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(Added quote introduced in the Revenant expansion (2024-11-12).)
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  | shipimg=Algos.jpg
  | shipimg=Algos.jpg
  | shipname=Algos
  | shipname=Algos
| caption=Algos
  | class=Destroyer
  | class=Destroyer
  | grouping=Standard Destroyers
  | grouping=Standard Destroyers
  | hulltype=Algos Class
  | hulltype=Algos Class
  | faction=Gallente Federation
  | faction=Gallente Federation  
  | race=Gallente
  | variations= {{Ship|Magus}}
| roles=Droneboat
  | tech=  
| variations=<i>none</i>
  | tech=
| ecmprio=1 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
  | powergrid=55 MW
  | powergrid=55 MW
  | cpu=160 tf
  | cpu=160 tf
  | capacitor=550 GJ
  | capacitor=550 GJ
  | highs=6
  | highs=6
  | turrets=5
  | turrets=5
Line 28: Line 26:
  | mediums=3
  | mediums=3
  | lows=3
  | lows=3
  | mass=1,600,000 kg
  | mass=1,600,000 kg
  | volume=55,000 m&#179;
  | volume=55,000{{m3}}
  | cargohold=350 m&#179;
  | cargohold=350{{m3}}
  | extrahold=
  | extrahold=
  | extraholdtype=
  | extraholdtype=
  | dronebay=60 m&#179;
  | dronebay=60{{m3}}
  | bandwidth=35 Mbit/sec
  | bandwidth=35 Mbit/sec
  | info=<b>Development</b><br>The Algos, as is custom with the Gallente, relies on swiftness of action - preferably at a respectable distance - to accomplish its goals. In this it reflects well-honed Gallente values, which include taking independent action without taking forever to wait for a committee decision, and also doing so, if at all possible, in a fashion that allows for a nice, safe buffer for immediate retreat; because theory is one thing, and practice is sometimes quite another.<br><br>As such, the Algos focuses on being able to hit its targets in rapid-fire fashion, with guns that fire fast and drones that race through space with destruction in mind.
  | bonuses=<b>Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage<br>10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed<br><b>Role Bonus:</b><br>25% bonus to Drone max velocity<br>
| quote=Of all the tools I have developed, an open mind has proven the most useful.
| quote_attribution=Old Man Darieux
  | info=The Algos, as is custom with the Gallente, relies on swiftness of action - preferably at a respectable distance - to accomplish its goals. In this it reflects well-honed Gallente values, which include taking independent action without taking forever to wait for a committee decision, and also doing so, if at all possible, in a fashion that allows for a nice, safe buffer for immediate retreat; because theory is one thing, and practice is sometimes quite another.
As such, the Algos focuses on being able to hit its targets in rapid-fire fashion, with guns that fire fast and drones that race through space with destruction in mind.
  | bonuses= <b>Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage<br>
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed<br><b>
Role Bonus:</b><br>
25% bonus to Drone max velocity
  | structurehp=950 HP
  | structurehp=950 HP
| armorhp=850 HP
| armorem=50
| armortherm=35
| armorkin=35
| armorexp=10
  | shieldhp=800 HP
  | shieldhp=800 HP
  | shieldem=0
  | shieldem=0
| shieldtherm=20
| shieldkin=40
  | shieldexp=50
  | shieldexp=50
| shieldkin=40
| shieldtherm=20
| armorhp=850 HP
| armorem=50
| armorexp=10
| armorkin=35
| armortherm=35
  | maxvelocity=245 m/sec
  | maxvelocity=245 m/sec
  | inertia=2.85
  | inertia=2.85
  | warpspeed=4.5 AU/s
  | warpspeed=4.5 AU/s
  | warptime=6.32 s
  | warptime=6.32 s
  | targetrange=42.00 km
  | targetrange= 42 km
| maxlockedtargets=7
  | sigradius=72 m
  | sigradius=72 m
  | maxlockedtargets=7
  | scanres=500 mm
  | sensortype=Magnetometric
  | sensortype=Magnetometric
  | sensorvalue=11 points
  | sensorvalue=11 points
| scanres=500 mm
| reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Gallente Destroyer|I}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Gallente Frigate|III}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
| reqskills= * {{RequiredSkill|Gallente Destroyer|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Gallente Frigate|III}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
  | totaltraintime=9h 18m 20s
  | totaltraintime=9h 18m 20s
  | forumlinks=
  | forumlinks=
  | wikireferences=
  | wikireferences=
  | externallinks=[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Algos Algos on Eve Online Wiki]
  | externallinks=
  | highlights1=
  | highlights1=
  | highlights2=
  | highlights2=
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== Summary ==
The Algos is the Gallente destroyer added in the [http://www.eveonline.com/retribution/ Retribution] expansion. It is the second step on the Gallente drone boat path, between the [[Tristan]] and [[Vexor]]. It is slightly bulkier than the [[Catalyst]], and since it is capable of fitting a full flight of salvage drones in addition to a rack of railguns, the Algos is an excellent choice for L1 mission running. Unlike larger ships (i.e. the [[Vexor]]), the Algos is designed to be flown with very low skill points; with that in mind, it is the only drone ship where Drones V is not an absolute necessity - although it should still be a top priority for new Gallente pilots. The Algos is a versatile destroyer, capable of running either rails or blasters while pushing through a respectable amount of DPS.
The Algos is the Gallente destroyer added in the [[Expansions#Retribution|Retribution]] expansion. It is the second step on the Gallente drone boat path, between the [[Tristan]] and [[Vexor]]. Unlike the [[Catalyst]] it is capable of fitting a full flight of salvage drones in addition to a rack of railguns. The Algos is an excellent choice for L1 mission running. Unlike larger ships (e.g. the [[Vexor]]), the Algos is designed to be flown with very low skill points; with that in mind, it is the only drone ship where {{Sk|Drones|V}} is not an absolute necessity - although it should still be a top priority for new Gallente pilots. The Algos is a versatile destroyer, capable of running either rails or blasters while pushing through a respectable amount of DPS.
== Skills ==
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Algos for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.''
Being a Tech 1 destroyer and potentially a pilot's first step up from frigate hulls, the Algos is quite forgiving. Basic [[fitting skills]] and [[support skills]] are desirable. However, {{sk|Drones| III}} '''(IV or even V ideally)''' is probably necessary because the Algos is used as a drone boat.
== Tactics ==
"Warp to 20" - this is the Algos' pilot motto. Take the official description of this destroyer to heart and fly it that way. You might have more EHP and tank than a frigate but you are still not a brawler and not as nimble as a frigate. In PvE and PvP your damage is best done at range where you can tactically evaluate the situation and direct your drones to where they are most needed and manage your ship's propulsion mods and defense mods as necessary.
| ship=Algos
| shipTypeID=32872
PvP: Fit a Microwarpdrive, Cap Boosters or anything that will keep your cap topped off in combat. If you happen to be squad/wing/fleet warped right on top of the enemy - turn and burn away, set your drones to do their thing on the Primary and make sure they are set to Passive mode. This means they will not agress anything that you don't purposefully tell them to. (This applies to PvE as well). Keeping your situational awareness as a droneboat pilot is doubly as important as for a gunboat pilot; he won't lose his primary DPS if the FC orders a fast retreat and you're forced to leave your drones behind. It doesn't hurt to keep a flight of spare drones (or different variants) in your cargo hold to swap out if you dock up.
| fitName=PvE Mission Basic
| fitID=PvE-Mission-Basic
PvE: Level 1 missions are a breeze with the Algos. Level 2 are more of a challenge, but still possible once you have experience and EVE Survival website opened and start fitting for specific missions. Level 3, you will need to fleet up with big friends - these are meant for Cruisers and Cruiser gangs. If you are at this point, leave the Algos behind and graduate to the [[Vexor]].
| low1name=Drone Damage Amplifier I
| low1typeID=4393
== Patch History ==
| low2name=Drone Damage Amplifier I
{{Expansion past|
| low2typeID=4393
'''Crius 1.6 - Released 2014-07-31''' ''(non-balance change)''
| low3name=Co-Processor I
* Algos blueprint stats corrected to be in line with other destroyers.
| low3typeID=11563
| mid1name=Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Medium Subordinate Screen Stabilizer I
| mid2typeID=8397
| mid3name=Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
| mid3typeID=9632
| high1name=75mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=7253
| charge1name=Antimatter Charge S x2
| charge1typeID=222
| high2name=75mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=7253
| high3name=75mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge S
| high3typeID=7253
| high4name=75mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge S
| high4typeID=7253
| high5name=75mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge S
| high5typeID=7253
| high6name=Small 'Arup' Remote Armor Repairer
| high6typeID=16437
| drone1name=Hobgoblin I x9
| drone1typeID=2454
| drone2name=Salvage Drone I x3
| drone2typeID=32787
| rig1name=open
| rig2name=open
| rig3name=open
| charge2name=open
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=Fit three Small Core Defense Field Purger I rigs if you can afford it (you don't require the rig skills, however you will get the full drawbacks).</li><li>Train up Weapon Upgrades IV as soon as possible so you can use Drone Damage Amplifier II (essential for drone boats).</li><li>Use the Remote Armor repper to repair your drones if they take aggro.  
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=PHOEBE 1.0
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=32872:16435;1:25861;1:561;4:9632;1:8397;1:6003;1:4393;2:3887;1:31800;3:2454;12:222;804::
| fleetup=
fitName=Armor Fleet|
high1name=Light Electron Blaster II|
high2name=Light Electron Blaster II|
high3name=Light Electron Blaster II|
high4name=Light Electron Blaster II|
high5name=Light Electron Blaster II|
mid1name=Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I|
mid2name=X5 Prototype Engine Enervator|
mid3name=J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I|
low1name=400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I|
low2name=Damage Control II|
low3name=Drone Damage Amplifier II|
drone1name=Hobgoblin II x5|
drone2name=Warrior II x3|
drone3name=Valkyrie II x2|
rig1name=Small Anti-Explosive Pump I|
rig2name=Small Anti-Kinetic Pump I|
rig3name=Small Anti-Thermic Pump I|
version=PHOEBE 1.0|
notes=10k EHP, 391 dps w/ Void. Main damage flight is 3x Hobgoblin II, 2x Valkyrie II - the Valks are plenty fast with the hull bonus.  The DDA2 can be switched for an EANM for more tank but dps is likely more desirable than slightly more ehp in a destroyer.}}{{ShipFitting
| ship=Algos
| shipTypeID=32872
| fitName=Solo
| fitID=Solo
| low1name=400mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
| low1typeID=20349
| low2name=Damage Control II
| low2typeID=2048
| low3name=Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
| low3typeID=11269
| mid1name=1MN Afterburner II
| mid1typeID=438
| mid2name=X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
| mid2typeID=4025
| mid3name=J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
| mid3typeID=5439
| high1name=Small Energy Neutralizer II
| high1typeID=13003
| high2name=75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=3098
| charge1name=Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S x1
| charge1typeID=23009
| high3name=75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
| high3typeID=3098
| high4name=75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
| high4typeID=3098
| high5name=75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
| high5typeID=3098
| high6name=75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
| high6typeID=3098
| rig1name=Small Trimark Armor Pump I
| rig1typeID=30987
| rig2name=Small Trimark Armor Pump I
| rig2typeID=30987
| rig3name=Small Trimark Armor Pump I
| rig3typeID=30987
| drone1name=Hobgoblin II x7
| drone1typeID=2456
| drone2name=Warrior II x5
| drone2typeID=2488
| 1name=Javelin
| 1typeID=
| 2name=Spike
| 2typeID=
| charge2name=open
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=Switch to Javelin if something gets on top of you, you will track them. Try to kite at edge of scram.  
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=1
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=PHOEBE 1.0
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=32872:20349;1:2048;1:11269;1:438;1:4025;1:5439;1:13003;1:3098;5:23009;1:30987;3:2456;7:2488;5:;2::
| fleetup=
'''Rubicon 1.0 - Released 2013-11-19''' ''(non-balance change)''
"Warp to 20" - this is the Algos' pilot motto. Take the official description of this destroyer to heart and fly it that way. You might have more EHP and tank than a frigate but you are still not a brawler and not as nimble as a frigate. In PVE and PVP your damage is best done at range where you can tactically evaluate the situation and direct your drones to where they are most needed and manage your ship's propulsion mods and defense mods as necessary.
* The Algos ship description has been altered to make it clearer.
PvP: Fit a Microwarpdrive, Cap Boosters or anything that will keep your cap topped off in combat. If you happen to be squad/wing/fleet warped right on top of the enemy - turn and burn away, set your drones to do their thing on the Primary and make sure they are set to Passive mode. This means they will not agress anything that you don't purposefully tell them to. (This applies to PvE as well). Keeping your situational awareness as a droneboat pilot is doubly as important as for a gunboat pilot; he won't lose his primary dps if the FC orders a fast retreat and you're forced to leave your drones behind. It doesn't hurt to keep a flight of spare drones (or different variants) in your cargo hold to swap out if you dock up.  
'''Retribution 1.0 - Released 2012-12-04'''
''The Algos is the new drone Destroyer for the Gallente. Combining a class-leading 35mbit of drone bandwidth with bonuses to drone damage/hitpoints and drone speed makes the Algos deadly at flexible ranges. A hybrid weapon tracking bonus fits perfectly with small railguns to add extra ranged damage to the Algos’ column.''
* Ship introduced, with the following stats:
PVE: Level 1 missions are a breeze with the Algos. Level 2 are more of a challenge, but still possible once you have experience and EVE Survival website opened on your ingame browser and start fitting for specific missions. Level 3, you will need to fleet up with big friends - these are meant for Cruisers and Cruiser gangs. If you are at this point, leave the Algos behind and graduate to the Vexor.
* Role bonuses: 25% role bonus to drone microwarpdrive speed
* Destroyer bonuses: 10% bonus to drone damage, hitpoints and 10% bonus to small hybrid turret tracking per level
* Slot layout: 6 H, 3 M, 3 L, 5 turrets, 0 launchers
* Fittings: 55 PWG, 160 CPU
* Defense (shields / armor / hull): 800 / 850 / 950
* Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / cap per second): 550 / 350 s / 1.57
* Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 245 / 2.85 / 1600000 / 4.27 s
* Drones (bandwidth / bay): 35 / 60
* Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 42km / 500 / 7
* Sensor strength: 11 Magnetometric
* Signature radius: 72
== Notes ==
*This vessel qualifies for the University [[Ship Replacement Program]], [[PYOS]], and [[BYOM]].
In ancient Greek "algos" meant pain (thus the present-day English word "neur''algia''"), but poets also wrote of a group of lesser spirits who were personifications of pain, the Algea; in Hesiod's account, the Algea were the children of [[Eris]].
[[Category:Database]][[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:Standard Destroyers]]
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Standard Destroyers]]

Latest revision as of 05:39, 14 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Gallente Federation
Gallente Federation
Standard Destroyers
Algos Class
Of all the tools I have developed, an open mind has proven the most useful.
– Old Man Darieux

The Algos, as is custom with the Gallente, relies on swiftness of action - preferably at a respectable distance - to accomplish its goals. In this it reflects well-honed Gallente values, which include taking independent action without taking forever to wait for a committee decision, and also doing so, if at all possible, in a fashion that allows for a nice, safe buffer for immediate retreat; because theory is one thing, and practice is sometimes quite another.

As such, the Algos focuses on being able to hit its targets in rapid-fire fashion, with guns that fire fast and drones that race through space with destruction in mind.


Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
25% bonus to Drone max velocity

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
9h 18m 20s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations
Command Destroyers Algos Class
Icon highlights.pngCan use Command Burst module
Icon highlights.pngCan fit a Micro Jump Field Generator
Icon hi slot.png5 (1/3) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png4
Icon powergrid.png59 MW Icon cpu.png210 tf
Icon velocity.png325 m/sec
Icon capacity.png350 m³

Ship Attributes

55 MW
cpu output
160 tf
550 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
245 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
4.5 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
6.32 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
60 m3
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
35 Mbit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
42 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
Magnetometric Sensor
Magnetometric sensor strength
11 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
72 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
500 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
950 HP
ship mass
1,600,000 kg
ship volume
55,000 m3
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
350 m3
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
850 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
800 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Algos is the Gallente destroyer added in the Retribution expansion. It is the second step on the Gallente drone boat path, between the Tristan and Vexor. Unlike the Catalyst it is capable of fitting a full flight of salvage drones in addition to a rack of railguns. The Algos is an excellent choice for L1 mission running. Unlike larger ships (e.g. the Vexor), the Algos is designed to be flown with very low skill points; with that in mind, it is the only drone ship where Drones V is not an absolute necessity - although it should still be a top priority for new Gallente pilots. The Algos is a versatile destroyer, capable of running either rails or blasters while pushing through a respectable amount of DPS.


Being a Tech 1 destroyer and potentially a pilot's first step up from frigate hulls, the Algos is quite forgiving. Basic fitting skills and support skills are desirable. However, Drones  III (IV or even V ideally) is probably necessary because the Algos is used as a drone boat.


"Warp to 20" - this is the Algos' pilot motto. Take the official description of this destroyer to heart and fly it that way. You might have more EHP and tank than a frigate but you are still not a brawler and not as nimble as a frigate. In PvE and PvP your damage is best done at range where you can tactically evaluate the situation and direct your drones to where they are most needed and manage your ship's propulsion mods and defense mods as necessary.

PvP: Fit a Microwarpdrive, Cap Boosters or anything that will keep your cap topped off in combat. If you happen to be squad/wing/fleet warped right on top of the enemy - turn and burn away, set your drones to do their thing on the Primary and make sure they are set to Passive mode. This means they will not agress anything that you don't purposefully tell them to. (This applies to PvE as well). Keeping your situational awareness as a droneboat pilot is doubly as important as for a gunboat pilot; he won't lose his primary DPS if the FC orders a fast retreat and you're forced to leave your drones behind. It doesn't hurt to keep a flight of spare drones (or different variants) in your cargo hold to swap out if you dock up.

PvE: Level 1 missions are a breeze with the Algos. Level 2 are more of a challenge, but still possible once you have experience and EVE Survival website opened and start fitting for specific missions. Level 3, you will need to fleet up with big friends - these are meant for Cruisers and Cruiser gangs. If you are at this point, leave the Algos behind and graduate to the Vexor.

Patch History


In ancient Greek "algos" meant pain (thus the present-day English word "neuralgia"), but poets also wrote of a group of lesser spirits who were personifications of pain, the Algea; in Hesiod's account, the Algea were the children of Eris.