Development SHIP BONUSES
Mining Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
Designed as an entry mining frigate, the Venture provides a platform for the beginner miner. Its ore hold and bonuses to yield make it an efficient miner that doesn't have to worry about thieves. The stabilized warp core makes it easier for the ship to escape pirates, although it should be mentioned that most ships could just take the frigate down rather than trying to keep it from running first.
- Mining Frigate I: Skill at operating ORE Mining Frigates.
- Mining I: Skill at using mining lasers. 5% bonus to mining turret yield per skill level.
- Hull Upgrades I: Skill at maintaining your ship's armor and installing hull upgrades like expanded cargoholds and inertial stabilizers. Grants a 5% bonus to armor hit points per skill level.
- Shield Upgrades I: Skill at installing shield upgrades e.g. shield extenders and shield rechargers. 5% reduction in shield upgrade powergrid needs.
- Tactical Shield Manipulation I: Skill at preventing damage from penetrating the shield, including the use of shield hardeners and other advanced shield modules. Reduces the chance of damage penetrating the shield when it falls below 25% by 5% per skill level, with 0% chance at level 5.
- Drones I: Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.
- Light Drone Operation I: Skill at controlling light combat drones.
- Jury Rigging III: General understanding of the inner workings of starship components. Allows makeshift modifications to ship systems through the use of rigs. Required learning for further study in the field of rigging.
- Shield Rigging I: Advanced understanding of shield systems. Allows makeshift modifications to shield systems through the use of rigs. 10% reduction in Shield Rig drawbacks per level.
For more info on fittings, please go here
Despite being a frigate, the Venture is rather heavy (similar to Stealth Bombers), so aligning might take some time. If there's the possibility of a threat (e.g. war targets in systems nearby), it should fly prealigned like any mining vessel or any bigger ship.
When mining in High Security space (the usual activity for new miners), you are a potential target for Suicide Ganking. Even though Ventures are relatively cheaper (and less desirable) targets than mining barges, you may still be attacked. It is therefore ideal to orbit an asteroid nearby but not the one you are mining (once an asteroid you were orbiting becomes depleted, you will continue he moving in a straight line, a big problem if going AFK) and begin aligning when a threat enters your belt (e.g., a destroyer such as a Catalyst or Thrasher). By continually moving, you make it more difficult to be struck by an aggressor. If you are using an Afterburner as opposed to a Microwarpdrive, you should have this active when orbiting the asteroid and inactive when you are aligning to warp out. This tactic, along with being suitably tanked (refer to the "Newbie Miner" fit above), makes you a less attractive target for suicide ganking.
The Venture is ideal for gas cloud harvesting in either known space or wormhole space. For harvesting in wormholes you don't control, use the "Ninja Gas Harvesting" fitting above. The extra warp core stab protects you against interceptors which usually fit point and scram.
The Venture can be obtained for free via completing the second mission given by Career Tutorial - Industry Agent, together with a free copy of the mining frigate skill book (which is required to fly the Venture and the Prospect).
The built-in warp core stabilization has the same effect as two fitted Warp Core Stabilizers. As with the Deep Space Transports this means that the ship can't be kept from entering warp, unless there are several Warp Disruptors, Warp Scramblers or a Warp Disruption Field Generator (i.e. bubbles) involved.
This makes the ship somewhat safer to travel in through lowsec, nullsec or even war target infested highsec, though definitely not invulnerable to gangs of gate campers which often have multiple tackles.