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m (clean up, replaced: |warpspeed=6 AU/s → |warpspeed=5 AU/s)
(Added quote introduced in the Revenant expansion (2024-11-12).)
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<onlyinclude>{{{{#if:{{{mode|}}}|{{#switch:{{{mode}}}|box=ShipBoxLarge|#default=ShipBoxTooltip}}|ShipArticle}} <!--  Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
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* SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 6/3/2014)
* SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 10.08.2011)
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* on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't  
* leave/mistype any tags required. please follow the same
* leave/misstype any tags required. please follow the same  
* format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
* format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
| shipid=17924
| shipimg=Succubus.jpg
| shipname=Succubus
| class=Frigate
| grouping=Pirate Faction Frigates
| hulltype=Succubus Class
| faction=Sansha's Nation
|grouping=Pirate Faction Ships
| variations=  
|hulltype=Succubus Class
| tech=F  
|faction=Amarr Empire
|ecmprio=0 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
|powergrid=58 MW
|cpu=175 tf
|capacitor=435 GJ
|mass=965,000 kg
|volume=28,600 m&#179;
|cargohold=135 m&#179;
|dronebay=0 m&#179;
|bandwidth=0 Mbit/sec
|info=The Succubus is one of the most feared frigates ever to harrow the spacelanes and asteroid belts of civilized space, and with good reason: tales abound of its superiority over ships twice or three times its size.  Whether you believe this to be fact or rumor, the Succubus will still strike fear in your heart.<br><br>Special Ability: 100% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
|bonuses=<b>Amarr Frigate Skill Bonus:</b><br>7.5% bonus to Small Energy Turret tracking per level<br><b>Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus:</b><br>5% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage per level.
|structurehp=517 HP
|shieldhp=609 HP |shieldem=0 |shieldexp=50 |shieldkin=40 |shieldtherm=20
|armorhp=544 HP |armorem=50 |armorexp=20 |armorkin=25 |armortherm=35
|maxvelocity=287 m/s
|warpspeed=5 AU/s
|warptime=5.15 s
|targetrange=32 km
|sigradius=35 m
|sensorvalue=13 points
|scanres=650 mm
|reqskills=*Amarr Frigate III<small>8h 53m</small>
**Spaceship Command I<small>8m</small>
*Caldari Frigate III<small>8h 53m</small>
**Spaceship Command I<small>8m</small>
|totaltraintime=0d 18h 3m
|externallinks=[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Succubus Succubus on Eve Online Wiki]<br>
| powergrid=44 MW
| cpu=170 tf
| capacitor=450 GJ
| highs=3
| turrets=2
| launchers=0
| mediums=4
| lows=3
| mass=965,000 kg
| volume=28,600 m³
| cargohold=135 m³
| extraholdtype=
| extrahold=
| dronebay=
| bandwidth=
| quote=The great should not have to wait for the insignificant to catch up.
| quote_attribution=Sansha Kuvakei
| info=The Succubus is one of the most feared frigates ever to harrow the spacelanes and asteroid belts of civilized space, and with good reason: tales abound of its superiority over ships twice or three times its size.  Whether you believe this to be fact or rumor, the Succubus will still strike fear in your heart.
| bonuses= <b>Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
20% bonus to Afterburner velocity bonus<br>
'''Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):'''<br>
7.5% bonus to Small Energy Turret tracking speed<br>
'''Role Bonus:'''<br>
150% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
| structurehp=540 HP
| armorhp=550 HP
| armorem=50
| armortherm=35
| armorkin=25
| armorexp=20
| shieldhp=650 HP
| shieldem=0
| shieldtherm=20
| shieldkin=40
| shieldexp=50
| maxvelocity=340 m/sec
| inertia=3.5
| warpspeed=5 AU/s
| warptime=4.68 s
| targetrange=32 km
| maxlockedtargets=5
| sigradius=33 m
| scanres=650 mm
| sensortype=RADAR
| sensorvalue=13 points
| reqskills= * {{RequiredSkill|Amarr Frigate|III}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
* {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Frigate|III}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
| totaltraintime=17h 55m 0s
| forumlinks=
| wikireferences=
| externallinks=
| highlights1=
| highlights2=
| highlights3=
| highlights4=
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== Summary ==
The Succubus is the Sansha pirate faction frigate. It is a shield-tanked laser boat, with its two turrets doing the damage of four due to its role bonus. The Succubus' two spare high slots can be useful if the Succubus is run as an expensive PvE frigate, or to neut/nos other ships, though the Succubus has no cap warfare bonuses. The Succubus is roughly on par with assault frigates in terms of tank and gank, though it is considerably more expensive.
The '''Succubus''' is the Sansha pirate faction frigate. It's a shield-tanked laser boat, with its two turrets doing the damage of five due to its role bonus, although its most notable bonus is to Afterburner speed, which is a powerful advantage in Faction Warfare PvP, where combat is generally fought within scram range. The Succubus' spare high slot can be useful if the Succubus is run as an expensive PvE frigate, or to neut/nos other ships, though the Succubus has no cap warfare bonuses.
== Skills ==
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Succubus for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.''
== Tactics ==
The [[afterburner]] speed bonus the Succubus gets gives it effective speeds rivaling [[MicroWarp Drive]] (MWD) fit frigates, but with the advantages of lower capacitor requirement, and, crucially, the ability to remain active even under the effects of a warp scrambler (which deactivates MWDs).
This gives the Succubus unrivaled range control in combat, able to effortlessly burn out of or into range, with at least 2 or 3 stasis webs required to slow it to a speed where it can be securely engaged.
In [[Faction Warfare]] complex combat, where short range combat is the norm, a kiting Succubus can outmatch almost all MWD kiting ships, while also quickly burning out of range of brawlers and scram-kiters to kite them itself. This places the Succubus close to the top of the food chain in Faction Warfare space and it should be avoided by all but the most skilled pilots.
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Succubus for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.''
It should be noted that it has become almost standard now for a Succubus to be fitted with Deadspace afterburners to maximize the speed advantage, and in Low Sec space many pilots will also use Snake implants to provide a further velocity boost.
''No tagged fittings for Succubus.''
Another niche for the Succubus is for escaping the [[Encounter Surveillance System]] (ESS). Many battleship pilots seeking content in the ESS often use a 10MN Succubus with burst jammers to escape the grid and preserve implants after losing their primary combat ship.
''No sub-article about Succubus roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.''
== Notes ==
''You can write additional notes for Succubus here.''
''You can write additional notes for Succubus here.''
{{ShipsMatrix|expgroup= pirates}}
[[Category:Database]][[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:Pirate Faction Ships]]
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Pirate Faction Ships]]
[[Category:Pirate Faction Frigates]]

Latest revision as of 00:11, 18 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Sansha's Nation
Sansha's Nation
Pirate Faction Frigates
Succubus Class
The great should not have to wait for the insignificant to catch up.
– Sansha Kuvakei

The Succubus is one of the most feared frigates ever to harrow the spacelanes and asteroid belts of civilized space, and with good reason: tales abound of its superiority over ships twice or three times its size. Whether you believe this to be fact or rumor, the Succubus will still strike fear in your heart.


Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
20% bonus to Afterburner velocity bonus
Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Small Energy Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
150% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
17h 55m 0s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations

Ship Attributes

44 MW
cpu output
170 tf
450 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
340 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
5 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
4.68 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
No drone bay.
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
32 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
RADAR Sensor
RADAR sensor strength
13 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
33 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
650 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
540 HP
ship mass
965,000 kg
ship volume
28,600 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
135 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
550 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
650 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Succubus is the Sansha pirate faction frigate. It's a shield-tanked laser boat, with its two turrets doing the damage of five due to its role bonus, although its most notable bonus is to Afterburner speed, which is a powerful advantage in Faction Warfare PvP, where combat is generally fought within scram range. The Succubus' spare high slot can be useful if the Succubus is run as an expensive PvE frigate, or to neut/nos other ships, though the Succubus has no cap warfare bonuses.


Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Succubus for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.


The afterburner speed bonus the Succubus gets gives it effective speeds rivaling MicroWarp Drive (MWD) fit frigates, but with the advantages of lower capacitor requirement, and, crucially, the ability to remain active even under the effects of a warp scrambler (which deactivates MWDs).

This gives the Succubus unrivaled range control in combat, able to effortlessly burn out of or into range, with at least 2 or 3 stasis webs required to slow it to a speed where it can be securely engaged.

In Faction Warfare complex combat, where short range combat is the norm, a kiting Succubus can outmatch almost all MWD kiting ships, while also quickly burning out of range of brawlers and scram-kiters to kite them itself. This places the Succubus close to the top of the food chain in Faction Warfare space and it should be avoided by all but the most skilled pilots.

It should be noted that it has become almost standard now for a Succubus to be fitted with Deadspace afterburners to maximize the speed advantage, and in Low Sec space many pilots will also use Snake implants to provide a further velocity boost.

Another niche for the Succubus is for escaping the Encounter Surveillance System (ESS). Many battleship pilots seeking content in the ESS often use a 10MN Succubus with burst jammers to escape the grid and preserve implants after losing their primary combat ship.


You can write additional notes for Succubus here.