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{{ShipArticle | shipid= | shipimg= | shipname= Bestla | caption= | class= Heavy Assault Cruiser | grouping= Special Edition Heavy Assault Cruisers | hulltype= Bestla Class | faction= Minmatar Republic | race= | roles= | variations= | tech= 2 | ecmprio= | powergrid= 1,300 MW | cpu= 500 tf | capacitor= 1,500 GJ

| highs= 6 | turrets= 2 | launchers= 4 | mediums= 5 | lows= 5

| mass= 11,650,000 kg | volume= 96,000  m3

| cargohold= 660  m3 | extraholdtype= | extrahold=

| dronebay= 125  m3 | bandwidth= 20 Mbit/sec

| info= | bonuses= Heavy Assault Cruiser Bonuses
10% bonus to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missile Explosion Velocity
10% bonus to Heavy, Heavy Assault, and Rapid Light launcher Rate of Fire
Minmatar Cruiser Bonuses
10% bonus to Light, Heavy, Heavy Assault Missile Damage
10% bonus to Shield Booster and Armor Repairer effectiveness
Role Bonuses
500% bonus to Stasis Webifier Drone factor of velocity decrease
500% bonus to Stasis Webifier Drone hitpoints
50% bonus to Statis Webifier Drone max velocity
• Can fit Assault Damage Control

| structurehp= 1,500 HP

| armorhp= 3,000 HP | armorem= 90 | armortherm= 67.5 | armorkin= 25 | armorexp= 10

| shieldhp= 3,000 HP | shieldem= 75 | shieldtherm= 60 | shieldkin= 40 | shieldexp= 50

| maxvelocity= 300 m/sec | inertia= 0.47 | warpspeed= 4.5 AU/s | warptime= 7.59 s

| targetrange= 80 km | maxlockedtargets= 7 | sigradius= 120 m | scanres= 340 mm | sensortype= LADAR | sensorvalue= 22

| reqskills= *Minmatar Cruiser V29d 15h 6m


The Bestla and the Geri are the alliance Tournament XVIII prize ships. A total of 140[1] of each ship where rewarded.


Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Bestla for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.


No sub-article about Bestla roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.


You can write additional notes for Bestla here.

Patch History
