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(Add a small tip on range skills being more helpful)
(Added quote introduced in the Revenant expansion (2024-11-12).)
(6 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * leave/misstype any tags required. please follow the same
  * leave/mistype any tags required. please follow the same
  * format below and edit only the values (after the = sign).
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  | shipimg=Griffin.jpg
  | shipimg=Griffin.jpg
  | shipname=Griffin
  | shipname=Griffin
| caption=Griffin
  | class=Frigate
  | class=Frigate
  | grouping=Standard Frigates
  | grouping=Standard Frigates
  | hulltype=Griffin Class
  | hulltype=Griffin Class
  | faction=Caldari State
  | faction=Caldari State  
| race=Caldari
| roles=Electronic Warfare
  | variations={{Ship|Kitsune}},{{Ship|Griffin Navy Issue}}
  | variations={{Ship|Kitsune}},{{Ship|Griffin Navy Issue}}
  | tech=
  | tech=  
| ecmprio=1 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
  | powergrid=24 MW
  | powergrid=24 MW
  | cpu=240 tf
  | cpu=240 tf
Line 29: Line 25:
  | lows=2
  | lows=2
  | mass=1,056,000 kg
  | mass=1,056,000 kg
  | volume=19,400 m&#179;
  | volume=19,400
  | cargohold=260 m&#179;
  | cargohold=260
  | extrahold=
  | extrahold=
  | extraholdtype=
  | extraholdtype=
  | dronebay=5 m&#179;
  | dronebay=5
  | bandwidth=5 Mbit/sec
  | bandwidth=5 Mbit/sec
| quote=Deny your enemy the satisfaction of combat.
| quote_attribution=Lai Dai marketing division
  | info=The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.
  | info=The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.
  | bonuses=<b>Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength<br>10% reduction in ECM Target Jammer activation cost<br>
  | bonuses=<b>Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength<br>10% reduction in ECM Target Jammer activation cost<br>
Line 59: Line 57:
  | scanres=500 mm
  | scanres=500 mm
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Frigate|I}}
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Frigate|I}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
  | totaltraintime=25m 0s
  | totaltraintime=25m 0s
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== Summary ==
The Griffin is the Caldari [[Frigates#Electronic_Warfare|Electronic Warfare Frigate]], specializing in Electronic Countermeasures (ECM). It is very frequently seen in E-UNI fleets. ECM is often described as the most useful form of [[Electronic Warfare]], in that it breaks enemy target locks and prevents the enemy from re-acquiring targets for 20 seconds. This can reduce the damage directed at your fleet, prevent enemy logistics from providing remote support, and break warp disruption from tacklers, allowing an escape. For new EVE players, flying the Griffin only requires training {{sk|Caldari Frigate|I}}, and no training at all for new Caldari pilots. As a result, new Unistas can have an immediate, significant impact on fleet engagements by flying the Griffin. The Griffin also provides excellent training for more advanced ECM ships, like the [[Blackbird]], [[Falcon]] and [[Scorpion]].
The Griffin is the Caldari Tech 1 [[electronic warfare]] frigate, specializing in [[Electronic Countermeasures|ECM]]. Although the Griffin is cheap and requires few character skills, it can have a significant battlefield impact.
The Griffin receives a bonus to ECM module strength per level of {{sk|Caldari Frigate}}, which has a significant impact on ECM effectiveness. Even with this bonus, however, ECM modules still miss more often than they hit. As a result, the Griffin is typically fit to maximize ECM success. One way to do this is to use racially specific, rather than multispectral, ECM modules. Unless the ECM target is known in advance of fitting, Griffins are normally fit with a “rainbow” of racially specific ECM modules, to maximize the chance of jamming a variety of racial ship targets. One or two signal distortion amplifiers also increase the Griffin’s chance to jam. By contrast, the Griffin is not commonly fit for tank or weapons, because it can’t survive short-range combat. (You may choose to fit weapons in the high slots, but you will probably never use them.)
ECM is a particularly powerful type of EWAR: a successfully jammed enemy loses all their target locks and cannot lock any ship other than their jammer for 20 seconds. This can reduce the damage directed at your fleet, prevent enemy [[logistics]] ships repairing their allies, and break [[Tackling|tackle]], allowing friendly ships to escape. In group PvP combat, the Griffin is a powerful force multiplier. Because of its cheap cost and low SP requirements, groups living in dangerous space often also keep spare Griffins in their hangars ready to jam tackle off when a friendly PvE ship is attacked; because these ships are used to pry tackling ships off, players sometimes colloquially call them "crowbars".
Rigs can be used to extend the Griffin’s base lock range, or its ECM range, or both. In any case, it is important to make the ship’s lock range much longer than its ECM modules’ optimal range, to maximize the practical operating range of the ship.
For new EVE players, flying this ship only requires training {{sk|Caldari Frigate|I}}, a skill which Caldari characters begin with and which can be quickly trained by anyone else; anyone who has completed the first six hours of the E-Uni [[Short Skill Plan]] can be basically functional in a Griffin. Griffin pilots who enjoy flying ECM can consider training for the [[Blackbird]] in the short term, and for the [[Kitsune]], [[Rook]] and [[Falcon]] in the long term.
== Skills ==
These skills will improve your EWAR effectiveness when flying a Griffin. In most cases both targeting and jam range (as it lets you stay on the field longer) is more helpful than jam strength.
The Griffin is a fairly forgiving ship and new pilots need few skills to be effective in using it. There are, though, some skills which will further boost the Griffin's power, and anyone planning to use ECM often should consider training these. A key, obvious priority is the {{sk|Caldari Frigate}} skill, which gives the ship +15% ECM strength and +12.5% ECM range per level. {{sk|Electronic Warfare}}, which every character already has at level I after character creation, shaves 5% off the capacitor use of ECM modules per level.
*[[Skills:Spaceship_Command#Caldari_Frigate|Caldari Frigate]] - Skills for the specific types of ship you are flying will give you the greatest improvement in ECM effectiveness: 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level and +12.5% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff per level. Requires Spaceship Command I.
Increasing the range of ECM and the target locking range of the ship also makes the Griffin more able to affect a whole battle, and increases its survivability (as it can fight from further away):
*[[Skills:Targeting#Long_Range_Targeting|Long Range Targeting]] - 5% Bonus to targeting range per skill level. Requires CPU Management Level 2.
* {{sk|Long Range Targeting}}: 5% greater targeting range per level.
* {{sk|Long Distance Jamming}}: 10% greater ECM optimal range per level. Requires Electronic Warfare III.
* {{sk|Frequency Modulation}}: 10% greater ECM falloff range per level. Requires Electronic Warfare II.
*[[Skills:Electronic_Systems#Frequency_Modulation|Frequency Modulation]] - Increases the falloff distance of your ECM modules by 10% per level. Requires CPU Management Level 3 and Electronics Warfare Level 2.  
Pilots enthusiastic about ECM should also look towards training {{sk|Signal Dispersion}}, which gives a further +5% bonus to ECM strength per level. This skill requires CPU Management V and Electronic Warfare IV, so it is a medium-term goal for enthusiasts, not a requirement for occasional Griffin pilots. {{sk|Electronic Superiority Rigging}} mitigates the shield penalties incurred by adding rigs useful for ECM to a ship.
*[[Skills:Electronic_Systems#Long_Distance_Jamming|Long Distance Jamming]] - Increases the optimal range of your ECM modules by 10% per level. Requires CPU Management Level 4 and Electronics Warfare Level 3.  
== Tactics ==
New Griffin pilots can read the [[Electronic warfare#EWAR Tactics|tactics section]] of the wiki's page on EWAR, and/or attend one of the Uni's [[EWAR (CORE class)|Introduction to EWAR]] classes.
*[[Skills:Rigging#Electronic_Superiority_Rigging|Electronic Superiority Rigging]] - This will reduce the shield penalty incurred by your ECM rigs. Requires Jury Rigging Level 3 and Mechanics Level 3.  
The Griffin is typically fitted with racially-specific ECM jammers. If the ECM target is not known before undocking, these are normally fitted in "rainbow" configuration with one jammer of each of the four types. Griffins often keep extra racially-specific jammers in their cargo, so that they can refit to jam specific targets if they receive intel before fighting. Signal Distortion Amplifier modules in the low slots increase ECM strength, and a MWD helps battlefield mobility. The Griffin cannot mount a useful tank without sacrificing its ECM modules, and cannot deal significant damage, so Griffins often have no tank or weapons. Rigs can extend the Griffin’s base lock range, or its ECM range, or both. It is important to make the ship’s lock range longer than its jammers' optimal, to maximize the practical operating range of the ship.
*[[Skills:Electronic_Systems#Signal_Dispersion|Signal Dispersion]] - Increases your jam strength by 5% per level. This skill requires CPU Management 5 and Electronic Warfare Level 4. If you have decided that you really enjoy being an EWAR pilot this is a great skill to work towards, but it certainly isn't required to have fun flying ECM in fleets.
The following tips will prove useful in flying a Griffin:
See the [[EWAR Guide]] and [[ECM Guide]] articles for more information.
* '''Warp into an engagement after your fleetmates.''' Let your opponents begin attacking others and make yourself an added complication to which they have to adjust.
* '''Know your operating range, and keep that distance from enemies.'''
New Griffin pilots should read the [[Electronic_warfare#EWAR_Tactics|Tactics section of the UniWiki’s EWAR guide]], and attend an [[Electronic Warfare 101]] practical exercise; these will provide some details on how to fly EWAR frigates. Specific tips on flying the Griffin:
* '''Warp into an engagement after your fleetmates.''' By landing on grid first, you give your opponents early warning that they will have to deal with EWAR. A better strategy is to warp in after they have already committed to focusing on your fleet’s tankier damage dealers.
* '''Match your jammers to your opponents’ racial sensor types.''' If you are flying a “rainbow”-fit Griffin, try to use the appropriate jammer on each opponent. The background colour of the ship image in the locked target window tells you which colour of jammer to use, so, for example, Minmatar ship icons always have red backgrounds, and red jammers are strong against them.
* '''Know your operating range, and keep that distance from your opponents.''' ECM modules have the best chance to jam inside their optimal range, but they still work well within falloff. Even at a range of (optimal + ½ falloff), an ECM module is 85% effective, and so that is a good operating range limit for the Griffin.  
* '''Fight aligned and warp out to avoid damage.''' With no tank, a Griffin's best defence is often a quick warp away when enemies begin to target it (it is fine to warp on being targeted, rather than waiting for damage). Warp to a nearby celestial object, and then bounce back into the fight at your optimal range, using one of your allies as a warp-in point.
** Don't worry about "running away". By repeatedly bouncing out of a fight when targeted, you are disrupting the enemy fleet's plans and distracting them from your allies even when you are off-grid.
* '''Match your jammers to your opponents’ racial sensor types.''' If you are flying a “rainbow”-fit Griffin, try to use the appropriate jammer on each opponent. If you aren’t familiar with an opponent’s sensor type, right-click your opponent, “Show info…” on their ship, and look at the color of the nebula in the background of the ship image. Match the ECM module color to this background color. (There are a few ship types—ORE, SoE and CONCORD—for which this doesn’t work. For these, check the UniWiki ship page, or the Attributes tab of the ship info window.)
== Notes ==
* '''If you get into trouble, warp away.''' Once your ECM starts to take effect, your opponents will likely try to take you out by sending an interceptor or some drones after you. The Griffin is too slow to outrun any of these threats, and too fragile to survive them. If danger comes your way, warp out, and warp back in again somewhere else.
The griffin is a mythological lion-eagle hybrid beast, usually depicted with the body of a lion but the wings and head of an eagle. It originates in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean mythology, and has a long history in art and heraldry.
:”But wait,” you may ask, “what impact can my ECM have if I just have to run at the first sign of danger?” ECM only represents half of the Griffin’s threat to opposing fleets. Just as important is distracting opponents from their strategic goals—making it so that, instead of following the plan that their fleet composition was built around, opponents must commit resources to deal with a pesky Griffin pilot. By warping out and back in again, you can force an opposing fleet to respond to you rather than to the bulk of your fleet.
More information on EWAR tactics, and specifically on ECM, are available at the [[Electronic Warfare|EWAR Guide]] and the [[Electronic Countermeasures|ECM Guide]].
''You can add notes here.''
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:Standard Frigates]]
[[Category:Standard Frigates]]

Latest revision as of 20:01, 16 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Caldari State
Caldari State
Standard Frigates
Griffin Class
Deny your enemy the satisfaction of combat.
– Lai Dai marketing division

The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.


Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
10% reduction in ECM Target Jammer activation cost

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
25m 0s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations
Electronic Attack Frigates Griffin Class
Icon hi slot.png3 (3/1) Icon mid slot.png5 Icon low slot.png2
Icon powergrid.png26 MW Icon cpu.png270 tf
Icon velocity.png315 m/sec
Icon capacity.png160 m³
,Griffin Navy Issue
Griffin Navy Issue.jpg
Griffin Navy Issue
Faction Frigates Griffin Class
Icon hi slot.png3 (1/2) Icon mid slot.png5 Icon low slot.png2
Icon powergrid.png40 MW Icon cpu.png180 tf
Icon velocity.png325 m/sec
Icon capacity.png260 m³

Ship Attributes

24 MW
cpu output
240 tf
245 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
325 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
5 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
5.12 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
5 m³
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
5 Mbit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
65.00 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
Gravimetric Sensor
Gravimetric sensor strength
17 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
42 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
500 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
250 HP
ship mass
1,056,000 kg
ship volume
19,400 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
260 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
250 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
400 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Griffin is the Caldari Tech 1 electronic warfare frigate, specializing in ECM. Although the Griffin is cheap and requires few character skills, it can have a significant battlefield impact.

ECM is a particularly powerful type of EWAR: a successfully jammed enemy loses all their target locks and cannot lock any ship other than their jammer for 20 seconds. This can reduce the damage directed at your fleet, prevent enemy logistics ships repairing their allies, and break tackle, allowing friendly ships to escape. In group PvP combat, the Griffin is a powerful force multiplier. Because of its cheap cost and low SP requirements, groups living in dangerous space often also keep spare Griffins in their hangars ready to jam tackle off when a friendly PvE ship is attacked; because these ships are used to pry tackling ships off, players sometimes colloquially call them "crowbars".

For new EVE players, flying this ship only requires training Caldari Frigate I, a skill which Caldari characters begin with and which can be quickly trained by anyone else; anyone who has completed the first six hours of the E-Uni Short Skill Plan can be basically functional in a Griffin. Griffin pilots who enjoy flying ECM can consider training for the Blackbird in the short term, and for the Kitsune, Rook and Falcon in the long term.


The Griffin is a fairly forgiving ship and new pilots need few skills to be effective in using it. There are, though, some skills which will further boost the Griffin's power, and anyone planning to use ECM often should consider training these. A key, obvious priority is the Caldari Frigate skill, which gives the ship +15% ECM strength and +12.5% ECM range per level. Electronic Warfare, which every character already has at level I after character creation, shaves 5% off the capacitor use of ECM modules per level.

Increasing the range of ECM and the target locking range of the ship also makes the Griffin more able to affect a whole battle, and increases its survivability (as it can fight from further away):

Pilots enthusiastic about ECM should also look towards training Signal Dispersion, which gives a further +5% bonus to ECM strength per level. This skill requires CPU Management V and Electronic Warfare IV, so it is a medium-term goal for enthusiasts, not a requirement for occasional Griffin pilots. Electronic Superiority Rigging mitigates the shield penalties incurred by adding rigs useful for ECM to a ship.


New Griffin pilots can read the tactics section of the wiki's page on EWAR, and/or attend one of the Uni's Introduction to EWAR classes.

The Griffin is typically fitted with racially-specific ECM jammers. If the ECM target is not known before undocking, these are normally fitted in "rainbow" configuration with one jammer of each of the four types. Griffins often keep extra racially-specific jammers in their cargo, so that they can refit to jam specific targets if they receive intel before fighting. Signal Distortion Amplifier modules in the low slots increase ECM strength, and a MWD helps battlefield mobility. The Griffin cannot mount a useful tank without sacrificing its ECM modules, and cannot deal significant damage, so Griffins often have no tank or weapons. Rigs can extend the Griffin’s base lock range, or its ECM range, or both. It is important to make the ship’s lock range longer than its jammers' optimal, to maximize the practical operating range of the ship.

The following tips will prove useful in flying a Griffin:

  • Warp into an engagement after your fleetmates. Let your opponents begin attacking others and make yourself an added complication to which they have to adjust.
  • Know your operating range, and keep that distance from enemies.
  • Match your jammers to your opponents’ racial sensor types. If you are flying a “rainbow”-fit Griffin, try to use the appropriate jammer on each opponent. The background colour of the ship image in the locked target window tells you which colour of jammer to use, so, for example, Minmatar ship icons always have red backgrounds, and red jammers are strong against them.
  • Fight aligned and warp out to avoid damage. With no tank, a Griffin's best defence is often a quick warp away when enemies begin to target it (it is fine to warp on being targeted, rather than waiting for damage). Warp to a nearby celestial object, and then bounce back into the fight at your optimal range, using one of your allies as a warp-in point.
    • Don't worry about "running away". By repeatedly bouncing out of a fight when targeted, you are disrupting the enemy fleet's plans and distracting them from your allies even when you are off-grid.


The griffin is a mythological lion-eagle hybrid beast, usually depicted with the body of a lion but the wings and head of an eagle. It originates in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean mythology, and has a long history in art and heraldry.