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| shipid=29984
| shipimg=Tengu.jpg
| shipname=Tengu
| class=Strategic Cruiser
| grouping=Strategic Cruisers
| hulltype=Tengu Class
|class=Strategic Cruiser
| faction=Caldari State  
|grouping=Strategic Cruisers
| variations=<i>none</i>
|hulltype=Tengu Class
| tech=3  
|faction=Caldari State
| powergrid=420 MW
| cpu=310 tf
| capacitor=1,400 GJ
| highs=0
| turrets=0
| launchers=0
|ecmprio=3 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
| mediums=0
| lows=0
|powergrid=00 MW
| mass=14,400,000 kg
|cpu=00 tf
| volume=92,000
|capacitor=100 GJ
| cargohold=460 m³
| extrahold=120 m³
| extraholdtype=Subsystem Hold
  | dronebay= 0-50 m³
| bandwidth= 0-25 Mbit/sec
|mass=8,201,000 kg
|volume=92,000 m&#179;
|cargohold=00 m&#179;
|dronebay=0 m&#179;
|bandwidth=0 Mbit/sec
|info=When we first saw the flock, we were surrounded, caught in a spectacle of stimuli. Brilliant colors, dancing lights, beautiful cacophonies, wafting ambrosia. Those birds surrounded us, each one a different shape, an altered species, a new wonder. I tried to follow a single bird, but my efforts were futile: Transformation is natural to their existence. Imagine it: an undulating mass, a changing mob, all those beasts partaking in wonderful transmogrification. <br><br>These were our augurs, our deliverers, our saviors. Standing amidst the flock, we should have feared their glory; instead, we drew hope. This moment is the first time I understood what it meant to be Caldari: Divinity in the flock, delivery in flux, one being, many changes.<br><br>  - Janto Sitarbe, <i>The Legendary Flock</i>
|bonuses=<b>Caldari Strategic Cruiser Skill Bonus:</b><br>5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.
|structurehp=1,661 HP
|shieldhp=100 HP |shieldem=0 |shieldexp=0 |shieldkin=0 |shieldtherm=0
|armorhp=100 HP |armorem=0 |armorexp=0 |armorkin=0 |armortherm=0
|maxvelocity=10 m/s
|warpspeed=3 AU/s
|warptime=3.52 s
|targetrange=0 km
|sigradius=150 m
|sensorvalue=0 points
|scanres=0 mm
|reqskills=*Caldari Strategic Cruiser I<small>41m</small>
**Caldari Cruiser V<small>29d 15h 6m</small>
**Caldari Electronic Systems I<small>8m</small>
**Caldari Defensive Systems I<small>8m</small>
**Caldari Engineering Systems I<small>8m</small>
**Caldari Offensive Systems I<small>8m</small>
**Caldari Propulsion Systems I<small>8m</small>
|totaltraintime=29d 16h 30m
|externallinks=[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Tengu Tengu on Eve Online Wiki]<br>
| quote= Crisp breeze or mighty gale, no matter the form his lessons endure.
| quote_attribution= Excerpt from Meditations on the Way: Book of the Cold Wind
| info=When we first saw the flock, we were surrounded, caught in a spectacle of stimuli. Brilliant colors, dancing lights, beautiful cacophonies, wafting ambrosia. Those birds surrounded us, each one a different shape, an altered species, a new wonder. I tried to follow a single bird, but my efforts were futile: Transformation is natural to their existence. Imagine it: an undulating mass, a changing mob, all those beasts partaking in wonderful transmogrification.  <br><br>These were our augurs, our deliverers, our saviors. Standing amidst the flock, we should have feared their glory; instead, we drew hope. This moment is the first time I understood what it meant to be Caldari: Divinity in the flock, delivery in flux, one being, many changes.<br><br>  - Janto Sitarbe, <i>The Legendary Flock</i><br>
| bonuses=<b>Caldari Defensive Systems bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>•&nbsp;bonus to all Caldari Defensive Systems effectiveness<br><b>Caldari Core Systems bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>•&nbsp;bonus to all Caldari Core Systems effectiveness<br><b>Caldari Offensive Systems bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>•&nbsp;bonus to all Caldari Offensive Systems effectiveness<br><b>Caldari Propulsion Systems bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>•&nbsp;bonus to all Caldari Propulsion Systems effectiveness<br><b>Caldari Strategic Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>•&nbsp;5% reduction in module heat damage amount taken<br>•&nbsp;10% bonus to nanite repair paste repair speed<br><b>Role Bonus:</b><br>•&nbsp;99% reduction in Scan Probe Launcher CPU requirements<br>•&nbsp;Rigs may be removed from this ship without being destroyed
| structurehp=1,700 HP
| shieldhp=2,600 HP
| shieldem=0
| shieldexp=50
| shieldkin=55
| shieldtherm=60
| armorhp=2,100 HP
| armorem=50
| armorexp=10
| armorkin=43.75
| armortherm=72.5
| maxvelocity=170 m/sec
| inertia=0.52
| warpspeed=4 AU/s
| warptime=10.38 s
| targetrange=75.00 km
| sigradius=180 m
| maxlockedtargets=6
| sensortype=Gravimetric
| sensorvalue=20 points
| scanres=210 mm
| reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Caldari Strategic Cruiser|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Cruiser|V}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|II}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Destroyer|III}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Frigate|III}}
***** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
* {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Defensive Systems|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Shield Operation|V}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Power Grid Management|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Mechanics|III}}
* {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Core Systems|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Power Grid Management|V}}
* {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Offensive Systems|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Missile Launcher Operation|V}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Gunnery|III}}
* {{RequiredSkill|Caldari Propulsion Systems|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Navigation|V}}
| totaltraintime=60d 11h 3m 50s
| forumlinks=
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== Summary ==
The Tengu is the Caldari [[Strategic Cruiser]]. Strategic cruisers are made up of the hull and 5 subsystems that can be swapped for flexibility. The Tengu is a popular strategic cruiser for missioning because of its strong shield tank and long range missiles. It is not very popular in incursions because of the delayed damage of missiles, but its high number of mid slots allow a lot of utility modules like webs and target painters to make up for this. In PvP the Tengu is normally used as a kiter, but can be HAM fit for close range damage. Like all strategic cruisers the Tengu can be configured to fit a cloak.
The '''Tengu''' is the Caldari [[Strategic Cruiser]]. As such the Tengu is a very flexible and its stats are mostly defined by the susbsystems. Those are heavily bonused for shield tanking. The Tengu is the strategic cruiser most popular for PvE. It's advantage is the choosable damage through missiles and the strong shield tank which leaves the low slots free for DPS. At the same time it can refit to cloaky and nully, which allows to safely travel to PvE locations even in nullsec. The Tengu is regularly used in solo PvP. Here it profits again from its strong shield tank. In fleet PvP it mostly fills niche roles. It can be a good [[Command Bursts|command burst]] platform in fleets where [[Command Ships]] can't reach the required speed but [[Command Destroyer]]s are not tanky enough. It's also a popular choice for BLOPs hunting; in this role you use the covert subsystem so you can use a covert cyno and are also often nullified so you can get to targets in hostile territory.
== Skills ==
* [[Skills:Subsystems#Caldari Offensive Systems|Caldari Offensive Systems]] and [[Skills:Subsystems#Caldari Defensive Systems|Caldari Defensive Systems]] to V because they greatly improve the Tengu's performance. [[Skills:Subsystems#Caldari Core Systems|Caldari Core Systems]] V is especially useful for ECMgus.
* [[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Missiles|Heavy Missiles]] V, [[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Assault Missiles|Heavy Assault Missiles]] V, and [[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Missile Specialization|Heavy Missile Specialization]]/[[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Assault Missile Specialization|Heavy Assault Missile Specialization]] to at least I to fit T2 Launchers, which do more damage and are substantially cheaper than meta 4 variants, along with the ability to use T2 ammo types.
* [[Skills:Missiles#Missile Launcher Operation|Missile Launcher Operation]], [[Skills:Missiles#Rapid Launch|Rapid Launch]], [[Skills:Missiles#Warhead Upgrades|Warhead Upgrades]], skills which increase DPS and are thus vital to all missile-based damage dealing ships, should all be trained to at least IV.
* Along with the requisite [[Skills:Engineering#Engineering|Engineering]] and [[Skills:Electronic Systems|Electronic Systems]] skills required for adequately fitting most ships. [[Skills:Gunnery#Weapon Upgrades|Weapon upgrades]] and [[Skills:Gunnery#Advanced Weapon upgrades|Advanced Weapon Upgrades]] should be trained to V and IV respectively to help alleviate fitting problems.
* [[Skills:Missiles#Guided Missile Precision|Guided Missile Precision]] and [[Skills:Missiles#Target Navigation Prediction|Target Navigation Prediction]] to at least IV to combat smaller targets.
* [[Skills:Missiles#Missile Projection|Missile Projection]] and [[Skills:Missiles#Missile Bombardment|Missile Bombardment]] to at least IV and ideally V to maximize the range at which all missiles travel.
* [[Skills:Spaceship Command#Caldari Strategic Cruiser|Caldari Strategic Cruiser]] to IV to reduce the damage incurred from overheating modules.
* [[Skills:Shields#Shield Operation|Shield Operation]] and [[Skills:Shields#Shield Management|Shield Management]] should be trained to at least IV to improve shield capacity and recharge rate. While [[Skills:Shields#Tactical Shield Manipulation|Tactical Shield Manipulation]] should be trained to IV to lower shield penetration chance and [[Skills:Shields#Shield Management|Shield Management]] to V to allow the use of the T2 [[Shield Tanking#Shield Boost Amplifiers|Shield Boost Amplifier]] module.
* [[Skills:Shields#Shield Upgrades|Shield Upgrades]] should be trained to IV to allow the use of T2 [[Shield Tanking#Shield Hardeners|Shield Hardeners]], [[Shield Tanking#Dampening Amplifiers and Basic Dampening Amplifiers|Resistance Amplifiers]], [[Shield Tanking#Shield Boosters|Shield Boosters]], [[Shield Tanking#Shield Power Relays|Shield Power Relays]], [[Shield Tanking#Shield Extenders|Shield Extenders]] and [[Shield Tanking#Shield Rechargers|Shield Rechargers]].
* Finally, [[Skills:Armor#Hull Upgrades|Hull Upgrades]] should be trained to level IV to allow use of the T2 [[Shield Tanking#Damage Control|Damage Control]] module.
== Tactics ==
Tengus are used for a doctrine called "Slippery Petes". These Tengus are run nullified to ignore bubbles, with ECCM in the low slots to make them difficult to probe down and tackle. In fact, you need a bonused ship and a full set of Virtue implants to probe Petes! Petes are also fit with railguns, and are designed to warp in at extreme ranges, take potshots at key ships such as logistics and the Fleet Commander, and warp out before they can be caught. This doctrine is especially popular to third party on big fights.
== Subsystems ==
Like other Strategic Cruisers, many of the stats of the Tengu are determined by what subsystems are installed. The Tengu requires a susbsystem from each of the Core, Defensive, Offensive, and Propulsion subsystems. Each category has three options, offering different bonuses and stats to the Tengu.
==== [[File:Icon_core_subsystem.png|32px|link=]] Core ====
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
! Name !! Caldari Core Systems bonuses (per skill level) !! Role Bonus !! Additional Base Stats
| '''{{co|wheat|Augmented Graviton Reactor}}''' || '''5%''' bonus to capacitor capacity<br>'''3%''' bonus to energy warfare resistance || 20% bonus to ship power output || +2 mid slots, +2 low slots<br>+50GJ Capacitor
| '''{{co|wheat|Electronic Efficiency Gate}}''' || '''15%''' bonus to ship sensor strength<br>'''5%''' bonus to max targeting range || 25% bonus to ship CPU output || +3 Mid Slots, +1 Low Slot<br>+1 max locked target
| '''{{co|wheat|Obfuscation Manifold}}''' || '''10%''' bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength and optimal range<br>'''15%''' bonus to the benefits of overheating ECM Target Jammer modules<br>'''5%''' reduction in module damage from overheating || || +3 Mid Slots, +1 Low Slot
==== [[File:Icon_defensive_subsystem.png|32px|link=]] Defensive ====
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
! Name !! Caldari Defensive Systems bonuses (per skill level) !! Role Bonus !! Additional Base Stats
| '''{{co|wheat|Amplification Node}}''' || '''10%''' bonus to Shield Booster effectiveness<br>'''10%''' bonus to the benefits of overheating Shield Boosters || || +3 Mid Slots, +1 Low Slot<br>+500 Shield HP, +100 Armor HP<br>+300GJ Capacitor Capacity
| '''{{co|wheat|Covert Reconfiguration}} || '''10%''' bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe strength<br>'''7.5%''' bonus to Shield Booster effectiveness<br>'''7.5%''' bonus to the benefits of overheating Shield Boosters|| 100% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement<br>10+ bonus to Relic and Data Analyzer virus strength<br>Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator<br>Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds || +1 High Slot, +3 Mid Slots<br>+300 Armor HP, +600 Hull HP<br>+200GJ Capacitor Capacity, +5m Signature Radius, +30m3 Cargo Capacity
| '''{{co|wheat|Supplemental Screening}} || '''5%''' bonus to all shield hitpoints<br>'''5%''' bonus to the benefits of overheating shield hardeners || || +2 Mid Slots, +2 Low Slots<br>+1000 Shield HP<br>+10m Signature Radius
==== [[File:Icon_offensive_subsystem.png|32px|link=]] Offensive ====
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
! Name !! Caldari Offensive Systems bonuses (per skill level) !! Role Bonus !! Additional Base Stats
| '''{{co|wheat|Accelerated Ejection Bay}}''' || '''5%''' bonus to kinetic Light Missile, Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile damage<br>'''7.5%''' bonus to Rapid Light Missile, Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire<br>'''10%''' bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile velocity || || +7 High Slots, +6 Launcher Hardpoints<br>+190 PWG, +160 CPU
| '''{{co|wheat|Magnetic Infusion Basin}}''' || '''5%''' bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage<br>'''20%''' bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range || 25% reduction in the PWG and CPU fitting costs of Medium Hybrid Turrets || +7 High Slots, +6 Turret Hardpoints<br>+420 PWG, +120 CPU<br>+100GJ Capacitor Capacity
| '''{{co|wheat|Support Processor}}''' || '''2%''' bonus to Shield Command, Information Command and Skirmish Command burst strength and duration<br>'''5%''' reduction in Remote Shield Booster activation cost<br>'''10%''' bonus to the benefits of overheating Remote Shield Booster modules || 75% reduction in the PWG and CPU fitting costs of Medium Remote Shield Booster modules<br>95% reduction in the PWG and CPU fitting costs of Command Burst modules<br>475% bonus to Remote Shield Booster falloff<br>Can use one Command Burst module<br>50% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range || +7 High Slots, +4 Launcher Hardpoints<br>+100GJ Capacitor Capacity<br>+25mbit Drone Bandwidth, +50m3 Drone Bay<br>+1 max locked target
==== [[File:Icon_propulsion_subsystem.png|32px|link=]] Propulsion ====
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
! Name !! Caldari Propulsion Systems bonuses (per skill level) !! Role Bonus !! Additional Base Stats
| '''{{co|wheat|Chassis Optimization}}''' || '''7.5%''' bonus to ship agility<br>'''3%''' bonus to max velocity || || +1 Mid Slot, +1 Low Slot
| '''{{co|wheat|Fuel Catalyst}}''' || '''10%''' bonus to Afterburner velocity bonus<br>'''10%''' bonus to the benefits of overheating Afterburners and Microwarpdrives || || +2 Mid Slots
| '''{{co|wheat|Interdiction Nullifier}}''' || '''10%''' bonus to warp velocity and acceleration<br>'''15%''' reduction in capacitor need when initiating warp || 80% reduction in Interdiction Nullifier reactivation delay and max lock range penalty<br>100% bonus to Interdiction Nullifier duration || +1 Low Slot<br>+0.1 Inertia Modifier<br>-20km Max Targeting Range<br>+20m Signature Radius
== Notes ==
In Japanese folklore and folk religion, ''tengu'' are divine or supernatural beings associated with predatory birds, and often pictured with avian characteristics.
== Patch History ==
{{Expansion past|
'''Version 19.04 - Build: 1903677 - 2021-05-18.1''' - ''Great Escape Update'' ([https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-19-04 Patch Notes])
* All configurations gain access to active interdiction with the new Interdiction Nullifer module
*[[File:Icon_propulsion_subsystem.png|32px|link=]] '''Interdiction Nullifier'''
** Passive interdiction nullification removed
** New role bonuses:
*** 80% reduction in Interdiction Nullifier reactivation delay and max lock range penalty
*** 100% bonus to Interdiction Nullifier duration
'''October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1'''
''Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.''
*'''[[Skills:Subsystems#Caldari_Offensive_Systems|Caldari Offensive Systems]]''' and '''[[Skills:Subsystems#Caldari_Defensive_Systems|Caldari Defensive Systems]]''' to V because they greatly improve the Tengu's performance. Electronics V is especially useful for ECMgus. The other subsystem skills should only be taken to V when needed to reduce SP loss when losing the ship in combat.
*'''[[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Missiles|Heavy Missiles]]''' V, '''[[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Assault Missiles|Heavy Assault Missiles]]''' V, and '''[[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Missile Specialization|Heavy Missile Specialization]]/[[Skills:Missiles#Heavy Assault Missile Specialization|Heavy Assault Missile Specialization]]''' to at least I to fit T2 Launchers, which do more damage and are substantially cheaper than meta 4 variants, along with the ability to use T2 ammo types.
*'''[[Skills:Missiles#Missile Launcher Operation|Missile Launcher Operation]], [[Skills:Missiles#Rapid Launch|Rapid Launch]], [[Skills:Missiles#Warhead Upgrades|Warhead Upgrades]]''', skills which increase DPS and are thus vital to all missile-based damage dealing ships, should all be trained to at least IV.
*Along with the requisite '''[[Skills:Engineering#Engineering|Engineering]]''' and '''[[Skills:Electronics#Electronics|Electronics]]''' skills required for adequately fitting most ships. '''[[Skills:Gunnery#Weapon Upgrades|Weapon upgrades]]''' and '''[[Skills:Gunnery#Advanced Weapon upgrades|Advanced Weapon Upgrades]]''' should be trained to V and IV respectively to help alleviate fitting problems.
*'''[[Skills:Missiles#Guided Missile Precision|Guided Missile Precision]] and [[Skills:Missiles#Target Navigation Prediction|Target Navigation Prediction]]''' to at least IV to combat smaller targets.
*'''[[Skills:Missiles#Missile Projection|Missile Projection]]''' and '''[[Skills:Missiles#Missile Bombardment|Missile Bombardment]]''' to at least IV and ideally V to maximize the range at which all missiles travel.
*'''[[Skills:Spaceship_Command#Caldari_Strategic_Cruiser|Caldari Strategic Cruiser]]''' to IV to reduce the damage incurred from overheating modules.
*'''[[Skills:Shields#Shield Operation|Shield Operation]]''' and '''[[Skills:Shields#Shield Management|Shield Management]]''' should be trained to at least IV to improve shield capacity and recharge rate. While '''[[Skills:Shields#Tactical_Shield_Manipulation|Tactical Shield Manipulation]]''' should be trained to V remove shield penetration chance and to allow the use of the T2 [[Shield_Tanking#Shield_Boost_Amplifiers|Shield Boost Amplifier]] module.
*'''[[Skills:Shields#Shield_Upgrades|Shield Upgrades]]''' should be trained to IV to allow the use of T2 '''[[Shield_Tanking#Shield_Hardeners|Shield Hardeners]], [[Shield_Tanking#Dampening_Amplifiers_and_Basic_Dampening_Amplifiers|Resistance Amplifiers]], [[Shield_Tanking#Shield_Boosters|Shield Boosters]], [[Shield_Tanking#Shield_Power_Relays|Shield Power Relays]], [[Shield_Tanking#Shield_Extenders|Shield Extenders]]''' and '''[[Shield_Tanking#Shield_Rechargers|Shield Rechargers]]'''.
*'''[[Skills:Shields#EM Shield Compensation|EM Shield Compensation]], [[Skills:Shields#Thermic_Shield_Compensation|Thermic Shield Compensation]], [[Skills:Shields#Kinetic_Shield_Compensation|Kinetic Shield Compensation]],''' and '''[[Skills:Engineering#Explosive Shield Compensation|Explosive Shield Compensation]]''' trained to level IV to further improve shield resistances.
*Finally, '''[[Skills:Mechanics#Hull Upgrades|Hull Upgrades]]''' should be trained to level IV to allow use of the T2 '''[[Shield_Tanking#Damage_Control|Damage Control]]''' module.
* Warp Speed increased from 3 AU/s to 4 AU/s (+1 AU/s)
fitName=WH RR Tengu|
high1name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high2name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high3name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high4name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high5name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high6name=Gistum C-Type Medium Shield Transporter|
mid1name=Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron|
mid2name=Adaptive Invulnerability Field II|
mid3name=Pith C-Type EM Ward Field|
mid4name=Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender|
mid5name=Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender|
low1name=Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System|
low2name=Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System|
low3name=Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System|
low4name=Capacitor Flux Coil II|
low5name=Damage Control II|
subsystem1name=Tengu Defensive - Adaptive Shielding|
subsystem2name=Tengu Electronics - Dissolution Sequencer|
subsystem3name=Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix|
subsystem4name=Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay|
subsystem5name=Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst|
charge1name=Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile x1|
rig1name=Medium Core Defense Field Extender II|
rig2name=Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II|
rig3name=Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II|
warsopReason=Tech 3 ship and deadspace mods|
version=PRE-RET 1.0|
skills=Caldari Strategic Cruiser IV</li><li>Caldari Defensive Systems V</li><li>Caldari Offensive Systems V</li><li>Caldari Electronic Systems V</li><li>Caldari Engineering Systems V</li><li>Caldari Propulsion Systems V|
notes=Somewhat difficult to fit on CPU side, some Navy BCS will be needed to fit without implant.</li><li>Cap stable @ 59% (Is actually cap stable at all 5's without capacitor flux coil, but only barely at All 5's).</li><li>Lowest Resist 83.8 (EM).</li><li>2 together (receiving 1 rep) tanks 660 DPS Omni, 4 together (receiving 3 reps) tanks up to 1691 DPS omni.</li><li>451 DPS @ 94.3 KM (Navy Scourge).}}{{ShipFitting|
fitName=RR Tengu(Easier Fit)|
high1name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high2name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high3name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high4name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high5name=Heavy Missile Launcher II|
high6name=Large Remote Shield Booster II|
mid1name=Pithum C-Type Explosive Deflection Amplifier|
mid2name=Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier|
mid3name=Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier|
mid4name=Large Shield Extender II|
mid5name=Large Shield Extender II|
low1name=Ballistic Control System II|
low2name=Ballistic Control System II|
low3name=Capacitor Power Relay II|
low4name=Capacitor Power Relay II|
low5name=Damage Control II|
subsystem1name=Tengu Defensive - Adaptive Shielding|
subsystem2name=Tengu Electronics - Dissolution Sequencer|
subsystem3name=Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix|
subsystem4name=Tengu Offensive - Rifling Launcher Pattern|
subsystem5name=Tengu Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers|
charge1name=Mjolnir Heavy Missile x1|
rig1name=Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II|
rig2name=Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II|
rig3name=Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I|
warsopReason=T3 and DED|
version=ODY 1.0|
skills=Caldari Defensive Systems V</li><li>Caldari Offensive Systems V</li><li>Caldari Engineering Systems V</li><li>All others at least IV|
notes=This fit shouldn't need an implant</li><li>EFT shows around 70k EHP for the current fit with no extender rigs so depending on how much tank you want you could be able to squeeze a Target Painter in}}
'''July 2017 Release - Released 2017-07-11'''
''No sub-article about Tengu roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.''
* Tech 3 Strategic Cruisers have been rebalanced. Details of the goals behind this change can be found in this [https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/strategic-cruisers-and-you/ devblog].
* The available subsystems have been condensed into a smaller number of more powerful and useful choices.
* Strategic Cruisers now have four subsystem slots (reduced from five) with three choices in each slot (reduced from 4)
* Rigs can now be freely removed from Strategic Cruisers without destroying them.
* All Strategic Cruisers have received a dedicated subsystem bay so they can carry alternate configurations along with them on their adventures
* Each of the Strategic Cruiser hulls and subsystems have been rebalanced. All the details can be found in the following forum thread: https://meta.eveonline.com/t/july-release-strategic-cruisers/8414/4
* New Base Stats:
:*Slot layout: 0H, 0M, 0L; 0 turrets, 0 launchers
:*3 Rig Slots, 400 Calibration
:*Fittings: 420 PWG, 310 CPU
:*Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2600 / 2100 / 1700
:*Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 60 / 55 / 50
:*Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 50 / 72.5 / 43.75 / 10
:*Capacitor (amount / recharge rate / average cap per second) : 1400 / 350 / 4
:*Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / align time): 170 / 0.52 / 14,400,000 / 10.38s
:*Warp Speed: 3 au/s
:*Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
:*Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 75km / 210 / 6
:*Sensor strength: 20 Gravimetric
:*Signature radius: 180
:*Cargo capacity: 460
:*Subsystem Bay: 120
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[[Category:Strategic Cruisers]]

Latest revision as of 18:57, 16 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Caldari State
Caldari State
Strategic Cruisers
Tengu Class
Crisp breeze or mighty gale, no matter the form his lessons endure.
– Excerpt from Meditations on the Way: Book of the Cold Wind

When we first saw the flock, we were surrounded, caught in a spectacle of stimuli. Brilliant colors, dancing lights, beautiful cacophonies, wafting ambrosia. Those birds surrounded us, each one a different shape, an altered species, a new wonder. I tried to follow a single bird, but my efforts were futile: Transformation is natural to their existence. Imagine it: an undulating mass, a changing mob, all those beasts partaking in wonderful transmogrification.

These were our augurs, our deliverers, our saviors. Standing amidst the flock, we should have feared their glory; instead, we drew hope. This moment is the first time I understood what it meant to be Caldari: Divinity in the flock, delivery in flux, one being, many changes.

- Janto Sitarbe, The Legendary Flock


Caldari Defensive Systems bonuses (per skill level):
• bonus to all Caldari Defensive Systems effectiveness
Caldari Core Systems bonuses (per skill level):
• bonus to all Caldari Core Systems effectiveness
Caldari Offensive Systems bonuses (per skill level):
• bonus to all Caldari Offensive Systems effectiveness
Caldari Propulsion Systems bonuses (per skill level):
• bonus to all Caldari Propulsion Systems effectiveness
Caldari Strategic Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
• 5% reduction in module heat damage amount taken
• 10% bonus to nanite repair paste repair speed
Role Bonus:
• 99% reduction in Scan Probe Launcher CPU requirements
• Rigs may be removed from this ship without being destroyed

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
60d 11h 3m 50s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations

Ship Attributes

420 MW
cpu output
310 tf
1,400 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
170 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
4 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
10.38 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
0-50 m³
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
0-25 Mbit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
75.00 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
Gravimetric Sensor
Gravimetric sensor strength
20 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
180 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
210 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
1,700 HP
ship mass
14,400,000 kg
ship volume
92,000 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
460 m³
Subsystem Hold Capacity
120 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
2,100 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
2,600 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Tengu is the Caldari Strategic Cruiser. As such the Tengu is a very flexible and its stats are mostly defined by the susbsystems. Those are heavily bonused for shield tanking. The Tengu is the strategic cruiser most popular for PvE. It's advantage is the choosable damage through missiles and the strong shield tank which leaves the low slots free for DPS. At the same time it can refit to cloaky and nully, which allows to safely travel to PvE locations even in nullsec. The Tengu is regularly used in solo PvP. Here it profits again from its strong shield tank. In fleet PvP it mostly fills niche roles. It can be a good command burst platform in fleets where Command Ships can't reach the required speed but Command Destroyers are not tanky enough. It's also a popular choice for BLOPs hunting; in this role you use the covert subsystem so you can use a covert cyno and are also often nullified so you can get to targets in hostile territory.



Tengus are used for a doctrine called "Slippery Petes". These Tengus are run nullified to ignore bubbles, with ECCM in the low slots to make them difficult to probe down and tackle. In fact, you need a bonused ship and a full set of Virtue implants to probe Petes! Petes are also fit with railguns, and are designed to warp in at extreme ranges, take potshots at key ships such as logistics and the Fleet Commander, and warp out before they can be caught. This doctrine is especially popular to third party on big fights.


Like other Strategic Cruisers, many of the stats of the Tengu are determined by what subsystems are installed. The Tengu requires a susbsystem from each of the Core, Defensive, Offensive, and Propulsion subsystems. Each category has three options, offering different bonuses and stats to the Tengu.

Icon core subsystem.png Core

Icon defensive subsystem.png Defensive

Icon offensive subsystem.png Offensive

Icon propulsion subsystem.png Propulsion


In Japanese folklore and folk religion, tengu are divine or supernatural beings associated with predatory birds, and often pictured with avian characteristics.

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