From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. SHIP BONUSES
Gallente Titan bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Erebus is the Gallente Titan. Considered an alternate to the Amarr Avatar as the alternate armor doctrine compliant Titan.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Erebus for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
Ion Siege Blaster II, Shadow Antimatter Charge XL
Ion Siege Blaster II, Shadow Antimatter Charge XL
Ion Siege Blaster II, Shadow Antimatter Charge XL
Ion Siege Blaster II, Shadow Antimatter Charge XL
Ion Siege Blaster II, Shadow Antimatter Charge XL
Ion Siege Blaster II, Shadow Antimatter Charge XL
Cynosural Field Generator I
'Aurora Ominae' Thermal Doomsday
10000MN Afterburner II
Federation Navy Tracking Computer, Tracking Speed Script
Federation Navy Tracking Computer, Tracking Speed Script
Sentient Sensor Booster, Scan Resolution Script
Sentient Sensor Booster, Scan Resolution Script
Capital Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 3200
Sentient Damage Control
Corelum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corelum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corelum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Corelum A-Type Energized Explosive Membrane
CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates
CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates
Capital Trimark Armor Pump II
Capital Trimark Armor Pump II
Capital Trimark Armor Pump II
Tracking Speed Script x1
Scan Resolution Script x1
Navy Cap Booster 3200 x1
Shadow Antimatter Charge XL x1

- Bridging Titans are similar, they drop one gun for a Jump Portal Generator. Phenomena Generators are at FC's call. Bring lots of refits.
- 34.3M EHP with High-Grade Slaves and HG-1008 implant.
No sub-article about Erebus roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.
In Greek mythology, Erebus was the primordial god of darkness, husband of Nyx, and father of Thanatos, Moros, and Nemesis, among others.