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  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * on editing the attributes, please make sure that you don't
  * leave/misstype any tags required. please follow the same
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  | shipimg=Punisher.jpg
  | shipimg=Punisher.jpg
  | shipname=Punisher
  | shipname=Punisher
| caption=Punisher
  | class=Frigate
  | class=Frigate
  | grouping=Standard Frigates
  | grouping=Standard Frigates
  | hulltype=Punisher Class
  | hulltype=Punisher Class
  | faction=Amarr Empire
  | faction=Amarr Empire  
| race=Amarr
| roles=Close Range Brawler
  | variations={{Ship|Vengeance}},{{Ship|Retribution}}
  | variations={{Ship|Vengeance}},{{Ship|Retribution}}
  | tech=
  | tech=  
| ecmprio=1 <!-- 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = normal, 3 = high, 4 = highest -->
  | powergrid=67 MW
  | powergrid=67 MW
  | cpu=140 tf
  | cpu=140 tf
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  | lows=5
  | lows=5
  | mass=1,190,000 kg
  | mass=1,190,000 kg
  | volume=28,600 m&#179;
  | volume=28,600
  | cargohold=135 m&#179;
  | cargohold=135
  | extrahold=
  | extrahold=
  | extraholdtype=
  | extraholdtype=
  | dronebay=
  | dronebay=
  | bandwidth=
  | bandwidth=
| quote=Harness the Good and punish the Evil.
| quote_attribution=The Scriptures, Book I 1:14
  | info=The Punisher is considered by many to be one of the best Amarr frigates in existence. As evidenced by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels. With its damage output, however, it is also perfectly capable of punching its way right through unwary opponents.
  | info=The Punisher is considered by many to be one of the best Amarr frigates in existence. As evidenced by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels. With its damage output, however, it is also perfectly capable of punching its way right through unwary opponents.
  | bonuses=<b>Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost<br>4% bonus to all armor resistances<br>
  | bonuses=<b>Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):</b><br>
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost<br>
4% bonus to all armor resistances
  | structurehp=450 HP
  | structurehp=450 HP
  | shieldhp=350 HP
  | shieldhp=350 HP
Line 59: Line 59:
  | scanres=640 mm
  | scanres=640 mm
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Amarr Frigate|I}}
  | reqskills=*{{RequiredSkill|Amarr Frigate|I}}
**{{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
** {{RequiredSkill|Spaceship Command|I}}
  | totaltraintime=25m 0s
  | totaltraintime=25m 0s
  | forumlinks=
  | forumlinks=
  | wikireferences=
  | wikireferences=[[Frigates]]<br>
  | externallinks=
  | externallinks=[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SV_sWWIinoheBaGZgL2nUVJGYwnsNJqJ/view T Sky's T1 Frigate Balance Report]
  | highlights1=
  | highlights1=
  | highlights2=
  | highlights2=
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== Summary ==
The Punisher is an Amarr [[Frigates#Damage_Dealer|Combat Frigate]]. The Punisher has the most base hit points and the most turret hardpoints of any Tech I frigate. The ship’s bonuses to armor resistances and laser capacitor cost reinforce these advantages, making it is possible to fit the Punisher for extraordinary tank and damage output. Unfortunately, the Punisher is also unique among combat frigates in having only two mid slots, which means the ship can only fit a single tackle module alongside a propulsion module. The Punisher is also very slow (especially when fitted for armor tank). As a result, the Punisher is not a strong solo PvP ship; opponents can easily keep the Punisher pilot at a distance and escape tackle. Novice Amarr solo pilots are probably better served flying the [[Tormentor]]. On the other hand, the Punisher is popular in small-ship gangs and frigate fleets where it can play the role of general damage dealer or bait, and where fleetmates can provide tackle. The Punisher is also a durable PvE frigate for Level 1 missions and for the Sisters of EVE epic arc. As a result, the Punisher is a great first frigate for new Unistas who want to learn about fitting, weapons, and defensive systems.
The Punisher is an Amarr [[Frigates#Damage Dealer|Combat Frigate]]. The Punisher has the most base hit points, turret hardpoints and powergrid of any Tech I frigate. The ship’s bonuses to armor resistances and laser capacitor cost reinforce these advantages, making it possible to fit the Punisher for extraordinary tank and damage output. Unfortunately, the Punisher is also unique among combat frigates in having only two mid slots, which means the ship can only fit a single tackle module alongside a propulsion module. The Punisher is also very slow (especially when fitted for armor tank). As a result, the Punisher is not a strong solo PvP ship; opponents can easily keep the Punisher pilot at a distance and escape tackle. Novice Amarr solo pilots are probably better served flying the [[Tormentor]]. On the other hand, the Punisher is popular in small-ship gangs and frigate fleets where it can play the role of general damage dealer or bait, and where fleetmates can provide tackle. The Punisher is also a durable PvE frigate for Level 1 missions and for the Sisters of EVE epic arc. As a result, the Punisher is a great first frigate for new Unistas who want to learn about fitting, weapons, and defensive systems.
The Punisher is typically fit with small beam lasers, so that it can hit opponents at any range. By swapping crystal ammo on the fly, Punisher pilots can tune their optimal beam laser range between 8 and 25 km. A Punisher’s low slots are often filled with active or passive armor defense modules, and rig slots with armor rigs. The Punisher’s bonus to armor resistances pairs extremely well with frigate logistics, and a gang of Punishers and [[Inquisitor|Inquisitors]] can be tough to break.
The Punisher is typically fit with small beam lasers, so that it can hit opponents at any range. By swapping crystal ammo on the fly, Punisher pilots can tune their optimal beam laser range between 8 and 25 km. A Punisher’s low slots are often filled with active or passive armor defense modules, and rig slots with armor rigs. The Punisher’s bonus to armor resistances pairs extremely well with frigate logistics, and a gang of Punishers and [[Inquisitor]]s can be tough to break.
== Skills ==
''Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Punisher for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.''
* {{sk|Amarr Frigate}} for the armor resist bonus and {{sk|Hull Upgrades}} to fit a strong armor tank synergize very well. Higher resists make your logi's repairs on you stronger in fleets.
* [[Skills:Armor|Armor Compensation]] skills for each damage type to make armor resistance modules even more effective.
* {{sk|Capacitor Management}}, {{sk|Controlled Bursts}}, {{sk|Fuel Conservation}}, and {{sk|Amarr Frigate}} will all help with capacitor, as the Punisher is a very cap-hungry ship.
== Tactics ==
<wikifit shipid="597" doctrineid="35020" />
PvE-fitted Punishers follow the same basic pattern as other PvE frigates: fit a minimal active tank, an afterburner, and the biggest bonused guns you can. The Punisher’s tank and damage output make it a great beginner's PvE ship, except for one problem: the ship consumes cap like there is no tomorrow, especially when using an armor repairer. Novice Punisher pilots can address this by focusing their skill training on capacitor skills, and especially {{sk|Capacitor Management}}, {{sk|Controlled Bursts}}, {{sk|Fuel Conservation}}, and {{sk|Amarr Frigate}}.
PvP Punishers can play a variety of different roles in fleets and gangs--as traditional damage-dealers, as bait, as anti-support or anti-drone techs, just to name a few. Check with your FC on how your PvP Punisher fits into your fleet’s strategy. One thing to note is that the Punisher lacks a damage bonus for any particular weapons system, so counterintuitively it is not uncommon to see autocannons or blasters fitted onto Punishers in a fleet.
Note this is all subjective, so feel free to add your own opinions. It is also not complete, so feel free to add again.
PvE fitted punishers follow the same basic pattern as all other PVE frigates: fit a minimal active tank, and afterburner, and the biggest bonused guns you can. Being rather tanky due to the resist bonuses while also doing better damage then other ammar frigates, it is the ideal beginner's ships if not for one problem: you eat cap like there is no tomorrow. To fix this, either train up your capacitor skills and controlled bursts, and/or fit a nos in your 4th highslot, fitting skills permitting. Switching to standard crystals instead of multifrequency can also help slightly if you need that one extra rep cycle, but should not relied on.
In solo PvP, you will almost always lack range control given you only have 2 mid-slots (no room for a web) so your initial positioning is everything.
PvP fits break down first by active or passive tank. One variant of note is the laser active tanked variant, sometimes called a "bleeder" fit. These use a nos in the highslots and a massive active tank, with the aim of eliminating almost all of the incoming dps, and slowly grinding the opponent down.
== Notes ==
Flying solo or in a small group, the aim is find a compromise between sitting at your optimal and avoiding being in your opponents optimal. For laser ships, this normally involves using scorch, and sitting close to the edge of nos or scram range depending on your fitting, which puts you outside the effective range of blaster and autocannon fitted ships. However, due to only having two mid-slots, your range advantage is lost if the opponent is able to fit a web, so pick your targets with care.
''You can add notes here.''
''You can add notes here.''
[[Category:Ship Database]][[Category:Standard Frigates]]
[[Category:Ship Database]]
[[Category:Standard Frigates]]

Latest revision as of 16:22, 17 November 2024

EVE University Database
Ship Database
Amarr Empire
Amarr Empire
Standard Frigates
Punisher Class
Harness the Good and punish the Evil.
– The Scriptures, Book I 1:14

The Punisher is considered by many to be one of the best Amarr frigates in existence. As evidenced by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels. With its damage output, however, it is also perfectly capable of punching its way right through unwary opponents.


Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
4% bonus to all armor resistances

Required Skills
Training Time what's this?
25m 0s
Estimated training time only for the listed skills based on zero implants and without neural remaps.
▪ Variations
Assault Frigates Punisher Class
Icon hi slot.png5 (4/3) Icon mid slot.png3 Icon low slot.png4
Icon powergrid.png46 MW Icon cpu.png170 tf
Icon velocity.png295 m/sec
Icon capacity.png210 m³
Assault Frigates Punisher Class
Icon hi slot.png5 (0/4) Icon mid slot.png2 Icon low slot.png5
Icon powergrid.png62 MW Icon cpu.png140 tf
Icon velocity.png275 m/sec
Icon capacity.png135 m³

Ship Attributes

67 MW
cpu output
140 tf
400 GJ
high slots
launcher slots
turret slots
medium slots
low slots
Max Velocity
max. velocity
355 m/sec
Inertia Modifier
inertia modifier (agility)
Warp Speed
inertia modifier (agility)
5 AU/s
Base Time to Warp
base time to warp
4.78 s
what's this?
Base Time to Warp is essentially the time needed for this ship to align and accelerate until it reaches 75% of its top speed and goes to warp. The time displayed here is the base calculated time with no account for any warp related skills, modules or any other effects.
No drone bay.
Max Tgt. Range
max. targeting range
25.00 km
Max Locked Targets
max. locked targets
RADAR Sensor
RADAR sensor strength
10 points
Sig. Radius
signature radius
37 m
Scan Res.
scan resolution
640 mm
Structure Hitpoints
structure hitpoints
450 HP
ship mass
1,190,000 kg
ship volume
28,600 m³
Cargo Capacity
cargo capacity
135 m³
Armor Hitpoints
armor hitpoints
500 HP
Armor Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance
Shield Capacity
shield hitpoints
350 HP
Shield Resistances
electromagnetic resistance
thermal resistance
kinetic resistance
explosive resistance


The Punisher is an Amarr Combat Frigate. The Punisher has the most base hit points, turret hardpoints and powergrid of any Tech I frigate. The ship’s bonuses to armor resistances and laser capacitor cost reinforce these advantages, making it possible to fit the Punisher for extraordinary tank and damage output. Unfortunately, the Punisher is also unique among combat frigates in having only two mid slots, which means the ship can only fit a single tackle module alongside a propulsion module. The Punisher is also very slow (especially when fitted for armor tank). As a result, the Punisher is not a strong solo PvP ship; opponents can easily keep the Punisher pilot at a distance and escape tackle. Novice Amarr solo pilots are probably better served flying the Tormentor. On the other hand, the Punisher is popular in small-ship gangs and frigate fleets where it can play the role of general damage dealer or bait, and where fleetmates can provide tackle. The Punisher is also a durable PvE frigate for Level 1 missions and for the Sisters of EVE epic arc. As a result, the Punisher is a great first frigate for new Unistas who want to learn about fitting, weapons, and defensive systems.

The Punisher is typically fit with small beam lasers, so that it can hit opponents at any range. By swapping crystal ammo on the fly, Punisher pilots can tune their optimal beam laser range between 8 and 25 km. A Punisher’s low slots are often filled with active or passive armor defense modules, and rig slots with armor rigs. The Punisher’s bonus to armor resistances pairs extremely well with frigate logistics, and a gang of Punishers and Inquisitors can be tough to break.



PvE-fitted Punishers follow the same basic pattern as other PvE frigates: fit a minimal active tank, an afterburner, and the biggest bonused guns you can. The Punisher’s tank and damage output make it a great beginner's PvE ship, except for one problem: the ship consumes cap like there is no tomorrow, especially when using an armor repairer. Novice Punisher pilots can address this by focusing their skill training on capacitor skills, and especially Capacitor Management, Controlled Bursts, Fuel Conservation, and Amarr Frigate.

PvP Punishers can play a variety of different roles in fleets and gangs--as traditional damage-dealers, as bait, as anti-support or anti-drone techs, just to name a few. Check with your FC on how your PvP Punisher fits into your fleet’s strategy. One thing to note is that the Punisher lacks a damage bonus for any particular weapons system, so counterintuitively it is not uncommon to see autocannons or blasters fitted onto Punishers in a fleet.

In solo PvP, you will almost always lack range control given you only have 2 mid-slots (no room for a web) so your initial positioning is everything.


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