Difference between revisions of "Panther"

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(png -> jpg)
(Added quote introduced in the Revenant expansion (2024-11-12). Removed manufacturer portion of info blurb that was taken out in the same expansion.)
(19 intermediate revisions by 10 users not shown)
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  * SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 11/4/2014)
  * SHIP ATTRIBUTES SECTION (last update : 2022-03-10)
  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * leave/misstype any tags required. please follow the same
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  | shipimg=Panther.jpg
  | shipimg=Panther.jpg
  | shipname=Panther
  | shipname=Panther
| caption=Panther
  | class= Black Ops
  | class=Black Ops
  | grouping=Black Ops
  | grouping=Black Ops
  | hulltype=Typhoon Class
  | hulltype=Typhoon Class
  | faction=Minmatar Republic
  | faction=Minmatar Republic
| race=Minmatar
  | variations= {{Ship|Typhoon}},<br>
  | variations={{Ship|Typhoon Fleet Issue}},{{Ship|Typhoon}}
{{Ship|Typhoon Fleet Issue}}
  | tech=2
  | tech=2  
| ecmprio=1
  | powergrid=12,750 MW
  | powergrid=12,750 MW
  | cpu=510 tf
  | cpu=510 tf
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  | lows=6
  | lows=6
  | mass=148,800,000 kg
  | mass=148,800,000 kg
  | volume=414,000 m&#179;
  | volume=414,000
  | cargohold=725 m&#179;
  | cargohold=825 m³
  | extrahold=1,250 m&#179;
  | extrahold=2,150 m³
  | extraholdtype=Fuel
  | extraholdtype=Fuel
  | dronebay=175 m&#179;
  | dronebay=175
  | bandwidth=125 Mbit/sec
  | bandwidth=125 Mbit/sec
  | info=Black Ops battleships are designed for infiltration and espionage behind enemy lines. With the use of a short-range jump drive and a portal generator, they are capable of making a special type of jump portal usable only by covert ops vessels. This enables them to stealthily plant reconnaissance and espionage forces in enemy territory. For the final word in clandestine maneuvers, look no further.<br><br>Developer: Thukker Mix <br><br>The Thukkers generally favor speed and offensive power over defensive capability. While many of them could be said to lack technological innovation, Thukker Mix vessels are invariably the swiftest and most agile of their kind.
| quote=The void is our home, drink deep of its shadows and know no fear.
  | bonuses=<b>Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire<br>5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage<br><b>Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>5% bonus to ship max velocity<br>125% bonus to ship max velocity when using Cloaking Devices<br><b>Role Bonus:</b><br>&bull;&nbsp;Can fit Covert Cynosural Field Generator and Covert Jump Portal Generator<br>&bull;&nbsp;No targeting delay after Cloaking Device deactivation<br>&bull;&nbsp;Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds<br>50% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue<br>
| quote_attribution=Caravanmaster Rani Hrada
  | info=Black Ops battleships are designed for infiltration and espionage behind enemy lines. With the use of a short-range jump drive and a portal generator, they are capable of making a special type of jump portal usable only by covert ops vessels. This enables them to stealthily plant reconnaissance and espionage forces in enemy territory. For the final word in clandestine maneuvers, look no further.
  | bonuses=<b>Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire<br>
10% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage<br>
'''Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):'''<br>
7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret tracking<br>
7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff<br>
'''Role Bonus:'''<br>
&nbsp;Can fit Covert Cynosural Field Generator and Covert Jump Portal Generator<br>
&nbsp;No targeting delay after Cloaking Device deactivation<br>
&nbsp;Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds<br>
75% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue<br>
50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration<br>
650% bonus to ship max velocity when using Cloaking Devices<br>
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints<br>
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints<br>
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints
  | structurehp=4,968 HP
  | structurehp=4,968 HP
  | shieldhp=4,968 HP
  | shieldhp=4,968 HP
  | shieldem=10
  | shieldem= 36
  | shieldexp=50
  | shieldexp=50
  | shieldkin=40
  | shieldkin=40
  | shieldtherm=24
  | shieldtherm=37
  | armorhp=4,375 HP
  | armorhp=4,375 HP
  | armorem=64
  | armorem=75
  | armorexp=10
  | armorexp=10
  | armorkin=25
  | armorkin=25
  | armortherm=38.25
  | armortherm=49
  | maxvelocity=146 m/sec
  | maxvelocity=182 m/sec
  | inertia=0.064
  | inertia=0.064
  | warpspeed=2.2 AU/s
  | warpspeed=3.5 AU/s
  | warptime=13.2 s
  | warptime=13.2 s
  | targetrange=48.00 km
  | targetrange=66.40 km
  | sigradius=288 m
  | sigradius=288 m
  | maxlockedtargets=7
  | maxlockedtargets=7
  | sensortype=LADAR
  | sensortype=LADAR
  | sensorvalue=18 points
  | sensorvalue=18 points
  | scanres=155 mm
  | scanres=200 mm
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Battleship|V}}
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Battleship|V}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|IV}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|IV}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Battlecruiser|III}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Battlecruiser|III}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|III}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|III}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Cruiser|III}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Cruiser|III}}
****{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|II}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|II}}
****{{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Destroyer|III}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Destroyer|III}}
*****{{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Frigate|III}}
***** {{RequiredSkill|Minmatar Frigate|III}}
******{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
****** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
*{{RequiredSkill|Black Ops|I}}
* {{RequiredSkill|Black Ops|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Cloaking|IV}}
***{{RequiredSkill|CPU Management|IV}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|CPU Management|IV}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Jump Drive Calibration|IV}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Jump Drive Calibration|IV}}
***{{RequiredSkill|Jump Drive Operation|V}}
*** {{RequiredSkill|Jump Drive Operation|V}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Navigation|V}}
****{{RequiredSkill|Warp Drive Operation|V}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Warp Drive Operation|V}}
***** {{RequiredSkill|Navigation|I}}
**** {{RequiredSkill|Science|V}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|V}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|V}}
  | totaltraintime=120d 8h 6m 0s
  | totaltraintime=120d 8h 6m 0s
Line 86: Line 101:
== Summary ==
''You can write a summary for Panther here.''
The '''Panther''' is the Minmatar [[Black Ops]]. It has four bonuses for projectile turrets and, furthermore, the highest base speed of all battleship hulls. However, because it has a high mass (nearly 150 kt), its [[Propulsion equipment#Sizes and mass effects|speed with a propulsion module]] isn’t as impressive.
Panthers commonly use armor buffer tanks and fill a DPS role. Despite the Panther’s DPS bonuses, which make the five turret hardpoints correspond to ten unbonused turrets, it cannot match the DPS of the [[Redeemer]], which can mount a battery corresponding to twelve unbonused turrets and also usually fits one more damage-bonus module. In most situations, the Panther’s additional mid (typically used for a web) and high (typically used for another energy neutralizer) don’t compensate for the lower DPS.
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Panther for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.''
Due to the Panther’s high base speed, it’s also sometimes fitted for kiting with nanofiber modules. In this configuration, the pilot can pull range with a residual heated MWD cycle while cloaked.
For more info on fittings, please go [[Panther/Fittings|here]]
== Skills ==
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Panther for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.''
== Tactics ==
''No sub-article about Panther roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.''
''No sub-article about Panther roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.''
== Notes ==
''You can write additional notes for Panther here.''
''You can write additional notes for Panther here.''
== Patch History ==
[[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:Black Ops]]
{{Expansion past|
'''20.03 Release - Build: 2013787 - 2022-03-08''' - ''"Road to Fanfest" Update'' ([https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-20-03#Ship-Balancing Patch Notes])
Brand new Role bonuses have been added to all battleships (excluding the Praxis).
* 50% bonus to HP from all Armor Plates
* 100% bonus to HP from all Shield Extenders
* 5% additive bonus to all Reinforced Bulkhead modules, for those with discerning tastes.
'''Version 19.05 - Build: 1913030 - 2021-06-22.1''' - ''Enter the Portal'' ([https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-19-05 Patch Notes])
*Increased the cargo capacity by 100m3.
*Increased maximum target range by 30%.
*New Role Bonus: 50% reduction in Covert Cynosural Generator duration
*New Role Bonus: 650% bonus to ships maximum velocity when using a Cloaking Device (this was previously a Black Ops ship bonus and has been moved into a role bonus).
*Increased role bonus to 75% for reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue.
*Increased the ship Max Velocity by 25%.
*Updated Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
**Incrased the bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage from 5% to 10%.
*Updated Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):
**Added: 7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret tracking speed
**Added: 7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff range.
**Removed: 5% bonus to ship max velocity
**Removed: 125% bonus to ship max velocity when using cloaking devices
'''18.09 Release - Build: 1810288 - 2020-09-22''' - ''"Rolling Thunder" Update'' ([https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-version-18-09 Patch Notes])
''Furthermore, all Black Ops ships are finally getting a Fuel Bay upgrade and there will be improved resistance profiles for Black Ops Battleships.'' - [https://www.eveonline.com/article/qgre3x/rolling-thunder-new-update-on-22-sep CCP Dopamine, Rolling Thunder News Post]
* Fuel bay capacity increased from 1,250 m3 to 2,150 m3 (+900 m3, +72%)
* Resistances increased:
**Shield Resistances
***EM - From 10% to 37%
***Therm - From 24% to 37%
**Armor Resistances
***EM - From 64% to 75%
***Therm - From 38% to 49%
''(stats correspond to a T2 hull resist bonus increase from +10%/+5% EM/Th resists to +37.0%/+21.25% for shield, and +37.5%/+21.54% for armor.)''
'''18.04 Release - Build: 1706308 - 2020-04-15''' - ''"Surgical Strike" Update'' ([https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-18-04-release Patch Notes])
* Increased Scan Resolution by 30% for Marauders and Black Ops
'''October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1'''
''Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.''
* Warp Speed increased from 2.2 AU/s to 3.5 AU/s (+1.3 AU/s)
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Black Ops]]

Revision as of 23:54, 16 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Minmatar Republic
Minmatar Republic
Black Ops
Typhoon Class
High Amount of High Slots
The void is our home, drink deep of its shadows and know no fear.
– Caravanmaster Rani Hrada

Black Ops battleships are designed for infiltration and espionage behind enemy lines. With the use of a short-range jump drive and a portal generator, they are capable of making a special type of jump portal usable only by covert ops vessels. This enables them to stealthily plant reconnaissance and espionage forces in enemy territory. For the final word in clandestine maneuvers, look no further.


Minmatar Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
10% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage
Black Ops bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret tracking
7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff
Role Bonus:
• Can fit Covert Cynosural Field Generator and Covert Jump Portal Generator
• No targeting delay after Cloaking Device deactivation
• Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds
75% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue
50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration
650% bonus to ship max velocity when using Cloaking Devices
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
120d 8h 6m 0s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations
Standard Battleships Typhoon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png7 (6/6) Icon mid slot.png5 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png12,500 MW Icon cpu.png640 tf
Icon velocity.png130 m/sec
Icon capacity.png780 m³
Typhoon Fleet Issue
Typhoon Fleet Issue.jpg
Typhoon Fleet Issue
Faction Battleships Typhoon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (6/6) Icon mid slot.png5 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png13,000 MW Icon cpu.png660 tf
Icon velocity.png138 m/sec
Icon capacity.png750 m³

Ship Attributes

12,750 MW
cpu output
510 tf
5,000 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
182 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
3.5 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
13.2 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
Drone Capacity
drone capacity
175 m³
Drone Bandwidth
drone bandwidth
125 Mbit/sec
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
66.40 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
LADAR Sensor
LADAR sensor strength
18 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
288 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
200 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
4,968 HP
ship mass
148,800,000 kg
ship volume
414,000 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
825 m³
Frigate Escape Bay
Frigate Capacity
1 Frigate
Fuel Capacity
2,150 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
4,375 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
4,968 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Panther is the Minmatar Black Ops. It has four bonuses for projectile turrets and, furthermore, the highest base speed of all battleship hulls. However, because it has a high mass (nearly 150 kt), its speed with a propulsion module isn’t as impressive.

Panthers commonly use armor buffer tanks and fill a DPS role. Despite the Panther’s DPS bonuses, which make the five turret hardpoints correspond to ten unbonused turrets, it cannot match the DPS of the Redeemer, which can mount a battery corresponding to twelve unbonused turrets and also usually fits one more damage-bonus module. In most situations, the Panther’s additional mid (typically used for a web) and high (typically used for another energy neutralizer) don’t compensate for the lower DPS.

Due to the Panther’s high base speed, it’s also sometimes fitted for kiting with nanofiber modules. In this configuration, the pilot can pull range with a residual heated MWD cycle while cloaked.


Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Panther for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.


No sub-article about Panther roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.


You can write additional notes for Panther here.

Patch History