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* SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 2024-11-14)
* SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 10.08.2011)
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* on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't  
* leave/mistype any tags required. please follow the same
* leave/misstype any tags required. please follow the same  
* format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
* format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
| shipid=625
| shipimg=Augoror.jpg
| shipname=Augoror
| class=Cruiser
| grouping=Standard Cruisers
| hulltype=Augoror Class
| faction=Amarr Empire  
|grouping=Standard Cruisers
| variations={{Ship|Guardian}},{{Ship|Augoror Navy Issue}}
|hulltype=Augoror Class
| tech=  
|faction=Amarr Empire
| powergrid=650 MW
| cpu=275 tf
| capacitor=2,250 GJ
|variations={{Ship|Guardian}}, {{Ship|Augoror Navy Issue}}
| highs=5
| turrets=3
|ecmprio=3 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
| launchers=0
| mediums=3
|powergrid=475 MW
| lows=5
|cpu=225 tf
| mass=12,870,000 kg
|capacitor=937.5 GJ
| volume=115,000
| cargohold=465
| extrahold=
| extraholdtype=
| dronebay=20
| bandwidth=20 Mbit/sec
|mass=10,730,000 kg
|volume=115,000 m&#179;
|cargohold=465 m&#179;
|dronebay=5 m&#179;
|bandwidth=5 Mbit/sec
|info=The Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. It is mainly used by the Amarrians for escort and scouting duties where frigates are deemed too weak. Like most Amarrian vessels, the Augoror depends first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters.
|bonuses=<b>Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to armor hitpoints per level and 10% bonus to capacitor need of energy transfer arrays per level.</b><br><b>Role bonus: 500% bonus to range of energy transfer arrays.</b>
|structurehp=1,329 HP
|shieldhp=860 HP |shieldem=0 |shieldexp=50 |shieldkin=40 |shieldtherm=20
|armorhp=1,329 HP |armorem=50 |armorexp=20 |armorkin=25 |armortherm=35
|maxvelocity=153 m/s
|warpspeed=3 AU/s
|warptime=9.3 s
|targetrange=42 km
|sigradius=110 m
|sensorvalue=11 points
|scanres=328 mm
|reqskills=*Amarr Cruiser I<small>41m</small>
**Spaceship Command III<small>4h 26m</small>
**Amarr Frigate IV<small>2d 2h 17m</small>
|totaltraintime=2d 7h 25m
|externallinks=[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Augoror Augoror on Eve Online Wiki]<br>[http://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=%22Augoror%22+site%3Aeve.battleclinic.com Battleclinic Augoror Fittings]
| quote= The word of the Lord is pure,<br>It is a shield for the faithful
| quote_attribution= The Scriptures, Prophet Anoyia 8:15
| info=In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Amarr Empire the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Augoror.<br><br>The Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. Like most Amarr vessels, the Augoror depended first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters. After its overhaul, it had some of the armor stripped off to make room for equipment allowing it to focus on the armor of other vessels, along with energy transfers.
| bonuses=<b>Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>12.5% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer amount<br>5% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer activation cost<br><b>Role Bonus:</b><br>1000% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter range<br>200% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter transfer amount<br>430% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer optimal range and falloff
| structurehp=1,550 HP
| shieldhp=1,000 HP
| shieldem=0
| shieldexp=50
| shieldkin=40
| shieldtherm=20
| armorhp=1,650 HP
| armorem=50
| armorexp=20
| armorkin=25
| armortherm=35
| maxvelocity=235 m/sec
| inertia=0.56
| warpspeed=4 AU/s
| warptime=9.99 s
| targetrange=60.00 km
| sigradius=90 m
| maxlockedtargets=8
| sensortype=RADAR
| sensorvalue=13 points
| scanres=300 mm
| reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Amarr Cruiser|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|II}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Amarr Destroyer|III}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Amarr Frigate|III}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
| totaltraintime=19h 15m 30s
| forumlinks=
| wikireferences=
| externallinks=
| highlights1=
| highlights2=
| highlights3=
| highlights4=
}}</onlyinclude> <!-- Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
}}</onlyinclude> <!-- Template marker : DON'T EDIT LINE -->
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== Summary ==
''You can write a summary for Augoror here.''
The '''Augoror''' is the Tech 1 Amarr [[logistics]] cruiser, with bonuses to remote armor repairs and energy transfers.
Like the Gallente [[Exequror]], the Augoror is designed to repair other ships' armor. However, unlike the Exequror and instead like the Caldari shield-boosting [[Osprey]], the Augoror is designed to trade capacitor with other Augorors in a "capacitor chain". Because of their 200% bonus to energy transfer amount, Augorors trading energy transfers to each other effectively create a large amount of capacitor out of nothing. A cap-chained Augoror can be capacitor-stable with lower skills than its sister ship the [[Exequror]], and will also more easily resist [[Capacitor warfare|energy neutralization]]. On the downside, a cap-chain team of logistics ships is more vulnerable to [[ECM]], because a jammed Augoror not only can't repair its fellows, but also can't transfer capacitor, reducing its teammates' remote repair capacity. Cap-chained logistics ships also demand more coordination from their pilots.
The Augoror is piloted in a similar fashion to the more powerful Tech 2 [[Guardian]].
== Skills ==
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Augoror for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.''
An Augoror can make a battlefield difference with relatively limited pilot skills, but good general [[support skills]] will boost its impact.
''No tagged fittings for Augoror.''
{{sk|Capacitor Management}} and {{sk|Capacitor Systems Operation}}, important for any pilot flying Amarr ships, are doubly important for logistics ships. Training in {{sk|Remote Armor Repair Systems}} reduces the capacitor burden of remote armor repairers, as {{sk|Capacitor Emission Systems}} does for remote capacitor transfer modules. Several skills in the Targeting category are also helpful: {{sk|Signature Analysis}} and {{sk|Target Management}} make it easier to shuttle between repairing different allies, while {{sk|Radar Sensor Compensation}} raises the Augoror's sensor strength, reducing its vulnerability to ECM.
''No sub-article about Augoror roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.''
== Tactics ==
''You can write additional notes for Augoror here.''
The Augoror is typically fitted with a mixture of remote armor repairers and remote capacitor transferrers in its high slots; propulsion, capacitor battery, and potentially ECCM for jam resistance in the mid slots; and an armor tank in the low slots. The exact mixture of modules can be tuned to different character skill levels. The drone bay can be used for logistics drones (unbonused, unlike those of the Exequror), or for damage or ECM drones.
The pilots of Augorors in a capacitor chain must coordinate carefully before battle, and might benefit from their own logistics comms channel and/or their own logistics commander.
== Notes ==
''You can add notes here.''
== Patch History ==
{{Expansion past|
'''October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1'''
''Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.''
* Warp Speed increased from 3 AU/s to 4 AU/s (+1 AU/s)
[[Category:Database]][[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:Standard Cruisers]]
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Standard Cruisers]]

Latest revision as of 17:31, 14 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Amarr Empire
Amarr Empire
Standard Cruisers
Augoror Class
The word of the Lord is pure,
It is a shield for the faithful
– The Scriptures, Prophet Anoyia 8:15

In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Amarr Empire the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Augoror.

The Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. Like most Amarr vessels, the Augoror depended first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters. After its overhaul, it had some of the armor stripped off to make room for equipment allowing it to focus on the armor of other vessels, along with energy transfers.


Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
12.5% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer amount
5% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer activation cost
Role Bonus:
1000% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter range
200% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter transfer amount
430% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer optimal range and falloff

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
19h 15m 30s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations
Logistics Cruisers Augoror Class
Icon hi slot.png6 (0/3) Icon mid slot.png2 Icon low slot.png5
Icon powergrid.png1,075 MW Icon cpu.png310 tf
Icon velocity.png209 m/sec
Icon capacity.png465 m³
,Augoror Navy Issue
Augoror Navy Issue.jpg
Augoror Navy Issue
Faction Cruisers Augoror Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png5 (0/3) Icon mid slot.png3 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png1,150 MW Icon cpu.png320 tf
Icon velocity.png215 m/sec
Icon capacity.png480 m³

Ship Attributes

650 MW
cpu output
275 tf
2,250 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
235 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
4 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
9.99 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
20 m³
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
20 Mbit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
60.00 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
RADAR Sensor
RADAR sensor strength
13 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
90 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
300 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
1,550 HP
ship mass
12,870,000 kg
ship volume
115,000 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
465 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
1,650 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
1,000 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Augoror is the Tech 1 Amarr logistics cruiser, with bonuses to remote armor repairs and energy transfers.

Like the Gallente Exequror, the Augoror is designed to repair other ships' armor. However, unlike the Exequror and instead like the Caldari shield-boosting Osprey, the Augoror is designed to trade capacitor with other Augorors in a "capacitor chain". Because of their 200% bonus to energy transfer amount, Augorors trading energy transfers to each other effectively create a large amount of capacitor out of nothing. A cap-chained Augoror can be capacitor-stable with lower skills than its sister ship the Exequror, and will also more easily resist energy neutralization. On the downside, a cap-chain team of logistics ships is more vulnerable to ECM, because a jammed Augoror not only can't repair its fellows, but also can't transfer capacitor, reducing its teammates' remote repair capacity. Cap-chained logistics ships also demand more coordination from their pilots.

The Augoror is piloted in a similar fashion to the more powerful Tech 2 Guardian.


An Augoror can make a battlefield difference with relatively limited pilot skills, but good general support skills will boost its impact.

Capacitor Management and Capacitor Systems Operation, important for any pilot flying Amarr ships, are doubly important for logistics ships. Training in Remote Armor Repair Systems reduces the capacitor burden of remote armor repairers, as Capacitor Emission Systems does for remote capacitor transfer modules. Several skills in the Targeting category are also helpful: Signature Analysis and Target Management make it easier to shuttle between repairing different allies, while Radar Sensor Compensation raises the Augoror's sensor strength, reducing its vulnerability to ECM.


The Augoror is typically fitted with a mixture of remote armor repairers and remote capacitor transferrers in its high slots; propulsion, capacitor battery, and potentially ECCM for jam resistance in the mid slots; and an armor tank in the low slots. The exact mixture of modules can be tuned to different character skill levels. The drone bay can be used for logistics drones (unbonused, unlike those of the Exequror), or for damage or ECM drones.

The pilots of Augorors in a capacitor chain must coordinate carefully before battle, and might benefit from their own logistics comms channel and/or their own logistics commander.


You can add notes here.

Patch History