Can use Command Burst module
Can fit a Micro Jump Field Generator
A modification of the Collective's Kikimora-class destroyer, the Draugur design takes the core of the Triglavian hull design and completely overhauls it to produce a potent example of the command destroyer type of vessel. The Draugur's design has taken principles and technology from the Minmatar Bifrost-class of command destroyer, while retaining the energy systems and characteristic weaponry of Triglavian ships.
As a command destroyer, the Draugur can use command bursts and micro jump field generators, while its Triglavian core systems give it advantages in the use of energy neutralizer and pulse weapons, as well as remote armor repairers.
"The Kikimora hull is entirely viable for conversion to a command destroyer pattern and we believe it will be possible to incorporate the high-capacity power couplings for a micro jump field generator without difficulty. The couplings and related warp field systems will require additional shielding from the entropic radiation of the weapon system but this is offset by existing hull integrity thresholds being well above the tolerances for jump field use." – excerpt from a proposal from Core Complexion/Thukker Mix Elgoi VIII Collaborative Design Circle
Command Destroyers bonuses (per skill level):
2% bonus to Skirmish Command and Information Command Burst effect strength and duration
5% reduction in Micro Jump Field Generator spool up time
Precursor Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
30% bonus to Light Entropic Disintegrator optimal range
20% bonus to Light Entropic Disintegrator damage
Role Bonus:
• Can use one Command Burst module
• Can fit Micro Jump Field Generators
50% reduction in reactivation delay for Defender Launcher
95% reduction in powergrid requirements for Command Bursts
50% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
100% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer range
50% reduced Remote Armor Repairer capacitor need
50% reduced Energy Neutralizer capacitor need
50% reduced Smart Bomb capacitor need
Required Skills
Training Time what's this?30d 9h 34m
▪ Variations Kikimora
 55 MW  174 tf
 320 m/sec
 360 m³
Ship Attributes
Fittings |
High 3
Launchers 0
Turrets 1
Calibration 400
Navigation |
Base Time to Warp 5.79 s what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drones |
Drone Bandwidth 10 Mbit/sec
Targeting |
Structure |
Structure Hitpoints 1,010 HP
Armor |
Armor Hitpoints 1,250 HP
Armor Resistances
Shields |
Shield Capacity 475 HP
Shield Resistances
The Draugur is the Triglavian Command Destroyer, introduced in the Invasion update. Following the Triglavian design principles, it has bonuses to skirmish and information Command Bursts. It is very unlike any other Command Destroyer, in that rather than being either a solo combat tackler or a pure Burst and Jump Field platform, it acts much more like an extremely heavy Kikimora that happens to have an onboard teleporter. As it is a T2 Triglavian hull, it is very expensive for its size, which limits its effective use cases. As a straight combat ship, it is also significantly weaker than the Kikimora, with both less damage and much less range, but it compensates for these weaknesses with hugely improved defenses, meaning it can be used, for example, as either a very heavy and blingy tackle ship which can teleport enemies out of position and potentially solo-kill them, or as a very durable Command Burst platform in an armored Kikimora fleet.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot the Draugur for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
You can add tactics here.
Patch History
The Draugur was introduced in the Invasion Chapter 1 expansion (May 2019), alongside the Nergal and Ikitursa.
A long, long time ago...
Version 18.08 - Build: 1792574 - Released 2020-08-25 - "Dreaded Collective" Update (Patch Notes)
- Precursor Destroyer Optimal Range bonus increased bonus from 15% per Precursor Destroyer skill level to 30% per Precursor Destroyer skill level (+15%/level, +75% total)
- Maximum Velocity increased from 318 m/sec to 325 m/sec (+7 m/s)
Invasion (Chapter 1) 1.0 - Released 2019-05-28
- Ship released, with the following stats:
- Bonuses:
- Precursor Destroyer (per level):
- 15% bonus to Light Entropic Disintegrator optimal range
- 20% bonus to Light Entropic Disintegrator damage
- Command Destroyer (per level):
- 2% bonus to Skirmish Command and Information Command Burst effect strength and duration
- 5% reduction in Micro Jump Field Generator spool up time
- Role:
- Can use one Command Burst module
- Can fit Micro Jump Field Generators
- 50% reduction in reactivation delay for defender Launcher
- 95% reduction in powergrid requirements for Command Bursts
- 50% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
- 100% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer repair range
- 50% reduction in Energy Neutralizer cap need
- 50% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer cap need
- 50% reduction in Smart Bomb cap need
- Slot Layout:
- 3 High Slots
- 3 Mid Slots
- 4 Low Slots
- 1 Turret Hardpoint, 0 Launcher Hardpoints
- 2 Rig Slots
- 400 Calibration
- Fittings:
- Attributes:
- Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 475 / 1250 / 1010
- Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 50 / 40 / 85
- Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 50 / 75 / 25 / 65
- Capacitor (amount / recharge rate) : 950 / 340s
- Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass): 318 / 2.88 / 1,450,000
- Warp Speed:
4.5 5.5 au/s
- Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 20
- Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 60km / 525 / 7
- Sensor strength: 14 Radar
- Signature radius: 62m
- Cargo capacity: 360m3
The Draugur was developed by the Minmatar Republic as a retrofit to the Kikimora, specifically to fight against the invading Triglavian ships.
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