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| shipid=11400
| shipimg=Jaguar.jpg
| shipname=Jaguar
| class=Assault Frigate
| grouping=Assault Frigates
| hulltype=Rifter Class
|class=Assault Ship
| faction=Minmatar Republic  
|grouping=Assault Ships
| variations={{Ship|Wolf}},{{Ship|Rifter}}
|hulltype=Rifter Class
| tech=2  
|faction=Minmatar Republic
| powergrid=39 MW
| cpu=180 tf
| capacitor=325 GJ
|variations={{Ship|Rifter}}, {{Ship|Wolf}}
| highs=4
| turrets=1
|ecmprio=1 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
| launchers=3
| mediums=5
|powergrid=43 MW
| lows=3
|cpu=170 tf
| mass=1,229,400 kg
|capacitor=250 GJ
| volume=27,289
| cargohold=130
| extrahold=
| extraholdtype=
| dronebay=20 m³
| bandwidth=10 MBit/sec
| quote=The key to a strong defense is decisive action.
|mass=1,366,000 kg
| quote_attribution=Sebiestor Chief Acassa Midular
|volume=27,289 m&#179;
| info=The Jaguar is a fast and versatile missile platform boasting strong shield systems and substantial utility. It follows in the footsteps of the more affordable Breacher frigate, which has become a reliable staple in the Minmatar arsenal.
|cargohold=130 m&#179;
|dronebay=0 m&#179;
|bandwidth=0 Mbit/sec
|info=The Jaguar is a versatile ship capable of reaching speeds unmatched by any other assault-class vessel. While comparatively weak on the defensive front it sports great flexibility, allowing pilots considerable latitude in configuring their loadouts for whatever circumstances they find themselves in.<br><br>Developer:  Thukker Mix<br><br>Being the brain-child of the nomadic Thukkers, it is no surprise the Jaguar is as fast as it is.  Initially conceived as a way for the tribe to pack some added punch to their organized detachments, they've found it to be equally useful as messenger, scout and escort, and it is likely to become one of the most commonly-seen ships in the Thukkers' stomping grounds.
|bonuses=<b>Minmatar Frigate Skill Bonus:</b><br>5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret Damage per level<br>7.5% bonus to Small Projectile
Turret Tracking per level<br><b>Assault Ships Skill Bonus:</b><br>10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret Optimal Range per level<br>5% bonus to Small Projectile Damage per level<br><b>Role bonus:</b><br>50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
|structurehp=605 HP
|shieldhp=833 HP |shieldem=75 |shieldexp=50 |shieldkin=40 |shieldtherm=60
|armorhp=457 HP |armorem=90 |armorexp=10 |armorkin=25 |armortherm=68
|maxvelocity=357 m/s
|warpspeed=6 AU/s
|warptime=6.01 s
|targetrange=37 km
|sigradius=34 m
|sensorvalue=11 points
|scanres=750 mm
|reqskills=*Minmatar Frigate V<small>11d 20h 26m</small>
**Spaceship Command I<small>8m</small>
*Assault Ships I<small>33m</small>
**Spaceship Command III<small>4h 26m</small>
**Mechanic V<small>5d 22h 13m</small>
**Engineering V<small>5d 22h 13m</small>
|totaltraintime=23d 22h 1m
|externallinks=[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Jaguar Jaguar on Eve Online Wiki]<br>
The Jaguar was originally developed by Thukker Mix as a skirmish platform but improvements to engine efficiency in assault craft brought the competing Wolf assault frigate up to parity in speed. The Thukker considered an even faster propulsion system for the Jaguar, but ultimately chose to sell the design to Core Complexion Inc. Eager to make an impression in this market, Core Complexion have revised the Jaguar's role, replacing its hardpoints and shifting focus from speed to shields.
| bonuses=<b>Minmatar Frigate bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Launcher rate of fire<br>7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount<br><b>Assault Frigates bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion velocity<br>5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket damage<br><b>Role Bonus:</b><br>50% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty<br>•&nbsp;Can fit Assault Damage Controls<br>
| structurehp=605 HP
| shieldhp=833 HP
| shieldem=75
| shieldexp=50
| shieldkin=40
| shieldtherm=60
| armorhp=457 HP
| armorem=90
| armorexp=10
| armorkin=25
| armortherm=67.5
| maxvelocity=368 m/sec
| inertia=3.176
| warpspeed=5.5 AU/s
| warptime=6.01 s
| targetrange=37.50 km
| sigradius=34 m
| maxlockedtargets=6
| sensortype=LADAR
| sensorvalue=11 points
| scanres=750 mm
| reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Frigate|V}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
* {{RequiredSkill|Assault Frigates|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|III}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Power Grid Management|V}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Mechanics|V}}
| totaltraintime=23d 21h 53m 20s
| forumlinks=
| wikireferences=
| externallinks=
| highlights1=
| highlights2=
| highlights3=
| highlights4=
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== Summary ==
The Jaguar is known for being the assault frigate with the fastest base speed. It has a 4 mid slots, allowing it to fit multiple tackle modules and a shield tank module to give tank without compromising speed. These factors combined make it arguably the best frigate-sized heavy tackler around. While the Jaguar has a bonus to optimal range suggesting the use of artillery, it is more often fit as a close ranger brawler with autocannons.
The '''Jaguar''' is known an assault frigate with the ability to fit an exceptional tank. It has a remarkable 5 mid slots, allowing it to fit multiple tackle modules and a shield tank module to give tank without compromising speed. It has strong shield damage resistances and can fit the Assault Damage Control for brief spells of near-invulnerability. These factors combined make it one of the best frigate-sized heavy tacklers.
The Jaguar can also be flown as a solo PvP ship, a kind of super-[[Breacher]], taking advantage of its many mid slots to fit utility modules. It can be given a balanced fit for a DPS/tackle role in a small gang, but in that context a balanced fit should be weighed up against the value of either a specialized tackling Jaguar or a heavier-DPS [[Wolf]].
The Jaguar's damage is augmented by a small drone bay.
== Skills ==
The Jaguar is generally flown as an extremely tanky frigate, relying on both an active tank and its small signature radius to mitigate incoming damage. Because of this, navigation skills like {{sk|Acceleration Control}}, {{sk|Evasive Maneuvering}}, and {{sk|Navigation}} are all very useful. Additionally, the {{sk|Shield Rigging}} skill will be useful to allow you to add shield rigs without significantly hurting your signature radius. Shield skills might be less important, because Jaguars are generally fit with medium ancillary shield boosters, which do not require any skills to use well. For solo or very smallgang Jaguar fits, where the Jaguar is doing damage in addition to getting tackle, Tech 2 rockets are useful.
== Tactics ==
Jaguars are most commonly fitted and flown to get fast-yet-sticky tackle on kiting ships. Typical tackling fits include one or more Medium Ancillary Shield Boosters for burst tanking, an Assault Damage Control, a nosferatu module in the high slots to sustain the capacitor by taking energy from a tackled target, and (very often) no weapons at all.
Depending on the exact fit, and the type of enemy ship, tactics can vary, but generally the goal is to establish a very close orbit around the target, and then tank until backup arrives. Against non-missile ships, make sure to [[Manual piloting#Spiral Maneuver|approach at an angle]] until you are very close, in order to maintain transversal velocity and make it hard for their weapons to track you. Against missile ships, transversal is not a concern, so just get into warp scrambler range as soon as possible.
Once you are in close, warp-scramble the target, and then orbit at 500. With a [[Propulsion equipment#Dualprop Fitting|dualprop]] fit, switch from MWD to afterburner at this point. In a MWD-only fit, if you have sufficient capacitor strength to keep the MWD on after tackling, do so: the MWD signature bloom reduction bonus on the Jaguar hull will reduce the impact of your MWD on your vulnerability to missile damage and turret tracking.
Dualprop Jaguar fits work best against enemies that use long-range turrets (artillery, beam lasers, and railguns), especially if the enemy is fitted with a warp scrambler and a stasis webifier: their scram will shut down your MWD, but with an afterburner you can maintain some speed and hopefully escape their guns' tracking.
When compared to its brother the [[Wolf]], the Wolf has more firepower but less speed and is less suited to tackling and more for damage dealing.
However, against missile-based ships, or ships with short-range turrets, signature-tanking the incoming DPS is not always possible. In this case, a fit which sacrifices the afterburner for another shield booster is useful, since the Jaguar's bonuses allow it to sustain startling amounts of damage with several Medium Ancillary Shield Boosters. For example, against a autocannon [[Cynabal]], a dualprop Jaguar would be able to mitigate a significant amount of damage with its afterburner. However, against an [[Orthrus]], the afterburner will be less helpful, and working through 3 shield boosters in a row would buy reinforcements a significant amount of time to arrive.
== Patch History ==
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Jaguar for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.''
{{expansion past|
'''October 2019 Release - 2019-10-30.1''' - ''"Howling Interceptors" Update''
''The maximum velocity attribute has been decreased by 10% for all Assault Frigates''
|name=Jaguar, PvP - Active-MWD+resist
|high=150mm Light AutoCannon II <br> 150mm Light AutoCannon II <br> 150mm Light AutoCannon II
|mid=1MN Microwarpdrive II <br> Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I <br> Medium Ancillary Shield Booster <br> Medium Shield Extender II
|low=Damage Control II <br> Micro 'Vigor' Core Augmentatio <br> Nanofiber Internal Structure II <br> Tracking Enhancer II
|charges=Hail S, Cap Booster 50
|rigs= Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I <br> Small Core Defense Field Extender I
|recommended1= For this setup it is recommended that you can fit every module (except the rigs) as a T2. Furthermore Engineering & Electronics should be at level 5, Weapon Upgrades at 5 and Advanced Weapon Upgrades at 3. In this particulate setup, the warp scrambler is a meta t1 because of fittings issues with the T2 counterpart. It uses less cpu, therefor we can fit the extra Tracking Enhancer II on there.
* Max Velocity reduced from 405 m/s to 368 m/s (-37 m/s)
|notes= *This setup is designed to be used in small to medium sized fleets, without logistical support. Hens the active shield tank.
* CPU reduced from 185 tf to 180 tf (-5 tf)
*The trick here is to get closer to the target, orbit as close as possible. Your tank will let you get close and from there your tight orbit will increase your survivability.
* Powergrid reduced from 43 MW to 39 MW (-4 MW)
*It is possible to swap out the resist rig for an projectile weapons rig. The most effective would be a +tracking or a +damage. Tracking gets priority because that gives you higher sustained damage (you can hit your target every time good!). It's better to hit 3x for 200 damage then once for 500 damage.
|name=Jaguar, PvP - Heavy Fleet Tackle
|high=150mm Light AutoCannon II <br> 150mm Light AutoCannon II <br> 150mm Light AutoCannon II
|mid=1MN Microwarpdrive II <br> Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I <br> Stasis Webifier II <br> Medium Ancillary Shield Booster
|low=Damage Control II <br> Type-D Attenuation Signal Augmentation <br> Nanofiber Internal Structure II <br> Overdrive Injector System II
|charges=Barrage S, Cap Booster 50
|rigs= Small Core Defense Field Extender I <br> Small Core Defense Field Extender I
|notes= *This is a sample heavy tackle fit. It works "as is" but feel free to transform it to the needs of the fleet.
'''February Balance Update - 29.01.18'''
''We are giving Assault Frigates a substantial balance pass. Every AF is getting a speed boost in the form of increased max velocity and lowered mass. Every AF is also getting base capacitor numbers increased by approximately 30%. Also, we have more significant changes for the Ishkur, Retribution, and Jaguar.''
* All Assault Frigates:
* +18% max velocity
* -10% mass
* +30% capacitor Capacity
* Jaguar:
* New Minmatar Frigate Bonus per skill level:
* 5% bonus to Rocket and Light Missile rate of fire (was 5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage)
* 7.5% bonus to shield boost amount (was 7.5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret tracking speed)
* New Assault Frigate Bonus per skill level:
* 5% bonus to Rocket and Light Missile damage (was 10% bonus to small Projectile Turret optimal range)
* 5% bonus to Rocket and Light Missile explosion radius (5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage)
* CPU increased to 185 (was 170)
* Mid slot increased to 5 (was 4)
* Low slot reduced to 3 (was 4)
* Launcher slot increased to 3 (was 1)
* Turret slot reduced to 1 (was 3)
* Drone Bandwidth increased to 10 (was 0)
* Drone Bay increased to 20 (was 0)
''No sub-article about Jaguar roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.''
== Notes ==
''You can write additional notes for Jaguar here.''
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Database]][[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:Assault Ships]]
[[Category:Assault Frigates]]

Revision as of 22:05, 16 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Minmatar Republic
Minmatar Republic
Assault Frigates
Rifter Class
The key to a strong defense is decisive action.
– Sebiestor Chief Acassa Midular

The Jaguar is a fast and versatile missile platform boasting strong shield systems and substantial utility. It follows in the footsteps of the more affordable Breacher frigate, which has become a reliable staple in the Minmatar arsenal.

The Jaguar was originally developed by Thukker Mix as a skirmish platform but improvements to engine efficiency in assault craft brought the competing Wolf assault frigate up to parity in speed. The Thukker considered an even faster propulsion system for the Jaguar, but ultimately chose to sell the design to Core Complexion Inc. Eager to make an impression in this market, Core Complexion have revised the Jaguar's role, replacing its hardpoints and shifting focus from speed to shields.


Minmatar Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Launcher rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount
Assault Frigates bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion velocity
5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket damage
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
• Can fit Assault Damage Controls

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
23d 21h 53m 20s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations
Assault Frigates Rifter Class
Icon hi slot.png5 (1/4) Icon mid slot.png2 Icon low slot.png5
Icon powergrid.png48 MW Icon cpu.png135 tf
Icon velocity.png375 m/sec
Icon capacity.png165 m³
Standard Frigates Rifter Class
Icon hi slot.png3 (2/3) Icon mid slot.png3 Icon low slot.png4
Icon powergrid.png41 MW Icon cpu.png130 tf
Icon velocity.png365 m/sec
Icon capacity.png140 m³

Ship Attributes

39 MW
cpu output
180 tf
325 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
368 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
5.5 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
6.01 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
20 m³
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
10 MBit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
37.50 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
LADAR Sensor
LADAR sensor strength
11 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
34 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
750 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
605 HP
ship mass
1,229,400 kg
ship volume
27,289 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
130 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
457 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
833 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Jaguar is known an assault frigate with the ability to fit an exceptional tank. It has a remarkable 5 mid slots, allowing it to fit multiple tackle modules and a shield tank module to give tank without compromising speed. It has strong shield damage resistances and can fit the Assault Damage Control for brief spells of near-invulnerability. These factors combined make it one of the best frigate-sized heavy tacklers.

The Jaguar can also be flown as a solo PvP ship, a kind of super-Breacher, taking advantage of its many mid slots to fit utility modules. It can be given a balanced fit for a DPS/tackle role in a small gang, but in that context a balanced fit should be weighed up against the value of either a specialized tackling Jaguar or a heavier-DPS Wolf.

The Jaguar's damage is augmented by a small drone bay.


The Jaguar is generally flown as an extremely tanky frigate, relying on both an active tank and its small signature radius to mitigate incoming damage. Because of this, navigation skills like Acceleration Control, Evasive Maneuvering, and Navigation are all very useful. Additionally, the Shield Rigging skill will be useful to allow you to add shield rigs without significantly hurting your signature radius. Shield skills might be less important, because Jaguars are generally fit with medium ancillary shield boosters, which do not require any skills to use well. For solo or very smallgang Jaguar fits, where the Jaguar is doing damage in addition to getting tackle, Tech 2 rockets are useful.


Jaguars are most commonly fitted and flown to get fast-yet-sticky tackle on kiting ships. Typical tackling fits include one or more Medium Ancillary Shield Boosters for burst tanking, an Assault Damage Control, a nosferatu module in the high slots to sustain the capacitor by taking energy from a tackled target, and (very often) no weapons at all.

Depending on the exact fit, and the type of enemy ship, tactics can vary, but generally the goal is to establish a very close orbit around the target, and then tank until backup arrives. Against non-missile ships, make sure to approach at an angle until you are very close, in order to maintain transversal velocity and make it hard for their weapons to track you. Against missile ships, transversal is not a concern, so just get into warp scrambler range as soon as possible.

Once you are in close, warp-scramble the target, and then orbit at 500. With a dualprop fit, switch from MWD to afterburner at this point. In a MWD-only fit, if you have sufficient capacitor strength to keep the MWD on after tackling, do so: the MWD signature bloom reduction bonus on the Jaguar hull will reduce the impact of your MWD on your vulnerability to missile damage and turret tracking.

Dualprop Jaguar fits work best against enemies that use long-range turrets (artillery, beam lasers, and railguns), especially if the enemy is fitted with a warp scrambler and a stasis webifier: their scram will shut down your MWD, but with an afterburner you can maintain some speed and hopefully escape their guns' tracking.

However, against missile-based ships, or ships with short-range turrets, signature-tanking the incoming DPS is not always possible. In this case, a fit which sacrifices the afterburner for another shield booster is useful, since the Jaguar's bonuses allow it to sustain startling amounts of damage with several Medium Ancillary Shield Boosters. For example, against a autocannon Cynabal, a dualprop Jaguar would be able to mitigate a significant amount of damage with its afterburner. However, against an Orthrus, the afterburner will be less helpful, and working through 3 shield boosters in a row would buy reinforcements a significant amount of time to arrive.

Patch History
