{{mode}}}|box=ShipBoxLarge|#default=ShipBoxTooltip}}|ShipArticle}} <!--  Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
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  * SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 2021-12-11)
  * SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 2022-11-09)
  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * leave/misstype any tags required. please follow the same
  * leave/mistype any tags required. please follow the same
  * format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
  * format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
  | shipid=42244
  | shipid= 42244
  | shipimg=Porpoise.jpg
  | shipimg= Porpoise.jpg
  | shipname=Porpoise
  | shipname= Porpoise
| caption=Porpoise
  | class= Industrial Command Ship
  | class=Industrial Command Ship
  | grouping= Industrial Command Ships
  | grouping=Industrial Command Ships
  | hulltype= Porpoise Class
  | hulltype=Porpoise Class
  | faction= Outer Ring Excavations
  | faction=Outer Ring Excavations
  | variations=   
| race=ORE
  | powergrid= 420 MW
  | variations={{Ship|Primae}}, {{Ship|Noctis}}
  | cpu= 350 tf
  | ecmprio=0
  | capacitor= 3,500 GJ
  | powergrid=420 MW
  | highs= 4
  | cpu=350 tf
  | mediums= 4
  | capacitor=3,500 GJ
  | lows= 2
  | highs=4
  | mass= 4,500,000 kg
  | mediums=4
  | volume= 400,000
  | lows=2
  | cargohold= 500
  | mass=4,500,000 kg
  | extrahold= 50,000
  | volume=400,000 m&#179;
  | extraholdtype= Mining Hold
  | cargohold=500 m&#179;
  | extrahold2= 5,000
  | extrahold=50,000 m&#179;
  | extrahold2type= Fleet Hangar
  | extraholdtype= Mining
| extrahold3= 4,800 m³
  | extrahold2=5,000 m&#179;
| extrahold3type= Fuel Bay
  | extrahold2type=Fleet Hangar
  | dronebay= 125
  | dronebay=125 m&#179;
  | bandwidth= 50 Mbit/sec
  | bandwidth=50 Mbit/sec
| quote=Control the gears of production and you control the forces that govern life.
  | info=When new lower-mass wormhole connections began appearing across Anoikis in late YC116, ORE tasked the engineers at its advanced Outer Ring Development labs with creating a mining foreman vessel capable of passing through these gateways and exploiting the unspoiled riches available within. Creating such a compact ship while preserving much of the utility of the larger Orca and Rorqual designs proved a significant challenge, but the end result was a ship that had great potential for capsuleer mining operations in all areas of space.<br><br>The Porpoise is a smaller, more mobile and more affordable mining foreman platform that is perfect for supporting mining operations in dangerous space. It is capable of providing support to its allies through mining foreman bursts, remote shield boosters and survey scanners. The Porpoise also enjoys strong bonuses to mining drones, allowing it to pull in its own share of the ore in any mining operation.
| quote_attribution=UCF Organizer Sumalee Daeng
  | info= When new lower-mass wormhole connections began appearing across Anoikis in late YC116, ORE tasked the engineers at its advanced Outer Ring Development labs with creating a mining foreman vessel capable of passing through these gateways and exploiting the unspoiled riches available within. Creating such a compact ship while preserving much of the utility of the larger Orca and Rorqual designs proved a significant challenge, but the end result was a ship that had great potential for capsuleer mining operations in all areas of space.
The Porpoise can use a medium industrial core to substantially increase its industrial capabilities, while empowering its defenses during deployment in a static configuration. A key element of the industrial capacity unlocked by activating an industrial core is the ability to use compressor modules, with the Porpoise also having this capability, although limited to using medium gas and asteroid ore compressors.
The Porpoise is a smaller, more mobile and more affordable mining foreman platform that is perfect for supporting mining operations in dangerous space. It is capable of providing support to its allies through mining foreman bursts, remote shield boosters and survey scanners. The Porpoise also enjoys strong bonuses to mining drones, allowing it to pull in its own share of the ore in any mining operation.
  | bonuses=<b>Industrial Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
  | bonuses=<b>Industrial Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
5% bonus to ship cargo and ore hold capacity<br>
5% bonus to ship cargo and ore hold capacity<br>
2% bonus to Mining Foreman Burst effect strength and duration<br>
2% bonus to Mining Foreman Burst effect strength and duration<br>
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage and ore mining yield<br>
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage and ore mining yield<br>
10% reduction in Drone ice harvesting cycle time<br>
5% reduction in Drone ice harvesting cycle time<br>
<b>Role Bonus:</b><br>
5% bonus in Mining Foreman Burst range<br>
'''Role Bonus:'''<br>
•&nbsp;Can fit Medium Industrial Core<br>
400% bonus to Remote Shield Booster optimal range<br>
50% bonus to Drone ore mining yield<br>
50% bonus to Drone ore mining yield<br>
400% bonus to Remote Shield Booster optimal range<br>
90% reduction in powergrid requirements for Command and Mining Foreman Burst Modules<br>
90% reduction in powergrid requirements for Command and Mining Foreman Burst Modules<br>
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue<br>
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue<br>
&bull;&nbsp;Can use 2 Command Burst modules<br>
&nbsp;Can use 2 Command Burst modules<br>
100% bonus to Tractor Beam range<br>50% bonus to Tractor Beam velocity<br>
100% bonus to Tractor Beam range<br>
300% bonus to Survey Scanner range<br>
50% bonus to Tractor Beam velocity<br>
  | structurehp=8,000 HP
300% bonus to Survey Scanner range<br>
  | shieldhp=6,000 HP
  | structurehp= 8,000 HP
  | shieldem=0
  | shieldhp= 6,000 HP
  | shieldexp=50
  | shieldem= 0
  | shieldkin=40
  | shieldexp= 50
  | shieldtherm=20
  | shieldkin= 40
  | armorhp=3,000 HP
  | shieldtherm= 20
  | armorem=50
  | armorhp= 3,000 HP
  | armorexp=10
  | armorem= 50
  | armorkin=35
  | armorexp= 10
  | armortherm=35
  | armorkin= 35
  | maxvelocity=100 m/sec
  | armortherm= 35
  | inertia=1.5
  | maxvelocity= 100 m/sec
  | warpspeed=2.70 AU/s
  | inertia= 1.5
  | warptime=9.36 s
  | warpspeed= 2.70 AU/s
  | targetrange=50.00 km
  | warptime= 9.36 s
  | sigradius=300 m
  | targetrange= 50 km
  | maxlockedtargets=5
  | sigradius= 300 m
  | sensortype=Magnetometric
  | maxlockedtargets= 5
  | sensorvalue=20 points
  | sensortype= Magnetometric
  | scanres=90 mm
  | sensorvalue= 20 points
  | scanres= 90 mm
  | rigs_size= medium
  | rigs_size= medium
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Industrial Command Ships|I}}
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Industrial Command Ships|I}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|V}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|V}}
**{{RequiredSkill|ORE Industrial|III}}
** {{RequiredSkill|ORE Hauler|III}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|III}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|III}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Mining Director|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Mining Director|I}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Leadership|I}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Mining Foreman|V}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Mining Foreman|V}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Leadership|I}}
  | totaltraintime=19d 13m 34s
  | totaltraintime= 19d 13m 34s
  | highlights1=Can Use Command Bursts
  | highlights1= Can Use Command Bursts
  | highlights2=50,000 m&#179; Mining hold
  | highlights2= 50,000 Mining hold
  | highlights3=5,000 m&#179; Fleet hangar
  | highlights3= 5,000 Fleet hangar
}}</onlyinclude> <!-- Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
}}</onlyinclude> <!-- Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
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== Summary ==
The Porpoise-class [[Industrial Command Ships|Industrial Command Ship]] is the most affordable and mobile mining foreman platform ever released in New Eden. This new ship fills the hole at the bottom of the mining foreman ship progression line. Although it shares a group with the larger and more expensive [[Orca]], the Porpoise is as cheap as a tech one [[battlecruiser]].
The Porpoise-class [[Industrial Command Ships|Industrial Command Ship]] is the most affordable and mobile mining foreman platform ever released in New Eden. This new ship fills the hole at the bottom of the mining foreman ship progression line. Although it shares a group with the larger and more expensive [[Orca]], the Porpoise is as cheap as a faction [[battlecruiser]].
Its improved agility and warp speed also make it the best choice for providing coverage of mining groups in more dangerous space where lower-cost ships minimize exposure to loss for the operation. The Porpoise is also light enough to travel through small-ship wormhole connections.
Its improved agility and warp speed also make it the best choice for providing coverage of mining groups in more dangerous space where lower-cost ships minimize exposure to loss for the operation. The Porpoise is also light enough to travel through small-ship wormhole connections.
== Notes ==
The Porpoise benefits from Medium Drone Mining Augmentor I rigs significantly more than barges or other ships, due to the hull's drone bonuses. Though not explicitly stated in-game, the Porpoise is immune to [[Propulsion equipment#Micro Jump Field Generator|Micro Jump Field Generators]].
The Porpoise benefits from Medium Drone Mining Augmentor I rigs significantly more than barges or other ships, due to the hull's drone bonuses.
<small><references /></small>
<small><references /></small>
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Industrial Command Ships]]
[[Category:Industrial Command Ships]]

Revision as of 15:56, 17 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Outer Ring Excavations
Outer Ring Excavations
Industrial Command Ships
Porpoise Class
Can Use Command Bursts
50,000 m³ Mining hold
5,000 m³ Fleet hangar
Control the gears of production and you control the forces that govern life.
– UCF Organizer Sumalee Daeng

When new lower-mass wormhole connections began appearing across Anoikis in late YC116, ORE tasked the engineers at its advanced Outer Ring Development labs with creating a mining foreman vessel capable of passing through these gateways and exploiting the unspoiled riches available within. Creating such a compact ship while preserving much of the utility of the larger Orca and Rorqual designs proved a significant challenge, but the end result was a ship that had great potential for capsuleer mining operations in all areas of space.

The Porpoise can use a medium industrial core to substantially increase its industrial capabilities, while empowering its defenses during deployment in a static configuration. A key element of the industrial capacity unlocked by activating an industrial core is the ability to use compressor modules, with the Porpoise also having this capability, although limited to using medium gas and asteroid ore compressors.

The Porpoise is a smaller, more mobile and more affordable mining foreman platform that is perfect for supporting mining operations in dangerous space. It is capable of providing support to its allies through mining foreman bursts, remote shield boosters and survey scanners. The Porpoise also enjoys strong bonuses to mining drones, allowing it to pull in its own share of the ore in any mining operation.


Industrial Command Ships bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship cargo and ore hold capacity
2% bonus to Mining Foreman Burst effect strength and duration
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage and ore mining yield
5% reduction in Drone ice harvesting cycle time
5% bonus in Mining Foreman Burst range
Role Bonus:
• Can fit Medium Industrial Core
400% bonus to Remote Shield Booster optimal range
50% bonus to Drone ore mining yield
90% reduction in powergrid requirements for Command and Mining Foreman Burst Modules
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue
• Can use 2 Command Burst modules
100% bonus to Tractor Beam range
50% bonus to Tractor Beam velocity
300% bonus to Survey Scanner range

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
19d 13m 34s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations

Ship Attributes

420 MW
cpu output
350 tf
3,500 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
100 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
2.70 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
9.36 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
125 m³
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
50 Mbit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
50 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
Magnetometric Sensor
Magnetometric sensor strength
20 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
300 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
90 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
8,000 HP
ship mass
4,500,000 kg
ship volume
400,000 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
500 m³
Mining Hold Capacity
50,000 m³
Fleet Hangar Capacity
5,000 m³
Fuel Bay Capacity
4,800 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
3,000 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
6,000 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Porpoise-class Industrial Command Ship is the most affordable and mobile mining foreman platform ever released in New Eden. This new ship fills the hole at the bottom of the mining foreman ship progression line. Although it shares a group with the larger and more expensive Orca, the Porpoise is as cheap as a faction battlecruiser.

Its improved agility and warp speed also make it the best choice for providing coverage of mining groups in more dangerous space where lower-cost ships minimize exposure to loss for the operation. The Porpoise is also light enough to travel through small-ship wormhole connections.


The Porpoise benefits from Medium Drone Mining Augmentor I rigs significantly more than barges or other ships, due to the hull's drone bonuses. Though not explicitly stated in-game, the Porpoise is immune to Micro Jump Field Generators.